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Title: Evaluation of techniques to improve a deep learning algorithm for the automatic detection of intracranial haemorrhage on CT head imaging.
Austin Authors: Yeo, Melissa;Tahayori, Bahman;Kok, Hong Kuan;Maingard, Julian;Kutaiba, Numan ;Russell, Jeremy H ;Thijs, Vincent N ;Jhamb, Ashu;Chandra, Ronil V;Brooks, Mark;Barras, Christen D;Asadi, Hamed 
Affiliation: Melbourne Medical School, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Department of Biomedical Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Interventional Radiology Service, Department of Radiology, Northern Health, Epping, VIC, Australia.;School of Medicine, Faculty of Health, Deakin University, Burwood, VIC, Australia.
School of Medicine, Faculty of Health, Deakin University, Burwood, VIC, Australia.;Interventional Neuroradiology Unit, Monash Health, Clayton, VIC, Australia.;Faculty of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, VIC, Australia.;Department of Radiology, St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
Department of Radiology, St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Interventional Neuroradiology Unit, Monash Health, Clayton, VIC, Australia.;Faculty of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, VIC, Australia.
Melbourne Medical School, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.;School of Medicine, Faculty of Health, Deakin University, Burwood, VIC, Australia.;Stroke Theme, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.;Interventional Neuroradiology Service, Department of Radiology, Austin Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
South Australian Institute of Health and Medical Research, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.;School of Medicine, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.
Melbourne Medical School, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.;School of Medicine, Faculty of Health, Deakin University, Burwood, VIC, Australia.;Interventional Neuroradiology Unit, Monash Health, Clayton, VIC, Australia.;Department of Radiology, St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.;Stroke Theme, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.;Interventional Neuroradiology Service, Department of Radiology, Austin Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
IBM Research Australia, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Issue Date: 10-Apr-2023
Date: 2023
Publication information: European Radiology Experimental 2023; 7(1)
Abstract: Deep learning (DL) algorithms are playing an increasing role in automatic medical image analysis. To evaluate the performance of a DL model for the automatic detection of intracranial haemorrhage and its subtypes on non-contrast CT (NCCT) head studies and to compare the effects of various preprocessing and model design implementations. The DL algorithm was trained and externally validated on open-source, multi-centre retrospective data containing radiologist-annotated NCCT head studies. The training dataset was sourced from four research institutions across Canada, the USA and Brazil. The test dataset was sourced from a research centre in India. A convolutional neural network (CNN) was used, with its performance compared against similar models with additional implementations: (1) a recurrent neural network (RNN) attached to the CNN, (2) preprocessed CT image-windowed inputs and (3) preprocessed CT image-concatenated inputs. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC-ROC) and microaveraged precision (mAP) score were used to evaluate and compare model performances. The training and test datasets contained 21,744 and 491 NCCT head studies, respectively, with 8,882 (40.8%) and 205 (41.8%) positive for intracranial haemorrhage. Implementation of preprocessing techniques and the CNN-RNN framework increased mAP from 0.77 to 0.93 and increased AUC-ROC [95% confidence intervals] from 0.854 [0.816-0.889] to 0.966 [0.951-0.980] (p-value = 3.91 × 10-12). The deep learning model accurately detected intracranial haemorrhage and improved in performance following specific implementation techniques, demonstrating clinical potential as a decision support tool and an automated system to improve radiologist workflow efficiency. • The deep learning model detected intracranial haemorrhages on computed tomography with high accuracy. • Image preprocessing, such as windowing, plays a large role in improving deep learning model performance. • Implementations which enable an analysis of interslice dependencies can improve deep learning model performance. • Visual saliency maps can facilitate explainable artificial intelligence systems. • Deep learning within a triage system may expedite earlier intracranial haemorrhage detection.
DOI: 10.1186/s41747-023-00330-3
ORCID: 0000-0001-5568-7303
Journal: European Radiology Experimental
Start page: 17
PubMed URL: 37032417
ISSN: 2509-9280
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: Artificial intelligence
Deep learning
Intracranial haemorrhages
Radiographic image interpretation (computer-assisted)
Tomography (x-ray computed)
Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods
Intracranial Hemorrhages/diagnostic imaging
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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