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Nicole Sheers
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Sheers, Nicole
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Results 1-17 of 17 (Search time: 0.017 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
1Aug-2024Can resting lung function predict the response of a person living with motor neuron disease to a hypoxic challenge test?Clohessy, Talia; Sheers, Nicole ; Berlowitz, David J ; Ruehland, Warren R ; Brazzale, Danny 
21-Jul-2024Breath of Fresh Data: Enhancing non-invasive ventilation (NIV) Patient Care across a State-wide ServiceBerlowitz, David J ; Churchward, Thomas J ; Michael, Chris; Ruehland, Warren R ; Longo, Carly; Rautela, Linda ; Sheers, Nicole ; Chao, Caroline ; Howard, Mark E ; Conti, Simon
311-Dec-2023Prevalence of central sleep apnoea in people with tetraplegic spinal cord injury: a retrospective analysis of research and clinical data.Graco, Marnie ; Ruehland, Warren R ; Schembri, Rachel M ; Churchward, Thomas J ; Saravanan, Krisha; Sheers, Nicole ; Berlowitz, David J 
431-Dec-2022Respiratory muscle training in neuromuscular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis.Watson, Kathryn; Egerton, Thorlene; Sheers, Nicole ; Retica, Sarah; McGaw, Rebekah; Clohessy, Talia; Webster, Penny; Berlowitz, David J 
52-Mar-2022Routine lung volume recruitment in boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a randomised clinical trial.Katz, Sherri L; Mah, Jean K; McMillan, Hugh J; Campbell, Craig; Bijelić, Vid; Barrowman, Nick; Momoli, Franco; Blinder, Henrietta; Aaron, Shawn D; McAdam, Laura C; Nguyen, The Thanh Diem; Tarnopolsky, Mark; Wensley, David F; Zielinski, David; Rose, Louise; Sheers, Nicole ; Berlowitz, David J ; Wolfe, Lisa; McKim, Doug
6Jul-2021Objective measurement of lung volume recruitment therapy: laboratory and clinical validation.Naughton, Phoebe E; Sheers, Nicole ; Berlowitz, David J ; Howard, Mark E ; McKim, Douglas A; Katz, Sherri L
7Mar-2021Not Only about the Drugs: Improved Survival with Noninvasive Ventilation in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.Berlowitz, David J ; Sheers, Nicole 
8Aug-2019Pneumothorax in neuromuscular disease associated with lung volume recruitment and mechanical insufflation-exsufflation.McDonald, Luke A ; Berlowitz, David J ; Howard, Mark E ; Rautela, Linda ; Chao, Caroline ; Sheers, Nicole 
9May-2019Randomised controlled trial of polysomnographic titration of non-invasive ventilation.Hannan, Liam M ; Rautela, Linda ; Berlowitz, David J ; McDonald, Christine F ; Cori, Jennifer M ; Sheers, Nicole ; Chao, Caroline ; O'Donoghue, Fergal J ; Howard, Mark E 
102019Respiratory adjuncts to NIV in neuromuscular disease.Sheers, Nicole ; Howard, Mark E ; Berlowitz, David J 
11Mar-2018Airway clearance techniques in neuromuscular disorders: A state of the art review.Chatwin, Michelle; Toussaint, Michel; Gonçalves, Miguel R; Sheers, Nicole ; Mellies, Uwe; Gonzales-Bermejo, Jesus; Sancho, Jesus; Fauroux, Brigitte; Andersen, Tiina; Hov, Brit; Nygren-Bonnier, Malin; Lacombe, Matthieu; Pernet, Kurt; Kampelmacher, Mike; Devaux, Christian; Kinnett, Kathy; Sheehan, Daniel; Rao, Fabrizio; Villanova, Marcello; Berlowitz, David J ; Morrow, Brenda M
12May-2017A randomised controlled trial of CPAP versus non-invasive ventilation for initial treatment of obesity hypoventilation syndromeHoward, Mark E ; Piper, Amanda J; Stevens, Bronwyn ; Holland, Anne E ; Yee, Brendon J; Dabscheck, Eli; Mortimer, Duncan; Burge, Angela T ; Flunt, Daniel; Buchan, Catherine; Rautela, Linda ; Sheers, Nicole ; Hillman, David; Berlowitz, David J 
131-Nov-2016Music-assisted relaxation during transition to non-invasive ventilation in people with motor neuron disease: a qualitative case seriesDavies, Rebecca; Baker, Felicity A; Tamplin, Jeanette ; Bajo, Eleanor; Bolger, Karen; Sheers, Nicole ; Berlowitz, David J 
1430-May-2016Music-assisted relaxation during transition to non-invasive ventilation in people with motor neuron diseaseTamplin, Jeanette ; Baker, Felicity; Bajo, Eleanor; Davies, Rebecca; Bolger, Karen; Sheers, Nicole ; Berlowitz, David
15Jan-2016Cough augmentation in subjects with duchenne muscular dystrophy: comparison of air stacking via a resuscitator bag versus mechanical ventilationToussaint, Michel; Pernet, Kurt; Steens, Marc; Haan, Jurn; Sheers, Nicole 
1610-Sep-2014Ambulatory adaptation of non-invasive ventilation in motor neuron disease: where limits of effectiveness end--reply.Sheers, Nicole ; Howard, Mark E ; Berlowitz, David J 
1720-Feb-2014Improved survival with an ambulatory model of non-invasive ventilation implementation in motor neuron disease.Sheers, Nicole ; Berlowitz, David J ; Rautela, Linda ; Batchelder, Ian; Hopkinson, Kim; Howard, Mark E