| | Publication Year | Title | Author(s) |
| 401 | 16-Jul-2019 | The epileptic network of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome: Cortically driven and reproducible across age. | Warren, Aaron E L; Harvey, A Simon; Vogrin, Simon J; Bailey, Catherine; Davidson, Andrew; Jackson, Graeme D ; Abbott, David F ; Archer, John S |
| 402 | 9-Aug-2018 | Episodic Memory and Learning Dysfunction Over an 18-Month Period in Preclinical and Prodromal Alzheimer's Disease. | Baker, Jenalle E; Ying Lim, Yen; Jaeger, Judith; Ames, David; Lautenschlager, Nicola T; Robertson, Joanne; Pietrzak, Robert H; Snyder, Peter J; Villemagne, Victor L ; Rowe, Christopher C ; Masters, Colin L ; Maruff, Paul |
| 403 | Sep-2022 | Establishment of the Heart and Brain Team for Patent Foramen Ovale Closure in Stroke Patients: An Expert Opinion. | Kim, Jong S; Thijs, Vincent N ; Yudi, Matias B ; Toyoda, Kazunori; Shiozawa, Masayuki; Zening, Jin; Clapp, Brian; Albers, Bert; Diener, Hans-Christoph |
| 404 | 11-Jun-2018 | Estimates of age-related memory decline are inflated by unrecognized Alzheimer's disease. | Harrington, Karra D; Schembri, Adrian; Lim, Yen Ying; Dang, Christa; Ames, David; Hassenstab, Jason; Laws, Simon M; Rainey-Smith, Stephanie R; Robertson, Joanne; Rowe, Christopher C ; Sohrabi, Hamid R; Salvado, Olivier; Weinborn, Michael; Villemagne, Victor L ; Masters, Colin L ; Maruff, Paul |
| 405 | Jan-2016 | Estimating glomerular filtration rate: performance of the CKD-EPI equation over time in patients with type 2 diabetes | Wood, Anna J; Churilov, Leonid ; Perera, Nayomi; Thomas, David; Poon, Aurora M T ; MacIsaac, Richard J; Jerums, George ; Ekinci, Elif I |
| 406 | 18-Nov-2021 | Estimating nocturnal stroke onset times by magnetic resonance imaging in the WAKE-UP trial. | Cheng, Bastian; Pinnschmidt, Hans; Königsberg, Alina; Schlemm, Eckhard; Boutitie, Florent; Ebinger, Martin; Endres, Matthias; Fiebach, Jochen B; Fiehler, Jens; Galinovic, Ivana; Lemmens, Robin; Muir, Keith W; Pedraza, Salvador; Puig, Josep; Simonsen, Claus Z; Thijs, Vincent N ; Wouters, Anke; Gerloff, Christian; Thomalla, Götz |
| 407 | 18-Sep-2008 | Estimating the prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing in community-based, long-term stroke survivors using a validated predictive model. | Pearce, Dora C; Cadilhac, Dominique A; Pierce, Robert J; Thrift, Amanda G; David, Stephen; Donnan, Geoffrey A |
| 408 | 7-Jun-2013 | Etiology of hippocampal sclerosis: evidence for a predisposing familial morphologic anomaly. | Tsai, Meng-Han; Pardoe, Heath R; Perchyonok, Yuliya ; Fitt, Gregory J ; Scheffer, Ingrid E ; Jackson, Graeme D ; Berkovic, Samuel F |
| 409 | 1-Aug-2007 | Evaluating atypical dementia syndromes using positron emission tomography with carbon 11 labeled Pittsburgh Compound B. | Ng, Steven Y; Villemagne, Victor L ; Masters, Colin L ; Rowe, Christopher C |
| 410 | 15-Jan-2015 | Evaluating the effects of increasing physical activity to optimize rehabilitation outcomes in hospitalized older adults (MOVE Trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. | Said, Catherine M ; Morris, Meg E; McGinley, Jennifer L; Szoeke, Cassandra; Workman, Barbara; Liew, Danny; Hill, Keith; Woodward, Michael M ; Wittwer, Joanne E; Churilov, Leonid ; Ventura, Cameron; Bernhardt, Julie |
| 411 | 23-Apr-2013 | The evaluation and management of acute concussion differs in young children. | Davis, Gavin A ; Purcell, Laura K |
| 412 | 8-Jun-2019 | Evaluation of attention in APP/PS1 mice reveals impulsive and compulsive behaviours. | Shepherd, A; May, C; Churilov, Leonid ; Adlard, P A; Hannan, A J; Burrows, E L |
| 413 | Jan-2021 | Evaluation of attention in APP/PS1 mice shows impulsive and compulsive behaviours. | Shepherd, Amy; May, Carlos; Churilov, Leonid ; Adlard, Paul A; Hannan, Anthony J; Burrows, Emma L |
| 414 | 2017 | Evaluation of Cholinergic Deficiency in Preclinical Alzheimer's Disease Using Pupillometry. | Frost, Shaun; Robinson, Liam; Rowe, Christopher C ; Ames, David; Masters, Colin L ; Taddei, Kevin; Rainey-Smith, Stephanie R; Martins, Ralph N; Kanagasingam, Yogesan |
| 415 | 6-Aug-2020 | Evaluation of GammaH2AX in Buccal Cells as a Molecular Biomarker of DNA Damage in Alzheimer's Disease in the AIBL Study of Ageing. | Siddiqui, Mohammad Sabbir; Francois, Maxime; Rainey-Smith, Stephanie; Martins, Ralph; Masters, Colin L ; Ames, David; Rowe, Christopher C ; Macaulay, Lance S; Fenech, Michael F; Leifert, Wayne R |
| 416 | Apr-2018 | An evaluation of global coagulation assays in myeloproliferative neoplasm. | Lim, Hui Y; Ng, Cheryl; Rigano, Joseph; Tacey, Mark A ; Donnan, Geoffrey A ; Nandurkar, Harshal; Ho, Prahlad |
| 417 | 27-May-2022 | The evaluation of overall hemostatic potential assay in patients with COVID-19 infection. | Lee, Niki; Wang, Julie; Brook, Rowena; Monagle, Paul; Donnan, Geoffrey A ; Nandurkar, Harshal; Ho, Prahlad; Lim, Hui Yin |
| 18 | 10-Apr-2023 | Evaluation of techniques to improve a deep learning algorithm for the automatic detection of intracranial haemorrhage on CT head imaging. | Yeo, Melissa; Tahayori, Bahman; Kok, Hong Kuan; Maingard, Julian; Kutaiba, Numan ; Russell, Jeremy H ; Thijs, Vincent N ; Jhamb, Ashu; Chandra, Ronil V; Brooks, Mark; Barras, Christen D; Asadi, Hamed |
| 19 | Jan-2021 | Evaluation of the diagnostic performance of the creatinine-based Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration equation in people with diabetes: A systematic review. | Zafari, Neda; Churilov, Leonid ; Wong, L Y-L; Lotfaliany, M; Hachem, Mariam; Kiburg, K V; Kong, Lingyun; Torkamani, Niloufar ; Baxter, Helen ; MacIsaac, R J; Ekinci, Elif I |
| 20 | Aug-2022 | Event-based modeling in temporal lobe epilepsy demonstrates progressive atrophy from cross-sectional data. | Lopez, Seymour M; Aksman, Leon M; Oxtoby, Neil P; Vos, Sjoerd B; Rao, Jun; Kaestner, Erik; Alhusaini, Saud; Alvim, Marina; Bender, Benjamin; Bernasconi, Andrea; Bernasconi, Neda; Bernhardt, Boris; Bonilha, Leonardo; Caciagli, Lorenzo; Caldairou, Benoit; Caligiuri, Maria Eugenia; Calvet, Angels; Cendes, Fernando; Concha, Luis; Conde-Blanco, Estefania; Davoodi-Bojd, Esmaeil; de Bézenac, Christophe; Delanty, Norman; Desmond, Patricia M; Devinsky, Orrin; Domin, Martin; Duncan, John S; Focke, Niels K; Foley, Sonya; Fortunato, Francesco; Galovic, Marian; Gambardella, Antonio; Gleichgerrcht, Ezequiel; Guerrini, Renzo; Hamandi, Khalid; Ives-Deliperi, Victoria; Jackson, Graeme D ; Jahanshad, Neda; Keller, Simon S; Kochunov, Peter; Kotikalapudi, Raviteja; Kreilkamp, Barbara A K; Labate, Angelo; Larivière, Sara; Lenge, Matteo; Lui, Elaine; Malpas, Charles; Martin, Pascal; Mascalchi, Mario; Medland, Sarah E; Meletti, Stefano; Morita-Sherman, Marcia E; Owen, Thomas W; Richardson, Mark; Riva, Antonella; Rüber, Theodor; Sinclair, Ben; Soltanian-Zadeh, Hamid; Stein, Dan J; Striano, Pasquale; Taylor, Peter N; Thomopoulos, Sophia I; Thompson, Paul M; Tondelli, Manuela; Vaudano, Anna Elisabetta; Vivash, Lucy; Wang, Yujiang; Weber, Bernd; Whelan, Christopher D; Wiest, Roland; Winston, Gavin P; Yasuda, Clarissa Lin; McDonald, Carrie R; Alexander, Daniel C; Sisodiya, Sanjay M; Altmann, Andre |