OrgUnit's Researchers

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Angus, Lachlan
Baker, Scott
Cheung, Ada
Cheung, Yee-Ming

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 401-420 of 887 (Search time: 0.01 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
4011-Apr-2022Haematological actions of androgens.Warren, Annabelle M; Grossmann, Mathis 
4021-May-2005Has the in situ right internal thoracic artery been overlooked? An angiographic study of the radial artery, internal thoracic arteries and saphenous vein graft patencies in symptomatic patients.Shah, Pallav J; Bui, Khoi; Blackmore, Shane; Gordon, Ian R; Hare, David L ; Fuller, John A; Seevanayagam, Siven ; Buxton, Brian F 
403Jan-2021The Health and Well-Being of Transgender Australians: A National Community Survey.Bretherton, Ingrid ; Thrower, Emily; Zwickl, Sav; Wong, Alex; Chetcuti, Daria; Grossmann, Mathis ; Zajac, Jeffrey D ; Cheung, Ada S 
40424-Apr-2018Health consequences for mother and baby of substantial pre-conception weight loss in obese women: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.Price, Sarah A ; Nankervis, Alison; Permezel, Michael; Prendergast, Luke; Sumithran, Priya ; Proietto, Joseph 
40513-Dec-2019Health Needs of Trans and Gender Diverse Adults in Australia: A Qualitative Analysis of a National Community Survey.Zwickl, Sav; Wong, Alex; Bretherton, Ingrid ; Rainier, Max; Chetcuti, Daria; Zajac, Jeffrey D ; Cheung, Ada S 
40618-Sep-2020Health Professionals' and Health Professional Trainees' Views on Addictive Eating Behaviours: A Cross-Sectional Survey.Burrows, Tracy; Verdejo-Garcia, Antonio; Carter, Adrian; Brown, Robyn M; Andrews, Zane B; Dayas, Chris V; Hardman, Charlotte A; Loxton, Natalie; Sumithran, Priya ; Whatnall, Megan
4079-Jan-2012Hematological changes during androgen deprivation therapy.Grossmann, Mathis ; Zajac, Jeffrey D 
408Jan-2021Heterogeneity in microstructural deterioration following spinal cord injury.Ghasem-Zadeh, Ali ; Galea, Mary P ; Nunn, Andrew K ; Panisset, Maya G ; Wang, Xiao-Fang ; Iuliano, Sandra ; Boyd, Steven K; Forwood, Mark R; Seeman, Ego 
4091-Oct-2000Heterogeneity in the growth of the axial and appendicular skeleton in boys: implications for the pathogenesis of bone fragility in men.Bradney, M; Karlsson, M K; Duan, Yunbo; Stuckey, S; Bass, S; Seeman, Ego 
410Apr-2018High Baseline Levels of Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor 1 Are Associated With Progression of Kidney Disease in Indigenous Australians With Diabetes: The eGFR Follow-up Study.Barr, Elizabeth L M; Barzi, Federica; Hughes, Jaquelyne T; Jerums, George ; Hoy, Wendy E; O'Dea, Kerin; Jones, Graham; Lawton, Paul D; Brown, Alex D H; Thomas, Mark; Ekinci, Elif I ; Sinha, Ashim; Cass, Alan; MacIsaac, Richard J; Maple-Brown, Louise J
41115-Sep-2014The high burden of inpatient diabetes mellitus: the Melbourne Public Hospitals Diabetes Inpatient Audit.Bach, Leon A; Ekinci, Elif I ; Engler, Dennis; Gilfillan, Chris; Hamblin, P Shane; MacIsaac, Richard J; Soldatos, Georgia; Steele, Cheryl; Ward, Glenn M; Wyatt, Sue
412Nov-2016High circulating oestrone and low testosterone correlate with adverse clinical outcomes in men with advanced liver disease.Sinclair, Marie ; Gow, Paul J ; Angus, Peter W ; Hoermann, Rudolf; Handelsman, David J; Wittert, Gary; Martin, Sean; Grossmann, Mathis 
4138-Mar-2021High Cortico-Trabecular Transitional Zone Porosity and Reduced Trabecular Density in Men and Women with Stress Fractures.Zendeli, Afrodite; Bui, Minh; Fischer, Lukas; Ghasem-Zadeh, Ali ; Schima, Wolfgang; Seeman, Ego 
4146-Apr-2009The high cost of drugs in the United States.Zajac, Jeffrey D 
4151-Dec-2010High sodium and low potassium intake in patients with Type 2 diabetes.Ekinci, Elif I ; Cheong, K Y; Dobson, M ; Premaratne, Erosha ; Finch, S; Macisaac, Richard J; Jerums, George 
4164-Mar-2014High-resolution in vivo imaging of bone and joints: a window to microarchitecture.Geusens, Piet; Chapurlat, Roland; Schett, Georg; Ghasem-Zadeh, Ali ; Seeman, Ego ; de Jong, Joost; van den Bergh, Joop
417Jun-2018High-Resolution Spectral Analysis Accurately Identifies the Bacterial Signature in Infected Chronic Foot Ulcers in People With Diabetes.Poosapadi Arjunan, Sridhar; Tint, Aye Nyein ; Aliahmad, Behzad; Kumar, Dinesh Kant; Shukla, Ravi; Miller, Julie; Zajac, Jeffrey D ; Wang, Gayathiri; Viswanathan, Rekha; Ekinci, Elif I 
418Dec-2019A high-volume, low-cost approach to participant screening and enrolment: Experiences from the T4DM diabetes prevention trial.Bracken, Karen; Keech, Anthony; Hague, Wendy; Allan, Carolyn; Conway, Ann; Daniel, Mark; Gebski, Val; Grossmann, Mathis ; Handelsman, David J; Inder, Warrick J; Jenkins, Alicia; McLachlan, Robert; Robledo, Kristy P; Stuckey, Bronwyn; Yeap, Bu B; Wittert, Gary
419Sep-2017Higher maternal serum prolactin levels are associated with reduced glucose tolerance during pregnancyEkinci, Elif I ; Torkamani, Niloufar ; Ramchand, Sabashini K ; Churilov, Leonid ; Sikaris, Ken A; Lu, Zhong X; Houlihan, Christine A 
4201-Jan-2015Higher serum undercarboxylated osteocalcin and other bone turnover markers are associated with reduced diabetes risk and lower estradiol concentrations in older men.Yeap, Bu B; Alfonso, Helman; Chubb, S A Paul; Gauci, Richard; Byrnes, Elizabeth; Beilby, John P; Ebeling, Peter R; Handelsman, David J; Allan, Carolyn A; Grossmann, Mathis ; Norman, Paul E; Flicker, Leon