| | Publication Year | Title | Author(s) |
| 41 | 30-Jul-2022 | A pilot study investigating the role of 18 F-FDG-PET in the early identification of chemoradiotherapy response in anal cancer. | Smith, Drew; Joon, Daryl Lim; Knight, Kellie; Sim, Jenny; Schneider, Michal; Lau, Eddie ; Foroudi, Farshad ; Khoo, Vincent |
| 42 | 26-Jul-2022 | Seizure Duration and Spread Dynamics in MRI-Defined Subtypes of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. | Zhang, Victor Jia Wei; Jackson, Graeme D ; Fitt, Gregory J ; Perchyonok, Yuliya ; Vaughan, David Noel |
| 43 | 22-Jul-2022 | Value of computed tomography scores in complicated acute diverticulitis. | Mitreski, Goran; McGill, Jeannette; Nikolovski, Zoran; Jamel, Wael; Al-Kaisey, Yasir; Kam, Ning Mao; Con, Danny; Ardalan, Zaid; Kutaiba, Numan |
| 44 | 20-Jul-2022 | Response: Comment on: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Patient Survival and Disease Recurrence Following Percutaneous Ablation of Pulmonary Metastasis. | Nguyenhuy, Minhtuan; Barnett, Stephen A ; Xu, Yifan; Maingard, Julian; Kok, Hong Kuan; Brooks, Mark; Jhamb, Ashu; Asadi, Hamed ; Knight, Simon R |
| 45 | Jul-2022 | Screening for osteoporosis using L1 vertebral density on abdominal CT in an Australian population. | Abbouchie, H; Raju, N; Lamanna, Anthony ; Chiang, Cherie Y ; Kutaiba, Numan |
| 46 | Jul-2022 | Delayed diaphragmatic hernia and gastric fundus incarceration: a rare complication after transarterial chemoembolization. | Goh, Su Kah ; Naazar, Ali; Issa, Michael; Starkey, Graham M ; Ranatunga, Dinesh G ; Lee, Eunice |
| 47 | 26-Jun-2022 | Moving CT-based quantification of muscle mass to the mainstream: Validation of a web-based platform to calculate skeletal muscle index in cirrhosis. | Hey, Penelope ; Chew, Melissa; Wong, Darren; Gow, Paul J ; Testro, Adam G ; Kutaiba, Numan ; Sinclair, Marie |
| 48 | 14-Jun-2022 | Cancer-related cognitive impairment in patients with newly diagnosed aggressive lymphoma undergoing standard chemotherapy: a longitudinal feasibility study. | Gates, Priscilla ; Krishnasamy, Meinir; Wilson, Carlene J ; Hawkes, Eliza A ; Doré, Vincent ; Perchyonok, Yuliya ; Rowe, Christopher C ; Walker, Adam K; Vardy, Janette L; de Ruiter, Michiel B; Cushion, Tania; Dhillon, Haryana M; Gough, Karla |
| 49 | 6-Jun-2022 | The publication of radiology images in non-radiology journals | Stewart, Michael; Sutherland, Tom |
| 50 | Jun-2022 | A Phase I First in Human Study of Embrace™ a Polyethylene Glycol Based Liquid Embolic in the Embolization of Malignant and Benign Hypervascular Tumors. | Goh, Gerard S; Goodwin, Mark D ; Huang, Jee-Fu; Kavnoudias, Helen; Holden, Andrew |
| 51 | Jun-2022 | A Pilot First-in-Human Study of Embrace, a Polyethylene Glycol-Based Liquid Embolic Agent, in the Embolization of Malignant and Benign Hypervascular Tumors. | Goh, Gerard S; Goodwin, Mark D ; Huang, Jee-Fu; Kavnoudias, Helen; Holden, Andrew |
| 52 | Jun-2022 | Higher Anti-tumor Necrosis Factor-α Levels Correlate With Improved Radiologic Outcomes in Crohn's Perianal Fistulas. | De Gregorio, Michael; Lee, Tanya; Krishnaprasad, Krupa; Amos, Gregory; An, Yoon-Kyo; Bastian-Jordan, Matthew; Begun, Jakob; Borok, Nira; Brown, Dougal J M; Cheung, Wa; Connor, Susan J; Gerstenmaier, Jan; Gilbert, Lauren E; Gilmore, Robert B ; Gu, Bonita; Kutaiba, Numan ; Lee, Allan; Mahy, Gillian; Srinivasan, Ashish ; Thin, Lena; Thompson, Alexander J; Welman, Christopher J; Yong, Eric X Z; De Cruz, Peter P ; van Langenberg, Daniel; Sparrow, Miles P; Ding, Nik S |
| 53 | 19-May-2022 | SARS-CoV-2 infection results in immune responses in the respiratory tract and peripheral blood that suggest mechanisms of disease severity. | Zhang, Wuji; Chua, Brendon Y; Selva, Kevin J; Kedzierski, Lukasz; Ashhurst, Thomas M; Haycroft, Ebene R; Shoffner-Beck, Suzanne K; Hensen, Luca; Boyd, David F; James, Fiona L ; Mouhtouris, Effie ; Kwong, Jason C ; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Drewett, George P ; Copaescu, Ana ; Dobson, Julie E ; Rowntree, Louise C; Habel, Jennifer R; Allen, Lilith F; Koay, Hui-Fern; Neil, Jessica A; Gartner, Matthew J; Lee, Christina Y; Andersson, Patiyan; Khan, Sadid F; Blakeway, Luke; Wisniewski, Jessica; McMahon, James H; Vine, Erica E; Cunningham, Anthony L; Audsley, Jennifer; Thevarajan, Irani; Seemann, Torsten; Sherry, Norelle L ; Amanat, Fatima; Krammer, Florian; Londrigan, Sarah L; Wakim, Linda M; King, Nicholas J C; Godfrey, Dale I; Mackay, Laura K; Thomas, Paul G; Nicholson, Suellen; Arnold, Kelly B; Chung, Amy W; Holmes, Natasha E ; Smibert, Olivia C ; Trubiano, Jason ; Gordon, Claire L ; Nguyen, Thi H O; Kedzierska, Katherine |
| 54 | 12-May-2022 | Clinical Outcomes Following Rectal Artery Embolisation for the Treatment of Internal Haemorrhoids: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. | Nguyenhuy, Minhtuan; Xu, Yifan; Kok, Hong Kuan; Maingard, Julian; Joglekar, Shantanu; Jhamb, Ashu; Brooks, Mark; Asadi, Hamed |
| 55 | May-2022 | Preoperative Imaging in Patients with Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis: An Important Aid in Predicting Depth of Infiltration in Rectosigmoid Disease. | Sloss, Samantha; Mooney, Samantha; Ellett, Lenore; Readman, Emma; Ma, Tony; Brouwer, Richard; Yang, Natalie ; Ireland-Jenkin, Kerryn ; Stone, Kate; Maher, Peter |
| 56 | May-2022 | Sensitivity of pre-operative imaging and radiologist inter-rater reliability in detecting lesions in Crohn's disease. | Hong, Jason T; Kutaiba, Numan ; Parameswaran, Bimal; James, Simon; Hong, Alton; Ng, Suat Chin; An, Vinna |
| 57 | 28-Apr-2022 | Comparing treatment outcomes of various intracranial bifurcation aneurysms locations using the Woven EndoBridge (WEB) device. | Adeeb, Nimer; Dibas, Mahmoud; Diestro, Jose Danilo Bengzon; Phan, Kevin; Cuellar-Saenz, Hugo H; Sweid, Ahmad; Lay, Sovann V; Guenego, Adrien; Aslan, Assala; Renieri, Leonardo; Sundararajan, Sri Hari; Saliou, Guillaume; Möhlenbruch, Markus; Regenhardt, Robert W; Vranic, Justin E; Lylyk, Ivan; Foreman, Paul M; Vachhani, Jay A; Župančić, Vedran; Hafeez, Muhammad U; Rutledge, Caleb; Waqas, Muhammad; Tutino, Vincent M; Rabinov, James D; Ren, Yifan; Schirmer, Clemens M; Piano, Mariangela; Kuhn, Anna L; Michelozzi, Caterina; Elens, Stephanie; Starke, Robert M; Hassan, Ameer; Salehani, Arsalaan; Brehm, Alex; MohammedAli, MajdEddin; Jones, Jesse; Psychogios, Marios; Spears, Julian; Lubicz, Boris; Panni, Pietro; Puri, Ajit S; Pero, Guglielmo; Griessenauer, Christoph J; Asadi, Hamed ; Siddiqui, Adnan; Ducruet, Andrew; Albuquerque, Felipe C; Du, Rose; Kan, Peter; Kalousek, Vladimir; Lylyk, Pedro; Stapleton, Christopher J; Boddu, Srikanth; Knopman, Jared; Aziz-Sultan, Mohammad A; Limbucci, Nicola; Jabbour, Pascal; Cognard, Christophe; Patel, Aman B; Dmytriw, Adam A |
| 58 | 27-Apr-2022 | Testosterone therapy reduces hepatic steatosis in men with type 2 diabetes and low serum testosterone concentrations. | Apostolov, Ross ; Gianatti, Emily; Wong, Darren; Kutaiba, Numan ; Gow, Paul J ; Grossmann, Mathis ; Sinclair, Marie |
| 59 | 30-Mar-2022 | A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Patient Survival and Disease Recurrence Following Percutaneous Ablation of Pulmonary Metastasis. | Nguyenhuy, Minhtuan; Xu, Yifan; Maingard, Julian; Barnett, Stephen A ; Kok, Hong Kuan; Brooks, Duncan Mark ; Jhamb, Ashu; Asadi, Hamed ; Knight, Simon R |
| 60 | Mar-2022 | A prospective natural history study of coronary atherosclerosis following liver transplantation. | Koshy, Anoop N ; Nerlekar, Nitesh; Gow, Paul John; Lim, Ruth P ; Smith, Gerard; Galea, Michael ; Rodriques, Thalys Sampaio; Lim, Han Sung; Teh, Andrew W ; Farouque, Omar |