| | Publication Year | Title | Author(s) |
| 461 | 4-Jan-2018 | Fibre-specific white matter reductions in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment. | Mito, Remika; Raffelt, David; Dhollander, Thijs; Vaughan, David N; Tournier, J-Donald; Salvado, Olivier; Brodtmann, Amy ; Rowe, Christopher C ; Villemagne, Victor L ; Connelly, Alan |
| 462 | 3-Jun-2021 | Fifteen Years of the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) Study: Progress and Observations from 2,359 Older Adults Spanning the Spectrum from Cognitive Normality to Alzheimer's Disease. | Fowler, Christopher; Rainey-Smith, Stephanie R; Bird, Sabine; Bomke, Julia; Bourgeat, Pierrick; Brown, Belinda M; Burnham, Samantha C; Bush, Ashley I; Chadunow, Carolyn; Collins, Steven; Doecke, James; Doré, Vincent ; Ellis, Kathryn A; Evered, Lis; Fazlollahi, Amir; Fripp, Jurgen; Gardener, Samantha L; Gibson, Simon; Grenfell, Robert; Harrison, Elise; Head, Richard; Jin, Liang; Kamer, Adrian; Lamb, Fiona ; Lautenschlager, Nicola T; Laws, Simon M; Li, Qiao-Xin; Lim, Lucy ; Lim, Yen Ying; Louey, Andrea; Macaulay, S Lance; Mackintosh, Lucy; Martins, Ralph N; Maruff, Paul; Masters, Colin L ; McBride, Simon; Milicic, Lidija; Peretti, Madeline; Pertile, Kelly; Porter, Tenielle; Radler, Morgan; Rembach, Alan; Robertson, Joanne; Rodrigues, Mark; Rowe, Christopher C ; Rumble, Rebecca; Salvado, Olivier; Savage, Greg; Silbert, Brendan; Soh, Magdalene; Sohrabi, Hamid R; Taddei, Kevin; Taddei, Tania; Thai, Christine; Trounson, Brett; Tyrrell, Regan ; Vacher, Michael; Varghese, Shiji; Villemagne, Victor L ; Weinborn, Michael; Woodward, Michael M ; Xia, Ying; Ames, David |
| 463 | 9-Jul-2021 | Financial burden of postoperative complications following colonic resection: A systematic review. | Louis, Maleck ; Johnston, Samuel A; Churilov, Leonid ; Ma, Ronald ; Christophi, Christopher ; Weinberg, Laurence |
| 464 | 27-Sep-2013 | Fitness, depression, and poststroke fatigue: worn out or weary? | Brodtmann, Amy ; van de Port, Ingrid G L |
| 465 | 1-Mar-2004 | Fluctuating cognition in dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer's disease is qualitatively distinct. | Bradshaw, Jennifer; Saling, Michael M ; Hopwood, M; Anderson, V; Brodtmann, Amy |
| 6 | 1-Dec-2003 | fMRI "deactivation" of the posterior cingulate during generalized spike and wave. | Archer, John S ; Abbott, David F ; Waites, Anthony B; Jackson, Graeme D |
| 7 | 22-Jan-2010 | fMRI assessment of language lateralization: an objective approach. | Abbott, David F ; Waites, Anthony B; Lillywhite, Leasha M; Jackson, Graeme D |
| 8 | 6-Feb-2010 | Focal epileptiform spikes do not show a canonical BOLD response in patients with benign rolandic epilepsy (BECTS). | Masterton, Richard A J; Harvey, A Simon; Archer, John S ; Lillywhite, Leasha M; Abbott, David F ; Scheffer, Ingrid E ; Jackson, Graeme D |
| 9 | 20-Feb-2015 | Follow-up plasma apolipoprotein E levels in the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle Flagship Study of Ageing (AIBL) cohort. | Gupta, Veer B; Wilson, Andrea C; Burnham, Samantha; Hone, Eugene; Pedrini, Steve; Laws, Simon M; Lim, Wei Ling Florence; Rembach, Alan; Rainey-Smith, Stephanie R; Ames, David; Cobiac, Lynne; Macaulay, S Lance; Masters, Colin L ; Rowe, Christopher C ; Bush, Ashley I; Martins, Ralph N |
| 10 | Oct-2023 | Fracture Risk Increases After Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack and Is Associated With Reduced Quality of Life. | Dalli, Lachlan L; Borschmann, Karen ; Cooke, Shae; Kilkenny, Monique F; Andrew, Nadine E; Scott, David; Ebeling, Peter R; Lannin, Natasha A; Grimley, Rohan; Sundararajan, Vijaya; Katzenellenbogen, Judith M; Cadilhac, Dominique A |
| 11 | 22-Oct-2009 | Fragmentation of the classical magnetic resonance mismatch "penumbral" pattern with time. | Ma, Henry K; Zavala, Jorge A; Teoh, Hock; Churilov, Leonid ; Gunawan, Marveyles; Ly, John; Wright, Peter; Phan, Thanh; Arakawa, Shuji; Davis, Stephen M; Donnan, Geoffrey A |
| 12 | Sep-2018 | A Framework to Objectively Identify Reference Regions for Normalizing Quantitative Imaging | Fazlollahi, Amir; Ayton, Scott; Bourgeat, Pierrick; Diouf, Ibrahima; Raniga, Parnesh; Fripp, Jurgen; Doecke, James; Ames, David; Masters, Colin L ; Rowe, Christopher C |
| 13 | 1-Feb-2011 | Frequency of discriminative sensory loss in the hand after stroke in a rehabilitation setting. | Carey, Leeanne M ; Matyas, Thomas A |
| 14 | Feb-2016 | Frequency of MELAS main mutation in a phenotype-targeted young ischemic stroke patient population. | Tatlisumak, Turgut; Putaala, Jukka; Innilä, Markus; Enzinger, Christian; Metso, Tiina M; Curtze, Sami; von Sarnowski, Bettina; Amaral-Silva, Alexandre; Jungehulsing, Gerhard Jan; Tanislav, Christian; Thijs, Vincent N ; Rolfs, Arndt; Norrving, Bo; Fazekas, Franz; Suomalainen, Anu; Kolodny, Edwin H |
| 15 | 28-Mar-2012 | The frontal lobe in absence epilepsy: EEG-fMRI findings. | Carney, Patrick W ; Masterton, Richard A J; Flanagan, D; Berkovic, Samuel F ; Jackson, Graeme D |
| 16 | 1-Feb-2006 | Functional connectivity networks are disrupted in left temporal lobe epilepsy. | Waites, Anthony B; Briellmann, Regula S; Saling, Michael M ; Abbott, David F ; Jackson, Graeme D |
| 17 | 10-Sep-2004 | Functional imaging of intratumoral hypoxia. | Foo, Serene S; Abbott, David F ; Lawrentschuk, Nathan; Scott, Andrew M |
| 18 | 1-Sep-2003 | The functional magnetic resonance imaging hemodynamic response to faces remains stable until the ninth decade. | Brodtmann, Amy ; Puce, Aina; Syngeniotis, Ari; Darby, David G; Donnan, Geoffrey A |
| 19 | 2012 | Functional magnetic resonance imaging: focus localization. | Jackson, Graeme D ; Badawy, Radwa A B; Gotman, Jean |
| 20 | 12-Oct-2018 | Functional network connectivity is altered in patients with upper limb somatosensory impairments in the acute phase post stroke: A cross-sectional study. | De Bruyn, Nele; Meyer, Sarah; Kessner, Simon S; Essers, Bea; Cheng, Bastian; Thomalla, Götz; Peeters, Andre; Sunaert, Stefan; Duprez, Thierry; Thijs, Vincent N ; Feys, Hilde; Alaerts, Kaat; Verheyden, Geert |