OrgUnit's Researchers

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Dorevitch, Michael
Haywood, Cilla

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 101-116 of 116 (Search time: 0.013 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
10112-Jan-2011A Self-Administration of Medications Program to Identify and Address Potential Barriers to Adherence in Elderly Patients (January).Tran, Tim ; Elliott, Rohan A ; Taylor, Simone E ; Woodward, Michael M 
102Feb-2018Self-reported confusion is related to global and regional β-amyloid: data from the Women's healthy ageing projectMcCluskey, Georgia E; Yates, Paul A ; Villemagne, Victor L ; Rowe, Christopher C ; Szoeke, Cassandra EI
1032019Sexual Dimorphism of Resting-State Network Connectivity in Healthy Ageing.Jamadar, Sharna D; Sforazzini, Francesco; Raniga, Parnesh; Ferris, Nicholas J; Paton, Bryan; Bailey, Michael J; Brodtmann, Amy ; Yates, Paul A ; Donnan, Geoffrey A ; Ward, Stephanie A; Woods, Robyn L; Storey, Elsdon; McNeil, John J; Egan, Gary F
104May-2023Site of care and factors associated with mortality in unvaccinated Australian aged care residents during COVID-19 outbreaks.Radcliffe, Nicholas J ; Lau, Liza; Hack, Emma ; Huynh, Andrew; Puri, Arvind ; Yao, Henry; Wong, Aaron ; Kohler, Sabrina; Chua, Maggie; Amadoru, Sanka ; Haywood, Cilla J ; Yates, Paul A 
1052021Sleeping-related distress in a palliative care population: A national, prospective, consecutive cohort.Currow, David C; Davis, Walter; Connolly, Alanna; Krishnan, Anu; Wong, Aaron ; Webster, Andrew; Barnes-Harris, Matilda Mm; Daveson, Barb; Ekström, Magnus
10617-Aug-2019Souvenaid in the management of mild cognitive impairment: an expert consensus opinion.Cummings, Jeffrey; Passmore, Peter; McGuinness, Bernadette; Mok, Vincent; Chen, Christopher; Engelborghs, Sebastiaan; Woodward, Michael M ; Manzano, Sagrario; Garcia-Ribas, Guillermo; Cappa, Stefano; Bertolucci, Paulo; Chu, Leung-Wing
10718-Nov-2019Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord masking motor neuron disease: a case report.Loveland, Paula; Wong, Aaron B ; Vivekanandam, Vinojini; Lim, Wen Kwang
1085-May-2021Synthetic microbleeds generation for classifier training without ground truth.Momeni, Saba; Fazlollahi, Amir; Yates, Paul A ; Rowe, Christopher C ; Gao, Yongsheng; Liew, Alan Wee-Chung; Salvado, Olivier
1092018The stability of neuropsychiatric subsyndromes in Alzheimer's disease.Connors, Michael H; Seeher, Katrin M; Crawford, John; Ames, David; Woodward, Michael M ; Brodaty, Henry
11025-Jan-2018Trial of Solanezumab for Mild Dementia Due to Alzheimer's Disease.Honig, Lawrence S; Vellas, Bruno; Woodward, Michael M ; Boada, Mercè; Bullock, Roger; Borrie, Michael; Hager, Klaus; Andreasen, Niels; Scarpini, Elio; Liu-Seifert, Hong; Case, Michael; Dean, Robert A; Hake, Ann; Sundell, Karen; Poole Hoffmann, Vicki; Carlson, Christopher; Khanna, Rashna; Mintun, Mark; DeMattos, Ronald; Selzler, Katherine J; Siemers, Eric
11116-Nov-2023Two Phase 3 Trials of Gantenerumab in Early Alzheimer's Disease.Bateman, Randall J; Smith, Janice; Donohue, Michael C; Delmar, Paul; Abbas, Rachid; Salloway, Stephen; Wojtowicz, Jakub; Blennow, Kaj; Bittner, Tobias; Black, Sandra E; Klein, Gregory; Boada, Mercè; Grimmer, Timo; Tamaoka, Akira; Perry, Richard J; Turner, R Scott; Watson, David; Woodward, Michael M ; Thanasopoulou, Angeliki; Lane, Christopher; Baudler, Monika; Fox, Nick C; Cummings, Jeffrey L; Fontoura, Paulo; Doody, Rachelle S
11230-Nov-2020Unmet needs: COVID-19 and the “wandering” patientHack, Emma ; Yates, Paul A 
1132-Mar-2017Venous leg ulcer healing with electric stimulation therapy: a pilot randomised controlled trial.Miller, C; McGuiness, W; Wilson, S; Cooper, K; Swanson, T; Rooney, D; Piller, N; Woodward, Michael M 
11412-Dec-2017Very Low Calorie Diets for Weight Loss in Obese Older Adults-A Randomized Trial.Haywood, Cilla J ; Prendergast, Luke A; Purcell, Katrina; Le Fevre, Lauren ; Lim, Wen Kwang; Galea, Mary; Proietto, Joseph 
11525-Aug-2023Vulnerability to environmental and climatic health provocations among women and men hospitalised with chronic heart disease: Insights from the RESILIENCE TRIAL cohort.Stewart, Simon; Patel, Sheila K ; Lancefield, Terase F; Sampaio Rodrigues, Thalys ; Doumtsis, Nicholas; Jess, Ashleigh; Vaughan-Fowler, Emily-Rose; Chan, Yih-Kai; Ramchand, Jay ; Yates, Paul A ; Kwong, Jason C ; McDonald, Christine F ; Burrell, Louise M 
116Dec-2013The Women's Healthy Ageing Project: fertile ground for investigation of healthy participants 'at risk' for dementiaSzoeke, Cassandra E I; Robertson, Joanne S; Rowe, Christopher C ; Yates, Paul A ; Campbell, Katherine; Masters, Colin L ; Ames, David; Dennerstein, Lorraine; Desmond, Patricia