| | Publication Year | Title | Author(s) |
| 41 | 1-Jan-2020 | Antimicrobial anaphylaxis: the changing face of severe antimicrobial allergy. | Hall, Victoria; Wong, Micah; Munsif, Maitri; Stevenson, Brittany R; Elliott, Katie; Lucas, Michaela; Baird, Ashleigh J; Athan, Eugene; Young, Melissa; Pickles, Robert; Cheng, Allen C; Stewardson, Andrew J; Aung, Ar K; Trubiano, Jason |
| 42 | Dec-2023 | Antimicrobial resistance and its detection in Staphylococcus saprophyticus urinary isolates. | Chua, Kyra Y L ; Yang, May; Wong, Lillian; Knox, James; Lee, Lai-Yang |
| 43 | 1-Jan-2011 | Antimicrobial resistance: Not community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA)! A clinician's guide to community MRSA - its evolving antimicrobial resistance and implications for therapy. | Chua, Kyra Y L ; Laurent, Frederic; Coombs, Geoffrey W; Grayson, M Lindsay ; Howden, Benjamin P |
| 44 | 2015 | An Approach to a Pulmonary Infiltrate in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients | Trubiano, Jason ; Chen, Sharon; Slavin, Monica A |
| 45 | Feb-2022 | Are NKT cells a useful predictor of COVID-19 severity? | Koay, Hui-Fern; Gherardin, Nicholas A; Nguyen, Thi H O; Zhang, Wuji; Habel, Jennifer R; Seneviratna, Rebecca; James, Fiona L ; Holmes, Natasha E ; Smibert, Olivia C ; Gordon, Claire L ; Trubiano, Jason ; Kedzierska, Katherine; Godfrey, Dale I |
| 46 | May-2020 | Are surgical masks manufactured from sterilisation wrap safe? | Grigg, Samuel E ; Zampiron, Andrea; Akbaridoust, Farzan; Chandran, Dileep; Holmes, Natasha E ; Johnson, Paul D R ; Marusic, Ivan; Jones, Daryl A |
| 47 | 5-Mar-2016 | The art of managing medical uncertainty | Johnson, Paul D R ; Hoi, Alberta |
| 48 | Feb-2023 | Assessing Low-Risk Penicillin Allergies in Critical COVID-19, A Novel Perspective on an Emerging Antibiotic Allergy Opportunity. | Rose, Morgan T ; Trubiano, Jason |
| 49 | 5-Jun-2023 | Assessing the safety profile of voriconazole use in suspected COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis-a two-centre observational study. | Costa-Pinto, Rahul; Klink, Sarah; Rotherham, Hannah; Perera, Padeepa; Finlay, Liam; Urbancic, Karen F ; Vaz, Karl; Trubiano, Jason ; Bellomo, Rinaldo |
| 50 | Apr-2022 | The assessment of severe cutaneous adverse drug reactions | Copaescu, Ana M; Trubiano, Jason |
| 51 | 1-Oct-2013 | Assessment of the BD GeneOhm MRSA ACP assay using combined swabs for the detection of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) colonisation. | Grabsch, Elizabeth A ; Xie, Shirley; Szczurek, Patricia B; Grayson, M Lindsay ; Howden, Benjamin P |
| 52 | 1-Mar-2010 | Association between severe pandemic 2009 influenza A (H1N1) virus infection and immunoglobulin G(2) subclass deficiency. | Gordon, C L; Johnson, Paul D R ; Permezel, M; Holmes, Natasha E ; Gutteridge, Geoffrey A; McDonald, Christine F ; Eisen, D P; Stewardson, Andrew J; Edington, J; Charles, Patrick G P ; Crinis, N ; Black, M Jane; Torresi, Joseph ; Grayson, M Lindsay |
| 53 | 29-Jul-2021 | Asystolic cardiac arrest following liposomal amphotericin B infusion: anaphylaxis or compliment activation-related pseudoallergy? | Drewett, George P ; Copaescu, Ana ; DeLuca, Joseph; Holmes, Natasha E ; Trubiano, Jason |
| 54 | Apr-2016 | Australasian Society of Infectious Diseases updated guidelines for the management of Clostridium difficile infection in adults and children in Australia and New Zealand | Trubiano, Jason ; Cheng, AC; Korman, TM; Roder, C; Campbell, A ; May, MLA; Blyth, CC; Ferguson, JK; Blackmore, TK; Riley, TV; Athan, E |
| 55 | 3-Aug-2009 | Australia's influenza containment plan and the swine flu epidemic in Victoria. | Grayson, M Lindsay ; Johnson, Paul D R |
| 56 | Aug-2019 | Australia's response to the global threat of antimicrobial resistance: past, present and future. | Davis, Joshua S; Jones, Cheryl A; Cheng, Allen C; Howden, Benjamin P |
| 57 | 3-Apr-2020 | Australian consensus statements for the regulation, production and use of faecal microbiota transplantation in clinical practice. | Haifer, Craig; Kelly, Colleen R; Paramsothy, Sudarshan; Andresen, David; Papanicolas, Lito E; McKew, Genevieve L; Borody, Thomas J; Kamm, Michael; Costello, Samuel P; Andrews, Jane M; Begun, Jakob; Chan, Hiu Tat; Connor, Susan; Ghaly, Simon; Johnson, Paul D R ; Lemberg, Daniel A; Paramsothy, Ramesh; Redmond, Andrew; Sheorey, Harsha; van der Poorten, David; Leong, Rupert W |
| 58 | Jan-2023 | Australian Donation and Transplantation Biobank: A Research Biobank Integrated Within a Deceased Organ and Tissue Donation Program. | Sharma, Varun J; Starkey, Graham M ; D'Costa, Rohit; James, Fiona L ; Mouhtouris, Effie ; Davis, Lisa; Wang, Boa Zhong; Vago, Angela ; Raman, Jaishankar; Mackay, Laura K; Opdam, Helen I ; Jones, Robert M ; Grayson, M Lindsay ; Martin, Dominique E; Gordon, Claire L |
| 59 | 30-Sep-2014 | Australian Enterococcal Sepsis Outcome Progamme, 2011. | Coombs, Geoffrey W; Pearson, Julie C; Le, Tam; Daly, Denise A; Robinson, James O; Gottlieb, Thomas; Howden, Benjamin P ; Johnson, Paul D R ; Bennett, Catherine M; Stinear, Timothy P; Turnidge, John D |
| 60 | 31-Dec-2014 | Australian Enterococcal Sepsis Outcome Programme annual report, 2013. | Coombs, Geoffrey W; Pearson, Julie C; Daly, Denise A; Le, Tam T; Robinson, James O; Gottlieb, Thomas; Howden, Benjamin P ; Johnson, Paul D R ; Bennett, Catherine M; Stinear, Timothy P; Turnidge, John D |