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Heidelberg, Victoria

Results 1-20 of 137 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
12-Jan-2025User-centred design of a patient portal for persons living with home mechanical ventilation and long-term tracheostomy: a mixed methods studyChao, Caroline ; Berlowitz, David J ; Metcalf, Olivia; Gregson, Prudence A; Hart, Graeme K ; Howard, Mark E 
219-Nov-2024Digital health interventions to improve recovery for intensive care unit survivors: A systematic review.Leggett, Nina; Abdelhamid, Yasmine Ali; Deane, Adam M; Emery, Kate; Hutcheon, Evelyn; Rollinson, Thomas C ; Preston, Annabel; Witherspoon, Sophie; Zhang, Cindy; Merolli, Mark; Haines, Kimberley J 
38-Nov-2024Comparison of clinically meaningful improvements following center-based and home-based tele rehabilitation in people with COPD.Cox, Narelle S ; McDonald, Christine F ; Burge, Angela T ; Hill, Catherine J ; Bondarenko, Janet; Holland, Anne E 
46-Nov-2024Can resting lung function predict the response of a person living with motor neuron disease to a hypoxic challenge test?Clohessy, Talia A; Sheers, Nicole L; Berlowitz, David J ; Ruehland, Warren R ; Brazzale, Danny J 
521-Oct-2024NIV@Home: a pilot randomized controlled trial of in-home noninvasive ventilation initiation compared to a single-day admission model.Sheers, Nicole L; Hannan, Liam M ; Rautela, Linda ; Graco, Marnie ; Jones, Jennifer R A ; Retica, Sarah; Saravanan, Krisha ; Burgess, Nicola ; McGaw, Rebekah; Donovan, Ashleigh; Clohessy, Talia ; Chao, Caroline ; Charles, Cameron; Howard, Mark E ; Berlowitz, David J 
614-Oct-2024Complications associated with prone positioning in mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients: A multicentre, retrospective observational study.Rollinson, Thomas C ; McDonald, Luke A ; Rose, Joleen W ; Eastwood, Glenn M ; Costa-Pinto, Rahul; Modra, Lucy J ; Akinori, Maeda; Bacolas, Zoe; Anstey, James; Bates, Samantha; Bradley, Scott; Dumbrell, Jodi; French, Craig; Ghosh, Angaj; Haines, Kimberley J ; Haydon, Tim; Hodgson, Carol L; Holmes, Jennifer; Leggett, Nina; McGain, Forbes; Moore, Cara; Nelson, Kathleen; Presneill, Jeffrey; Rotherham, Hannah; Said, Simone; Young, Meredith; Zhao, Peinan; Udy, Andrew; Serpa Neto, Ary ; Chaba, Anis; Bellomo, Rinaldo 
7Jul-2024CLINICIAN AND PATIENT IDENTIFIED SOLUTIONS TO REDUCE THE FRAGMENTATION OF POST-ICU CARE IN AUSTRALIA.Leggett, Nina; Emery, Kate; Rollinson, Thomas C ; Deane, Adam M; French, Craig; Manski-Nankervis, Jo-Anne; Eastwood, Glenn M ; Miles, Briannah; Witherspoon, Sophie; Stewart, Jonathan; Merolli, Mark; Ali Abdelhamid, Yasmine; Haines, Kimberley J 
8Mar-2024Magnitude and time to peak oxygenation effect of prone positioning in ventilated adults with COVID-19 related acute hypoxemic respiratory failure.Rollinson, Thomas C ; McDonald, Luke A ; Rose, Joleen W ; Eastwood, Glenn M ; Costa-Pinto, Rahul; Modra, Lucy J ; Maeda, Akinori; Bacolas, Zoe; Anstey, James; Bates, Samantha; Bradley, Scott; Dumbrell, Jodi; French, Craig; Ghosh, Angaj; Haines, Kimberley J ; Haydon, Tim; Hodgson, Carol; Holmes, Jennifer; Leggett, Nina; McGain, Forbes; Moore, Cara; Nelson, Kathleen; Presneill, Jeffrey; Rotherham, Hannah; Said, Simone; Young, Meredith; Zhao, Peinan; Udy, Andrew; Chaba, Anis; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; Neto, Ary Serpa
925-Feb-2024Using change in 6-minute walk distance to predict survival in progressive pulmonary fibrosis: A promising measure in need of precision.Holland, Anne E ; Dowman, Leona M 
1011-Jan-2024Pressure injuries in mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients utilising different prone positioning techniques - A prospective observational study.Woolger, Cara; Rollinson, Thomas C ; Oliphant, Fiona; Ross, Kristy; Ryan, Brooke; Bacolas, Zoe; Burleigh, Sarah; Jameson, Stephanie; McDonald, Luke A ; Rose, Joleen W ; Modra, Lucy J ; Costa-Pinto, Rahul
111-Jan-2024Impact of Test Instructions on 6-min Walk Distance in Adults With Chronic Respiratory Disease: A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL.Mellerick, Christie R; Burge, Angela T ; Hill, Catherine J ; Cox, Narelle S ; Bondarenko, Janet; Holland, Anne E 
12Jan-2024Early intervention treatment in the first 2 weeks following concussion in adults: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials.Moore, Sonya; Musgrave, Chris; Sandler, Jonathan; Bradley, Ben; Jones, Jennifer R A 
13Jan-2024Development, feasibility testing, and preliminary evaluation of the Communication with an Artificial airway Tool (CAT): Results of the Crit-CAT pilot study.Zaga, Charissa J ; Papasavva, Catherine S; Hepworth, Graham; Freeman-Sanderson, Amy; Happ, Mary Beth; Hoit, Jeannette D; McGrath, Brendan A; Pandian, Vinciya; Rose, Louise; Sutt, Anna-Liisa; Tuinman, Pieter R; Wallace, Sarah; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; Vogel, Adam P; Berney, Susan C 
14Dec-2023Fragmentation of care between intensive and primary care settings and opportunities for improvement.Leggett, Nina; Emery, Kate; Rollinson, Thomas C ; Deane, Adam; French, Craig; Manski Nankervis, Jo-Anne; Eastwood, Glenn M ; Miles, Briannah; Merolli, Mark; Ali Abdelhamid, Yasmine; Haines, Kimberley Joy
1530-Nov-2023Effects of upper limb exercise or training on hand dexterity and function in people with Parkinson's disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis.Proud, Elizabeth; Miller, Kimberly J; Morris, Meg E; McGinley, Jennifer L; Blennerhassett, Jannette M 
1621-Nov-2023Neuromuscular blockade and oxygenation changes during prone positioning in COVID-19.Rollinson, Thomas C ; McDonald, Luke A ; Rose, Joleen W ; Eastwood, Glenn M ; Costa-Pinto, Rahul; Modra, Lucy J ; Maeda, Akinori; Bacolas, Zoe; Anstey, James; Bates, Samantha; Bradley, Scott; Dumbrell, Jodi; French, Craig; Ghosh, Angaj; Haines, Kimberley J ; Haydon, Tim; Hodgson, Carol L; Holmes, Jennifer; Leggett, Nina; McGain, Forbes; Moore, Cara; Nelson, Kathleen; Presneill, Jeffrey; Rotherham, Hannah; Said, Simone; Young, Meredith; Zhao, Peinan; Udy, Andrew; Neto, Ary Serpa; Chaba, Anis; Bellomo, Rinaldo 
17Nov-2023The PhLIP team: Feasibility of a physiotherapy-led intensive prone positioning team initiative during the COVID-19 pandemic.Rollinson, Thomas C ; Rose, Joleen W ; McDonald, Luke A ; Green, Cara; Topple, Michelle ; Warrillow, Stephen J ; Modra, Lucy J ; Costa-Pinto, Rahul; Berney, Susan C 
182-Oct-2023Evaluating Feasibility of a Secondary Stroke Prevention Program.Hunter, Stephanie; Vogel, Kimberley; O'Leary, Shane; Blennerhassett, Jannette Maree
191-Oct-2023Responsiveness of Critically Ill Adults With Multimorbidity to Rehabilitation Interventions: A Patient-Level Meta-Analysis Using Individual Pooled Data From Four Randomized Trials.Jones, Jennifer R A ; Karahalios, Amalia; Puthucheary, Zudin A; Berry, Michael J; Files, D Clark; Griffith, David M; McDonald, Luke A ; Morris, Peter E; Moss, Marc; Nordon-Craft, Amy; Walsh, Timothy; Berney, Sue ; Denehy, Linda
20Oct-2023A Randomised Controlled Trial of Lung Volume Recruitment in Adults with Neuromuscular Disease.Sheers, Nicole L; Howard, Mark E ; Rochford, Peter D ; Rautela, Linda ; Chao, Caroline ; McKim, Douglas A; Berlowitz, David J