OrgUnit's Researchers

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Berkovic, Samuel
Bladin, Peter
Carney, Patrick

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 841-860 of 913 (Search time: 0.012 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
84129-Apr-2022Tenecteplase versus Alteplase for Stroke Thrombolysis Evaluation Trial in the Ambulance (Mobile Stroke Unit-TASTE-A): protocol for a prospective randomised, open-label, blinded endpoint, phase II superiority trial of tenecteplase versus alteplase for ischaemic stroke patients presenting within 4.5 hours of symptom onset to the mobile stroke unit.Bivard, Andrew; Zhao, Henry; Coote, Skye; Campbell, Bruce; Churilov, Leonid ; Yassi, Nawaf; Yan, Bernard; Valente, Michael; Sharobeam, Angelos; Balabanski, Anna; Dos Santos, Angela; Ng, Felix C ; Langenberg, Francesca; Stephenson, Michael; Smith, Karen; Bernard, Steve; Thijs, Vincent N ; Cloud, Geoffrey; Choi, Philip; Ma, Henry; Wijeratne, Tissa; Chen, Chushuang; Olenko, Liudmyla; Davis, Stephen M; Donnan, Geoffrey A ; Parsons, Mark
8422-Mar-2021Tenecteplase vs Alteplase Before Endovascular Therapy in Basilar Artery Occlusion.Alemseged, Fana; Ng, Felix C ; Williams, Cameron; Puetz, Volker; Boulouis, Gregoire; Kleinig, Timothy John; Rocco, Alessandro; Wu, Teddy Y; Shah, Darshan; Arba, Francesco; Kaiser, Daniel; Di Giuliano, Francesca; Morotti, Andrea; Sallustio, Fabrizio; Dewey, Helen M; Bailey, Peter; O'Brien, Billy; Sharma, Gagan; Bush, Steven; Dowling, Richard; Diomedi, Marina; Churilov, Leonid ; Yan, Bernard; Parsons, Mark William; Davis, Stephen M; Mitchell, Peter J; Yassi, Nawaf; Campbell, Bruce C V
8432021Teratogenic effects of zonisamide.Vajda, Frank J E; Perucca, Piero ; O'Brien, Terence J; Lander, Cecilie M; Eadie, Mervyn J
844Jul-2022Tetraplegic obstructive sleep apnoea patients dilate the airway similarly to able-bodied obstructive sleep apnoea patients.Hatt, Alice; Brown, Elizabeth; Berlowitz, David J ; O'Donoghue, Fergal J ; Meaklim, Hailey J ; Connelly, Alan; Jackson, Graeme D ; Sutherland, Kate; Cistulli, Peter A; Lee, Bon San Bonne; Bilston, Lynne E
51-Feb-2006Thalamic atrophy in childhood absence epilepsy.Chan, Chow Huat Patrick; Briellmann, Regula S; Pell, Gaby S; Scheffer, Ingrid E ; Abbott, David F ; Jackson, Graeme D 
63-Nov-2017Thalamocortical functional connectivity in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome is abnormally enhanced in executive-control and default-mode networksWarren, Aaron EL; Abbott, David F ; Jackson, Graeme D ; Archer, John S 
7Sep-2018The 100 most cited articles in the endovascular management of intracranial aneurysms.Maingard, Julian; Phan, Kevin; Ren, Yifan; Kok, Hong Kuan; Thijs, Vincent N ; Hirsch, Joshua A; Lee, Michael J; Chandra, Ronil V; Brooks, Duncan Mark ; Asadi, Hamed 
82018The Adult Assisting Hand Assessment Stroke: Psychometric properties of an observation-based bimanual upper-limb performance measurement.Van Gils, Annick; Meyer, Sarah; Van Dijk, Margaretha; Thijs, Liselot; Michielsen, Marc; Lafosse, Christophe; Truyens, Veronik; Oostra, Kristine; Peeters, Andre; Thijs, Vincent N ; Feys, Hilde; Krumlinde-Sundholm, Lena; Kos, Daphne; Verheyden, Geert
916-Jan-2017The diminishing dominance of the dominant hemisphere: Language fMRI in focal epilepsy.Tailby, Chris ; Abbott, David F ; Jackson, Graeme D 
1029-May-2020The ENIGMA-Epilepsy working group: Mapping disease from large data sets.Sisodiya, Sanjay M; Whelan, Christopher D; Hatton, Sean N; Huynh, Khoa; Altmann, Andre; Ryten, Mina; Vezzani, Annamaria; Caligiuri, Maria Eugenia; Labate, Angelo; Gambardella, Antonio; Ives-Deliperi, Victoria; Meletti, Stefano; Munsell, Brent C; Bonilha, Leonardo; Tondelli, Manuela; Rebsamen, Michael; Rummel, Christian; Vaudano, Anna Elisabetta; Wiest, Roland; Balachandra, Akshara R; Bargalló, Núria; Bartolini, Emanuele; Bernasconi, Andrea; Bernasconi, Neda; Bernhardt, Boris; Caldairou, Benoit; Carr, Sarah J A; Cavalleri, Gianpiero L; Cendes, Fernando; Concha, Luis; Desmond, Patricia M; Domin, Martin; Duncan, John S; Focke, Niels K; Guerrini, Renzo; Hamandi, Khalid; Jackson, Graeme D ; Jahanshad, Neda; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Keller, Simon S; Kochunov, Peter; Kowalczyk, Magdalena A; Kreilkamp, Barbara A K; Kwan, Patrick; Lariviere, Sara; Lenge, Matteo; Lopez, Seymour M; Martin, Pascal; Mascalchi, Mario; Moreira, José C V; Morita-Sherman, Marcia E; Pardoe, Heath R; Pariente, Jose C; Raviteja, Kotikalapudi; Rocha, Cristiane S; Rodríguez-Cruces, Raúl; Seeck, Margitta; Semmelroch, Mira K H G ; Sinclair, Benjamin; Soltanian-Zadeh, Hamid; Stein, Dan J; Striano, Pasquale; Taylor, Peter N; Thomas, Rhys H; Thomopoulos, Sophia I; Velakoulis, Dennis; Vivash, Lucy; Weber, Bernd; Yasuda, Clarissa Lin; Zhang, Junsong; Thompson, Paul M; McDonald, Carrie R
11May-2020The outcome of acute functional neurological disorder: a meta-analysis of stroke-mimic presentations.Simhan, Suhas; Thijs, Vincent N ; Mancuso, Sam; Tsivgoulis, Georgios; Katsanos, Aristeidis; Alexandrov, Andrei V; Kanaan, Richard A A 
1216-Dec-2018The personal and social experiences of community-dwelling younger adults after stroke in Australia: a qualitative interview study.Shipley, Jessica; Luker, Julie; Thijs, Vincent N ; Bernhardt, Julie
13Dec-2018The Post Ischaemic Stroke Cardiovascular Exercise Study: Protocol for a randomised controlled trial of fitness training for brain health.Johnson, Liam G ; Werden, Emilio ; Shirbin, Chris; Bird, Laura ; Landau, Elizabeth; Cumming, Toby B ; Churilov, Leonid ; Bernhardt, Julie A; Thijs, Vincent N ; Brodtmann, Amy 
1415-Nov-2017The professional practice and training of neurology in the Asian and Oceanian Region: A cross-sectional survey by the Asian and Oceanian Association of Neurology (AOAN).Roxas, Artemio; Mehndiratta, Man Mohan; Bornstein, Natan; Macdonell, Richard A L ; Lim, Kheng Seang; Ng, Ping-Wing; Dashzeveg, Shuren; Mizusawa, Hidehiro; Esmatullah, Hamed; Wu, Shey Lin; Chen, Christopher; Kurniawan, Mohammad; Rha, Joung-Ho; Wasay, Mohammad; Poungvarin, Niphon; Gunatilake, Saman; Thang, Nguyen Huy
1515-May-2017The spatiotemporal substrates of autobiographical recollection: Using event-related ICA to study cognitive networks in action.Tailby, Chris ; Rayner, Genevieve ; Wilson, Sarah J; Jackson, Graeme D 
1630-Jun-2014Therapeutic approaches to disease modifying therapy for multiple sclerosis in adults: an Australian and New Zealand perspective: part 1 historical and established therapies.Broadley, Simon A; Barnett, Michael H; Boggild, Mike; Brew, Bruce J; Butzkueven, Helmut; Heard, Robert; Hodgkinson, Suzanne; Kermode, Allan G; Lechner-Scott, Jeannette; Macdonell, Richard A L ; Marriott, Mark; Mason, Deborah F; Parratt, John; Reddel, Stephen W; Shaw, Cameron P; Slee, Mark; Spies, Judith; Taylor, Bruce V; Carroll, William M; Kilpatrick, Trevor J; King, John; McCombe, Pamela A; Pollard, John D; Willoughby, Ernest
1728-Jun-2014Therapeutic approaches to disease modifying therapy for multiple sclerosis in adults: an Australian and New Zealand perspective: part 2 new and emerging therapies and their efficacy.Broadley, Simon A; Barnett, Michael H; Boggild, Mike; Brew, Bruce J; Butzkueven, Helmut; Heard, Robert; Hodgkinson, Suzanne; Kermode, Allan G; Lechner-Scott, Jeannette; Macdonell, Richard A L ; Marriott, Mark; Mason, Deborah F; Parratt, John; Reddel, Stephen W; Shaw, Cameron P; Slee, Mark; Spies, Judith; Taylor, Bruce V; Carroll, William M; Kilpatrick, Trevor J; King, John; McCombe, Pamela A; Pollard, John D; Willoughby, Ernest
1830-Jun-2014Therapeutic approaches to disease modifying therapy for multiple sclerosis in adults: an Australian and New Zealand perspective: part 3 treatment practicalities and recommendations.Broadley, Simon A; Barnett, Michael H; Boggild, Mike; Brew, Bruce J; Butzkueven, Helmut; Heard, Robert; Hodgkinson, Suzanne; Kermode, Allan G; Lechner-Scott, Jeannette; Macdonell, Richard A L ; Marriott, Mark; Mason, Deborah F; Parratt, John; Reddel, Stephen W; Shaw, Cameron P; Slee, Mark; Spies, Judith; Taylor, Bruce V; Carroll, William M; Kilpatrick, Trevor J; King, John; McCombe, Pamela A; Pollard, John D; Willoughby, Ernest
1912-Nov-2009The threshold of the new epileptology: Dr Lennox at the London Congress, 1935.Bladin, Peter F 
202022Thrombectomy is a cost-saving procedure up to 24 h after onset.Nivelle, Emilia; Dewilde, Sarah; Peeters, André; Vanhooren, Geert; Thijs, Vincent N