OrgUnit's Researchers

Results 1-5 of 38 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

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Angus, Lachlan
Baker, Scott
Cheung, Ada
Cheung, Yee-Ming

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 641-660 of 887 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
641Sep-2021Potential gut-brain mechanisms behind adverse mental health outcomes of bariatric surgery.Brown, Robyn M; Guerrero-Hreins, Eva; Brown, Wendy A; le Roux, Carel W; Sumithran, Priya 
642Nov-2020Precision of the Hologic Horizon A dual energy X-ray absorptiometry in the assessment of body composition.Cheung, Yee-Ming Melody ; Roff, G; Grossmann, Mathis 
6432019Preconception management of women with obesity: A systematic review.Price, Sarah A ; Sumithran, Priya ; Nankervis, Alison; Permezel, Michael; Proietto, Joseph 
644Mar-2021Predicting Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery Using a Simpler Model.Coulson, Tim G ; Bailey, Michael; Pilcher, Dave; Reid, Christopher M; Seevanayagam, Siven ; Williams-Spence, Jenni; Bellomo, Rinaldo 
6457-May-2021Predicting all-cause unplanned readmission within 30 days of discharge using electronic medical record data: a multi-center study.Sharmin, Sifat; Meij, Johannes J; Zajac, Jeffrey D ; Rob Moodie, Alan; Maier, Andrea B
6466-Apr-1993Prediction of persistent microalbuminuria in patients with diabetes mellitus.Bach, Leon A; Gilbert, Richard E; Cooper, Mark E; Tsalamandris, Con; Jerums, George 
6478-Feb-2018Predictors and Outcomes of Cardiac Surgery-Associated Delirium. A Single Centre Retrospective Cohort Study.Jones, Daryl A ; Matalanis, George ; Mårtensson, Johan; Robbins, Raymond J ; Shaw, Margaret; Seevanayagam, Siven ; Cowie, Dean A ; Bellomo, Rinaldo 
648Oct-2017Premenopausal women with early breast cancer treated with estradiol suppression have severely deteriorated bone microstructure.Ramchand, Sabashini K ; Seeman, Ego ; Wang, Xiao-Fang ; Ghasem-Zadeh, Ali ; Francis, Prudence A; Ponnusamy, Evangeline J; Bardin, Michele S; Bui, Minh; Zebaze, Roger; Zajac, Jeffrey D ; Grossmann, Mathis 
6491-Jun-2022Prescription Patterns and Testosterone Concentrations Achieved with AndroForte 5% Testosterone Cream in Transgender and Gender Diverse Individuals.Nolan, Brendan J ; Zwickl, Sav; Locke, Peter; Simpson, Satu; Li, Ling; Zajac, Jeffrey D ; Cheung, Ada S 
650Jun-2022Prescription Patterns and Testosterone Concentrations Achieved With AndroForte 5% Testosterone Cream in Transgender and Gender Diverse Individuals.Nolan, Brendan James ; Zwickl, Sav; Locke, Peter; Simpson, Satu; Li, Ling; Zajac, Jeffrey D ; Cheung, Ada S 
651Jun-2018The Presence of Diabetes and Higher HbA1cAre Independently Associated With Adverse Outcomes After Surgery.Yong, Priscilla H; Weinberg, Laurence ; Torkamani, Niloufar ; Churilov, Leonid ; Robbins, Raymond J ; Ma, Ronald ; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; Lam, Que T ; Burns, James D; Hart, Graeme K ; Lew, Jeremy F ; Mårtensson, Johan; Story, David A ; Motley, Andrew N ; Johnson, Douglas F; Zajac, Jeffrey D ; Ekinci, Elif I 
6521-Aug-1995Present and future of osteoporosis therapy.Seeman, Ego ; Tsalamandris, Con; Bass, S; Pearce, G
65320-Jul-2009President Obama's health care plan.Zajac, Jeffrey D 
6541-Feb-2008Prevalence and predictors of cardiac hypertrophy and dysfunction in patients with Type 2 diabetes.Srivastava, Piyush M ; Calafiore, Paul ; Macisaac, Richard J; Patel, Sheila K ; Thomas, Merlin C; Jerums, George ; Burrell, Louise M 
655Mar-2020Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Amongst Individuals with Gender Dysphoria: A Systematic Review.Thrower, Emily; Bretherton, Ingrid ; Pang, Ken C; Zajac, Jeffrey D ; Cheung, Ada S 
65616-Sep-2018The prevalence of Diabetes and its effects on Stroke Outcomes; a meta-analysis and literature review.Lau, Lik-Hui; Lew, Jeremy F ; Borschmann, Karen ; Thijs, Vincent N ; Ekinci, Elif I 
657May-2019Prevalence of diabetes and its effects on stroke outcomes: A meta-analysis and literature review.Lau, Lik-Hui; Lew, Jeremy; Borschmann, Karen ; Thijs, Vincent N ; Ekinci, Elif I 
658Nov-2020The Prevalence of Elevated Lipoprotein(a) in Patients Presenting With Coronary Artery Disease.Oo, Hnin P; Giovannucci, Julian; O'Brien, Richard C ; Hare, David L 
659Jun-2020Prevalence of polycythaemia with different formulations of testosterone therapy in transmasculine individuals.Nolan, Brendan James ; Leemaqz, Shalem Y; Ooi, Olivia; Cundill, Pauline; Silberstein, Nicholas; Locke, Peter; Grossmann, Mathis ; Zajac, Jeffrey D ; Cheung, Ada S 
660Aug-2019Prevalence of pre-existing dysglycaemia among inpatients with acute coronary syndrome and associations with outcomes.Mahendran, Dinesh C; Hamilton, Garry; Weiss, Jeremy ; Churilov, Leonid ; Lew, Jeremy F ; Khoo, Kaylyn; Lam, Que T ; Robbins, Raymond J ; Hart, Graeme K ; Johnson, Douglas; Hare, David L ; Farouque, Omar ; Zajac, Jeffrey D ; Ekinci, Elif I