| | Publication Year | Title | Author(s) |
| 1 | 2-Aug-2024 | Validation of a digital self-assessment to identify low-risk penicillin and sulfa antibiotic allergies in adults (SELF-FAST). | Rose, Morgan T ; Ramesh, Saranya; Vogrin, Sara; Holmes, Natasha E ; Lambros, Belinda; Slavin, Monica A; Trubiano, Jason |
| 2 | Jul-2024 | Durability of penicillin allergy delabeling and post-testing penicillin utilisation in adults with immune compromise. | Rose, Morgan T ; Mitri, Elise A ; Vogrin, Sara; Holmes, Natasha E ; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Slavin, Monica A; Trubiano, Jason |
| 3 | Jun-2024 | Oral challenge vs routine care to assess low-risk penicillin allergy in critically ill hospital patients (ORACLE): a pilot safety and feasibility randomised controlled trial. | Rose, Morgan T ; Holmes, Natasha E ; Eastwood, Glenn M ; Vogrin, Sara; James, Fiona L ; De Luca, Joseph F; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; Warrillow, Stephen J ; Phung, Michelle; Barnes, Sara L; Murfin, Brendan; Rogers, Ben; Lambros, Belinda; Collis, Brennan; Peel, Trisha N; Slavin, Monica A; Trubiano, Jason |
| 4 | Jan-2024 | Durability of immune responses after drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms. | Awad, Andrew; Mouhtouris, Effie ; Clatch, Allison; James, Fiona L ; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Holmes, Natasha E ; Gibney, Grace; Rose, Morgan T ; Copaescu, Ana ; Goh, Michelle ; Mackay, Laura K; Christo, Susan N; Gordon, Claire L ; Philips, Elizabeth J; Trubiano, Jason |
| 5 | 1-Sep-2023 | Efficacy of a Clinical Decision Rule to Enable Direct Oral Challenge in Patients With Low-Risk Penicillin Allergy: The PALACE Randomized Clinical Trial. | Copaescu, Ana Maria; Vogrin, Sara; James, Fiona L ; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Rose, Morgan T ; De Luca, Joseph; Waldron, Jamie; Awad, Andrew; Godsell, Jack; Mitri, Elise A ; Lambros, Belinda; Douglas, Abby ; Youcef Khoudja, Rabea; Isabwe, Ghislaine A C; Genest, Genevieve; Fein, Michael; Radojicic, Cristine; Collier, Ann; Lugar, Patricia; Stone, Cosby; Ben-Shoshan, Moshe; Turner, Nicholas A; Holmes, Natasha E ; Phillips, Elizabeth J; Trubiano, Jason A |
| 6 | 20-Jul-2023 | Oral challenge vs routine care to assess low-risk penicillin allergy in critically ill hospital patients (ORACLE): a pilot randomised controlled trial. | Rose, Morgan T ; Holmes, Natasha E ; Eastwood, Glenn M ; Vogrin, Sara; James, Fiona L ; Phung, Michelle; Barnes, Sara; Murfin, Brendan; Rogers, Ben; Lambros, Belinda; Peel, Trisha; Gibney, Grace; Slavin, Monica; Trubiano, Jason |
| 7 | 5-Jul-2023 | The Who, What, When and Where of Inpatient Direct Oral Penicillin Challenge - Implications for health services implementation. | Trubiano, Jason ; Vogrin, S; Mitri, Elise A ; Hall, R; Copaescu, Ana ; Waldron, J; De Luca, J; Rose, Morgan T ; Mackay, G; Lambros, B; Douglas, A P; Holmes, Natasha E ; Chua, Kyra Y L |
| 8 | 1-Jun-2023 | Development and Validation of a Sulfa Antibiotic Allergy Clinical Decision Rule. | Waldron, Jamie L; Rose, Morgan T ; Vogrin, Sara; Krantz, Matthew S; Bolotte, Ryan; Phillips, Elizabeth J; Trubiano, Jason A |
| 9 | Feb-2023 | Assessing Low-Risk Penicillin Allergies in Critical COVID-19, A Novel Perspective on an Emerging Antibiotic Allergy Opportunity. | Rose, Morgan T ; Trubiano, Jason |
| 10 | 8-Aug-2022 | Use of a penicillin allergy clinical decision rule to enable direct oral penicillin provocation: an international multicentre randomised control trial in an adult population (PALACE): study protocol. | Copaescu, Ana ; James, Fiona L ; Vogrin, Sara; Rose, Morgan T ; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Holmes, Natasha E ; Turner, Nicholas A; Stone, Cosby; Phillips, Elizabeth; Trubiano, Jason |
| 11 | Oct-2021 | The safety and efficacy of direct oral challenge in trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole antibiotic allergy. | Rose, Morgan T ; Vogrin, Sara; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Drewett, George P ; Douglas, Abby; Slavin, Monica; Holmes, Natasha E ; Trubiano, Jason |
| 12 | 27-Sep-2021 | COVID-Care - a safe and successful digital self-assessment tool for outpatients with proven and suspected coronavirus-2019. | Drewett, George P ; Holmes, Natasha E ; Trubiano, Jason ; Vogrin, Sara; Feldman, Jeff; Rose, Morgan T |
| 13 | Sep-2021 | Defective Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Immune Responses in an Immunocompromised Individual With Prolonged Viral Replication. | Gordon, Claire L ; Smibert, Olivia C ; Holmes, Natasha E ; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Rose, Morgan T ; Drewett, George P ; James, Fiona L ; Mouhtouris, Effie ; Nguyen, Thi H O; Zhang, Wuji; Kedzierski, Lukasz; Rowntree, Louise C; Chua, Brendon Y; Caly, Leon; Catton, Mike G; Druce, Julian; Sait, Michelle; Seemann, Torsten; Sherry, Norelle L ; Howden, Benjamin P ; Kedzierska, Katherine; Kwong, Jason C ; Trubiano, Jason |
| 14 | Feb-2021 | The impact of antibiotic allergy testing in transplant patients. | Ying, Amy; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Rose, Morgan T ; Vogrin, Sara; Trubiano, Jason |
| 15 | Dec-2020 | COVID-MATCH65-A prospectively derived clinical decision rule for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. | Trubiano, Jason ; Vogrin, Sara; Smibert, Olivia C ; Marhoon, Nada ; Alexander, Adrian A; Chua, Kyra Y L ; James, Fiona L ; Jones, Nicholas R L; Grigg, Samuel E ; Xu, Cecilia L H ; Moini, Nasreen; Stanley, Sam R; Birrell, Michael T ; Rose, Morgan T ; Gordon, Claire L ; Kwong, Jason C ; Holmes, Natasha E |
| 16 | Nov-2020 | The democratisation of de-labelling: a review of direct oral challenge in adults with low-risk penicillin allergy. | Rose, Morgan T ; Slavin, Monica; Trubiano, Jason |
| 17 | Oct-2020 | Delayed hypersensitivity associated with amoxicillin-clavulanate. | Copaescu, Ana ; Rose, Morgan T ; Mouhtouris, Effie ; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Holmes, Natasha E ; Phillips, Elizabeth J; Trubiano, Jason |
| 18 | 11-Jul-2020 | The impact of antibiotic allergy testing in transplant patients. | Ying, A; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Rose, M ; Vogrin, S; Trubiano, Jason |
| 19 | Jul-2020 | Analysis of Skin-Resident Memory T Cells Following Drug Hypersensitivity Reactions. | Trubiano, Jason ; Gordon, Claire L ; Castellucci, Clara; Christo, Susan N; Park, Simone L; Mouhtouris, Effie ; Konvinse, Katherine; Rose, Morgan T ; Goh, Michelle ; Boyd, Alan S; Phillips, Elizabeth J; Mackay, Laura K |
| 20 | 26-Dec-2019 | Analysis of skin-resident memory T cells following drug hypersensitivity reactions. | Trubiano, Jason ; Gordon, Claire L ; Castellucci, C; Christo, S N; Park, S L; Mouhtouris, Effie ; Konvinse, K; Rose, M ; Goh, Michelle ; Boyd, A S; Phillips, Elizabeth J; Mackay, L K |