| | Publication Year | Title | Author(s) |
| 201 | 2022 | Effects and safety of Chinese herbal medicine on inflammatory biomarkers in cardiovascular diseases: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. | Li, Mingdi; Zhou, Iris Wenyu; Trevillyan, Janine ; Hearps, Anna C; Zhang, Anthony Lin; Jaworowski, Anthony |
| 202 | 2018 | Effects of the Australian National Hand Hygiene Initiative after 8 years on infection control practices, health-care worker education, and clinical outcomes: a longitudinal study. | Grayson, M Lindsay ; Stewardson, Andrew J; Russo, Philip L; Ryan, Kate E; Olsen, Karen L ; Havers, Sally M ; Greig, Susan; Cruickshank, Marilyn |
| 203 | 1-Sep-2023 | Efficacy of a Clinical Decision Rule to Enable Direct Oral Challenge in Patients With Low-Risk Penicillin Allergy: The PALACE Randomized Clinical Trial. | Copaescu, Ana Maria; Vogrin, Sara; James, Fiona L ; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Rose, Morgan T ; De Luca, Joseph; Waldron, Jamie; Awad, Andrew; Godsell, Jack; Mitri, Elise A ; Lambros, Belinda; Douglas, Abby ; Youcef Khoudja, Rabea; Isabwe, Ghislaine A C; Genest, Genevieve; Fein, Michael; Radojicic, Cristine; Collier, Ann; Lugar, Patricia; Stone, Cosby; Ben-Shoshan, Moshe; Turner, Nicholas A; Holmes, Natasha E ; Phillips, Elizabeth J; Trubiano, Jason A |
| 204 | 21-Nov-2005 | Efficacy of an alcohol/chlorhexidine hand hygiene program in a hospital with high rates of nosocomial methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection. | Johnson, Paul D R ; Martin, Rhea D; Burrell, Laurelle J; Grabsch, Elizabeth A ; Kirsa, Susan W; O'Keeffe, Jason; Mayall, Barrie C; Edmonds, Deidre; Barr, Wendy; Bolger, Christopher; Naidoo, Humsha; Grayson, M Lindsay |
| 205 | 25-Sep-2017 | Efficacy of oral vancomycin in recurrent primary sclerosing cholangitis following liver transplantation. | Hey, Penelope ; Lokan, Julie ; Johnson, Paul D R ; Gow, Paul |
| 206 | 1-Feb-2009 | Efficacy of soap and water and alcohol-based hand-rub preparations against live H1N1 influenza virus on the hands of human volunteers. | Grayson, M Lindsay ; Melvani, Sharmila; Druce, Julian; Barr, Ian G; Ballard, Susan A; Johnson, Paul D R ; Mastorakos, Tasoula; Birch, Christopher |
| 207 | 3-Jun-2013 | Electronic estimations of renal function are inaccurate in solid-organ transplant recipients and can result in significant underdosing of prophylactic valganciclovir. | Trevillyan, J ; Angus, Peter W ; Shelton, E; Whitlam, J ; Ierino, F; Pavlovic, J ; Gregory, D; Urbancic, K ; Torresi, Joseph ; Testro, Adam G ; Grayson, M Lindsay |
| 208 | 20-Apr-2015 | Eliminating hepatitis B by antagonizing cellular inhibitors of apoptosis. | Ebert, Gregor; Allison, Cody; Preston, Simon; Cooney, James; Toe, Jesse G; Stutz, Michael D; Ojaimi, Samar; Baschuk, Nikola; Nachbur, Ueli; Torresi, Joseph ; Silke, John; Begley, C Glenn; Pellegrini, Marc |
| 209 | 2018 | Elucidating the Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics of Aerosolized Colistin against Multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii and Klebsiella pneumoniae in a Mouse Lung Infection Model | Lin, Yu-Wei; Zhou, Qi Tony; Han, Mei-Ling; Chen, Ke; Onufrak, Nikolas J; Wang, Jiping; Turnidge, John D; Howden, Benjamin P ; Forrest, Alan; Chan, Hak-Kim; Li, Jian |
| 210 | 3-Dec-2021 | Emergence and global spread of Listeria monocytogenes main clinical clonal complex. | Moura, Alexandra; Lefrancq, Noémie; Wirth, Thierry; Leclercq, Alexandre; Borges, Vítor; Gilpin, Brent; Dallman, Timothy J; Frey, Joachim; Franz, Eelco; Nielsen, Eva M; Thomas, Juno; Pightling, Arthur; Howden, Benjamin P ; Tarr, Cheryl L; Gerner-Smidt, Peter; Cauchemez, Simon; Salje, Henrik; Brisse, Sylvain; Lecuit, Marc |
| 211 | 2024 | Emergence of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales (CPE) in patients with severe COVID-19 infection and successful control in intensive care. | Longhitano, Anthony; Campbell, Duncan; Mothobi, Nomvuyo; McKenzie, Alison; Bartolo, Caroline; Saha, Sajal; Sherry, Norelle L ; Athan, Eugene |
| 212 | Dec-2016 | Emergence of endemic MLST non-typeable vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium | Carter, Glen P; Buultjens, Andrew H; Ballard, Susan A; Baines, Sarah L; Tomita, Takehiro; Johnson, Paul D R ; Ferguson, John K; Seemann, Torsten; Stinear, Timothy P; Howden, Benjamin P ; Strachan, Janet |
| 213 | Jul-2017 | Emergence of multidrug resistance in locally-acquired human infections with Salmonella Typhimurium in Australia owing to a new clade harbouring blaCTX-M-9. | Sparham, Sarah J; Kwong, Jason C ; Valcanis, Mary; Easton, Marion; Trott, Darren J; Seemann, Torsten; Stinear, Timothy P; Howden, Benjamin P |
| 214 | 2018 | Emerging Gram negative resistance to last-line antimicrobial agents fosfomycin, colistin and ceftazidime-avibactam - epidemiology, laboratory detection and treatment implications. | Sherry, Norelle; Howden, Benjamin P |
| 215 | 14-May-2012 | Enhanced apoptosis in post-liver transplant hepatitis C: effects of virus and immunosuppressants. | Lim, Eu Jin ; Chin, Ruth; Angus, Peter W ; Torresi, Joseph |
| 216 | 1-Jul-2014 | Epidemiology and management of Buruli ulcer. | Huang, Gene Khai Lin; Johnson, Paul D R |
| 217 | 24-Apr-2014 | The epidemiology of bacteriuria and candiduria in critically ill patients. | Aubron, C; Suzuki, Satoshi; Glassford, Neil J; Garcia-Alvarez, Mercedes; Howden, Benjamin P ; Bellomo, Rinaldo |
| 218 | Aug-2023 | The epidemiology of ketosis and low bicarbonate concentration in inpatients treated with sodium-glucose linked cotransporter inhibitors or dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors. | Huang, Warren ; Whitelaw, Jack; Kishore, Kartik ; Neto, Ary Serpa; Holmes, Natasha E ; Marhoon, Nada ; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; Ekinci, Elif I |
| 219 | 1-Mar-2015 | The epidemiology of sepsis during rapid response team reviews in a teaching hospital. | Cross, G; Bilgrami, I; Eastwood, Glenn M ; Johnson, Paul D R ; Howden, Benjamin P ; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; Jones, Daryl A |
| 220 | 19-Jan-2023 | The epidemiology of the COVID-19 pandemic in the small, low-resource country of Timor-Leste, January 2020 - June 2022. | Niha, Maria Av; Draper, Anthony Dk; Viegas, Odete da Silva; de Araujo, Rui M; Joao, Josefina C; da Silva, Endang; Barreto, Ismail; Sarmento, Nevio; Oakley, Tessa; Machado, Filipe de Neri; Fancourt, Nicholas Ss; Marr, Ian; Dos Santos Fernandes, Liliana N; Martins, Noemia; Arkell, Paul; Tilman, Ari Jp; Dingle, Benjamin; Freitas, Carlito C; Bhowmick, Partha S; Sheridan, Sarah; Howden, Benjamin P ; Yan, Jennifer; Francis, Joshua R; Martins, Nelson |