| | Publication Year | Title | Author(s) |
| 1 | Mar-2024 | Frequency of and associations with alterations of medical emergency team calling criteria in a teaching hospital emergency department. | Baylis, Simon R; Fletcher, Luke R ; Brown, Alastair J W; Hensman, Tamishta; Serpa Neto, Ary ; Jones, Daryl A |
| 2 | 22-Jan-2024 | Examining emergency departments practices on advance care directives and medical treatment decision making using the victorian emergency minimum dataset. | Osman, Abdi D; Howell, Jocelyn; Yates, Paul A ; Jones, Daryl A ; Braitberg, George |
| 3 | Jan-2024 | An intoxication involving 2-methyl AP-237 and AP-238 from Victoria, Australia: Case report. | Maplesden, Jacqueline; Greene, Shaun L ; Syrjanen, Rebekka; Di Rago, Matthew; Schumann, Jennifer |
| 4 | 2024 | Machine learning in clinical practice: Evaluation of an artificial intelligence tool after implementation. | Akhlaghi, Hamed; Freeman, Sam; Vari, Cynthia; McKenna, Bede; Braitberg, George; Karro, Jonathan; Tahayori, Bahman |
| 5 | 19-Dec-2023 | Power and politics of leading change in emergency departments: A qualitative study of Australasian emergency physicians. | Rixon, Andrew; Judkins, Simon ; Wilson, Samuel |
| 6 | 14-Nov-2023 | Assessment of inter-rater reliability of screening tools to identify patients at risk of medication-related problems across the emergency department continuum of care. | D'lima, Jessica; Taylor, Simone E ; Mitri, Elise A ; Harding, Andrew M ; Lai, Jerry; Manias, Elizabeth |
| 7 | 10-Nov-2023 | A risk-based approach to community illicit drug toxicosurveillance: operationalisation of the Emerging Drugs Network of Australia - Victoria (EDNAV) project. | Syrjanen, Rebekka; Schumann, Jennifer L; Lyons, Tom; McKinnon, Ginny; Hodgson, Sarah E; Abouchedid, Rachelle; Gerostamoulos, Dimitri; Koutsogiannis, Zeff ; Fitzgerald, John; Greene, Shaun L |
| 8 | 7-Nov-2023 | Characteristics and time course of benzodiazepine-type new psychoactive substance detections in Australia: results from the Emerging Drugs Network of Australia - Victoria project 2020-2022. | Syrjanen, Rebekka; Greene, Shaun L ; Weber, Courtney; Smith, Jennifer L; Hodgson, Sarah E; Abouchedid, Rachelle; Gerostamoulos, Dimitri; Maplesden, Jacqueline; Knott, Jonathan; Hollerer, Hans; Rotella, Joe-Anthony ; Graudins, Andis ; Schumann, Jennifer L |
| 9 | Sep-2023 | Implementation of a pragmatic emergency department patients' own medications (POM) procedure to improve medication safety: An interrupted time series. | Taylor, Simone E ; Joules, Emily; Harding, Andrew M |
| 10 | Aug-2023 | Planning for the next pandemic: Reflections on lessons from the uncontained transmission phases of the COVID-19 pandemic and their impacts on emergency departments in Australia. | Hsiao, Kai Hsun; Foong, Lai Heng; Govindasamy, Laksmi S ; Judkins, Simon |
| 11 | Aug-2023 | Early prediction of hospital admission of emergency department patients. | Kishore, Kartik ; Braitberg, George; Holmes, Natasha E ; Bellomo, Rinaldo |
| 12 | Aug-2023 | Learning to lead: Supporting future emergency physician leaders. | Govindasamy, Laksmi S ; Hilbig, Adelene |
| 13 | 25-Jul-2023 | Evidence behind the exhortation? A rapid review of servant leadership's influence and claims in healthcare over the last decade. | Wong, Lee Yung; Sendjaya, Sen; Wilson, Samuel; Rixon, Andrew |
| 14 | Jul-2023 | Enigmatic Medicine: a proposed rebranding of emergency medicine. | Wong, Lee Yung |
| 15 | 15-Jun-2023 | Relax into the tension: Paradoxes experienced by emerging leaders in emergency medicine. | Wong, Lee Yung; Wheeler, Melissa A |
| 16 | 17-Apr-2023 | Effect of intravenous fluid volume on biomarkers of endothelial glycocalyx shedding and inflammation during initial resuscitation of sepsis. | Macdonald, Stephen; Bosio, Erika; Keijzers, Gerben; Burrows, Sally; Hibbs, Moira; O'Donoghue, Helen; Taylor, David McD ; Mukherjee, Ashes; Kinnear, Frances; Smart, Lisa; Ascencio-Lane, Juan-Carlos; Litton, Edward; Fraser, John; Shapiro, Nathan I; Arendts, Glenn; Fatovich, Daniel |
| 17 | Apr-2023 | Non-fatal intoxications involving the novel benzodiazepine clonazolam: case series from the Emerging Drugs Network of Australia - Victoria project. | Syrjanen, Rebekka; Greene, Shaun L ; Castle, Jared W; Di Rago, Matthew; Hodgson, Sarah E; Abouchedid, Rachelle; Graudins, Andis ; Schumann, Jennifer L |
| 18 | 26-Feb-2023 | Moving beyond the dose makes the poison. | Colalillo, James M; Govindasamy, Laksmi ; Ley Greaves, Robbie |
| 19 | 22-Feb-2023 | Thirteen toxicology tidbits for the emergency clinician. | Koutsogiannis, Zeff ; Guertin, Marina |
| 20 | 15-Feb-2023 | Barriers and facilitators to guideline-recommended care of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in the ED: a qualitative study using the theoretical domains framework. | Bradshaw, Sally; Graco, Marnie ; Holland, Anne E |