| | Publication Year | Title | Author(s) |
| 1 | Nov-2024 | Adult penicillin allergy programmes in Australian hospitals: a practical guide from the National Antibiotic Allergy Network. | Hannah, Rory; Mitri, Elise A ; Katelaris, Constance H; O'Hern, Jennifer; Avent, Minyon; Valoppi, Glenn; Rawlins, Matthew; Frith, Catherine; McMullan, Brendan; Kong, David; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Legg, Amy; James, Rod; Janson, Sonja; Hawkins, Carolyn; Randall, Katrina; Ierano, Courtney; Thursky, Karin; Trubiano, Jason |
| 2 | 1-Oct-2024 | Effectiveness of direct delabelling of allergy labels in type A adverse drug reactions to penicillin: a multicentre hospitalwide prospective cohort study. | Drummond, Kate; Vogrin, Sara; Lambros, Belinda; Trubiano, Jason ; Mitri, Elise A |
| 3 | Jul-2024 | The International Network of Antibiotic Allergy Nations (iNAAN): Implementation of Multidisciplinary Penicillin Allergy Delabeling Health Service Programs | Mitri, Elise A ; Vogrin, Sara; Fletcher, Luke; James, Fiona; Turner, Maureen; Ierano, Courtney; Roberts, Jason; Fernando, Suran; De Luca, Joseph; Holmes, Natasha E; Trubiano, Jason A |
| 4 | Jul-2024 | Durability of penicillin allergy delabeling and post-testing penicillin utilisation in adults with immune compromise. | Rose, Morgan T ; Mitri, Elise A ; Vogrin, Sara; Holmes, Natasha E ; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Slavin, Monica A; Trubiano, Jason |
| 5 | Jul-2024 | Direct Oral Challenge for Low-Risk Sulfonamide Allergy: Safety and Antimicrobial Stewardship Impacts in Hospitalised Patients. | Mitri, Elise A ; Waldron, Jamie; Cox, Fionnuala; Chua, Kyra; Hall, Rebecca; McInnes, Kerryn; Reynolds, Gemma; Holmes, Natasha E; Trubiano, Jason A |
| 6 | Mar-2024 | The Death of Desensitization-Delabeling the Destroyer. | Cox, Fionnuala; Mitri, Elise A ; Trubiano, Jason |
| 7 | 2024 | Low-risk penicillin allergy delabeling: a scoping review of direct oral challenge practice, implementation, and multi-disciplinary approaches. | Mitri, Elise A ; Reynolds, Gemma; Hornung, Catherine J; Trubiano, Jason |
| 8 | 14-Nov-2023 | Assessment of inter-rater reliability of screening tools to identify patients at risk of medication-related problems across the emergency department continuum of care. | D'lima, Jessica; Taylor, Simone E ; Mitri, Elise A ; Harding, Andrew M ; Lai, Jerry; Manias, Elizabeth |
| 9 | 1-Sep-2023 | Efficacy of a Clinical Decision Rule to Enable Direct Oral Challenge in Patients With Low-Risk Penicillin Allergy: The PALACE Randomized Clinical Trial. | Copaescu, Ana Maria; Vogrin, Sara; James, Fiona L ; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Rose, Morgan T ; De Luca, Joseph; Waldron, Jamie; Awad, Andrew; Godsell, Jack; Mitri, Elise A ; Lambros, Belinda; Douglas, Abby ; Youcef Khoudja, Rabea; Isabwe, Ghislaine A C; Genest, Genevieve; Fein, Michael; Radojicic, Cristine; Collier, Ann; Lugar, Patricia; Stone, Cosby; Ben-Shoshan, Moshe; Turner, Nicholas A; Holmes, Natasha E ; Phillips, Elizabeth J; Trubiano, Jason A |
| 10 | 5-Jul-2023 | The Who, What, When and Where of Inpatient Direct Oral Penicillin Challenge - Implications for health services implementation. | Trubiano, Jason ; Vogrin, S; Mitri, Elise A ; Hall, R; Copaescu, Ana ; Waldron, J; De Luca, J; Rose, Morgan T ; Mackay, G; Lambros, B; Douglas, A P; Holmes, Natasha E ; Chua, Kyra Y L |
| 11 | 2023 | Improving the safety of anticoagulation initiation in patients discharged from the emergency department. | Harding, Andrew M ; Mitri, Elise A ; Yeoh, Michael J |
| 12 | 6-Jul-2022 | Development of Screening Tools to Predict Medication-Related Problems Across the Continuum of Emergency Department Care: A Prospective, Multicenter Study. | Taylor, Simone E ; Mitri, Elise A ; Harding, Andrew M ; Taylor, David McD ; Weeks, Adrian; Abbott, Leonie; Lambros, Pani; Lawrence, Dona; Strumpman, Dana; Senturk-Raif, Reyhan; Louey, Stephen; Crisp, Hamish; Tomlinson, Emily; Manias, Elizabeth |
| 13 | Jun-2020 | Comprehensive identification of medication-related problems occurring prior to, during and after emergency department presentation: An Australian multicentre, prospective, observational study. | Taylor, Simone E ; Mitri, Elise A ; Harding, Andrew M ; Taylor, David McD ; Weeks, Adrian; Abbott, Leonie; Lambros, Pani; Lawrence, Dona; Strumpman, Dana; Senturk-Raif, Reyhan; Louey, Stephen; Crisp, Hamish; Tomlinson, Emily; Manias, Elizabeth |