| | Publication Year | Title | Author(s) |
| 1 | 15-Jul-2024 | Impact of medicine shortages on hospital practice: role of a multidisciplinary medicine shortages team | Harris, David; Ho, Lisa; Taylor, Simone E |
| 2 | 14-Nov-2023 | Assessment of inter-rater reliability of screening tools to identify patients at risk of medication-related problems across the emergency department continuum of care. | D'lima, Jessica; Taylor, Simone E ; Mitri, Elise A ; Harding, Andrew M ; Lai, Jerry; Manias, Elizabeth |
| 3 | Nov-2023 | Implications of differences between point-of-care blood gas analyser and laboratory analyser potassium results on hyperkalaemia diagnosis & treatment. | Pradhan, Jasmin; Harding, Andrew M ; Taylor, Simone E ; Lam, Que T |
| 4 | Sep-2023 | Accuracy of medication labels on community pharmacy-prepared dose administration aids: An observational study. | Uzunbay, Zulal; Elliott, Rohan A ; Taylor, Simone E ; Sepe, Daniela; Ferraro, Emily J |
| 5 | Sep-2023 | Implementation of a pragmatic emergency department patients' own medications (POM) procedure to improve medication safety: An interrupted time series. | Taylor, Simone E ; Joules, Emily; Harding, Andrew M |
| 6 | Jun-2023 | Accuracy of medication histories derived from an Australian cloud-based repository of prescribed and dispensed medication records. | Elliott, Rohan A ; Taylor, Simone E ; Koo, Stella M K; Nguyen, Anny D; Liu, Esther; Loh, Grace |
| 7 | 15-Apr-2023 | Medicines-related interventions to support safe transitions for care home residents post hospital discharge: Do hospital-delivered interventions have a role? | Elliott, Rohan A ; Taylor, Simone E |
| 8 | 12-Jul-2022 | Evaluation of a post-discharge pharmacist opioid review following total knee arthroplasty: a pre- and post-intervention cohort study. | Tran, Tim ; Ford, James; Hardidge, Andrew J ; Antoine, Shari; Veevers, Beth; Taylor, Simone E ; Elliott, Rohan A |
| 9 | 6-Jul-2022 | Development of Screening Tools to Predict Medication-Related Problems Across the Continuum of Emergency Department Care: A Prospective, Multicenter Study. | Taylor, Simone E ; Mitri, Elise A ; Harding, Andrew M ; Taylor, David McD ; Weeks, Adrian; Abbott, Leonie; Lambros, Pani; Lawrence, Dona; Strumpman, Dana; Senturk-Raif, Reyhan; Louey, Stephen; Crisp, Hamish; Tomlinson, Emily; Manias, Elizabeth |
| 10 | 3-Jul-2022 | Response to Re: Hyperkalaemia in the emergency department: Epidemiology, management and monitoring of treatment outcomes. | Pollack, Kimberley; Manning, Kiri R; Balassone, Jacqueline; Bui, Calista; Taylor, David McD ; Taylor, Simone E |
| 11 | 20-Jun-2022 | Accuracy of medication histories derived from an Australian cloud-based repository of prescribed and dispensed medication records. | Elliott, Rohan A ; Taylor, Simone E ; Koo, Stella Mk; Nguyen, Anny D; Liu, Esther; Loh, Grace |
| 12 | Jun-2022 | Qualitative exploration of Australian Muslim patients’ perceptions and experiences surrounding medication management during Ramadan. | To, The-Phung ; Taylor, Simone E ; Abdullah, Ayat; Abdullah, Nur; Huang, Kerry; Khan, Naemah; Shirzad, Sakinah; Elmi, Huda; Zayegh, Iman |
| 13 | 11-Apr-2022 | Hyperkalaemia in the emergency department: Epidemiology, management and monitoring of treatment outcomes. | Pollack, Kimberley; Manning, Kiri R; Balassone, Jacqueline; Bui, Calista; Taylor, David McD ; Taylor, Simone E |
| 14 | 30-Sep-2021 | Regular medication use by active scuba divers with a declared comorbid medical condition and victims of scuba and snorkelling-related fatalities. | Taylor, Simone E ; Taylor, David McD ; Pisasale, Daisy ; Booth, Kyle; Lippmann, John |
| 15 | Sep-2021 | Wastage of medications supplied by hospitals to facilitate continuity of care when patients are discharged to residential care facilities in Victoria, Australia: An observational study. | Elliott, Rohan A ; Tran, Tim ; Taylor, Simone E |
| 16 | Apr-2021 | Prescription medication use by emergency department doctors to improve work and academic performance, and to manage stress and anxiety. | Eggink, Karin M; Taylor, Simone E ; Judkins, Simon ; Taylor, David McD |
| 17 | 29-Dec-2020 | Perceptions of hospital pharmacists and pharmacy technicians towards expanding roles for hospital pharmacy technicians: a cross‐sectional survey | Anderson, Brett J; Carroll, Margaret E; Taylor, Simone E ; Chow, Alice |
| 18 | 10-Dec-2020 | Ketamine: Is the current 200 mg product fit for purpose in the emergency department? | Elmi, Huda; Pisasale, Daisy ; Taylor, Simone E ; Kebire, Omer; Abbott, Leonie |
| 19 | Dec-2020 | Thunderstorm asthma medication management during an external emergency (Code Brown): An observational study of the impact of electronic prescribing and clinical documentation. | Anderson, Brett J; Harding, Andrew M ; Taylor, Simone E ; O'Keefe, Caitlan |
| 20 | Aug-2020 | A prospective study of medication management during transitions from hospital to residential care: a 10‐year follow‐up to the MedGap study | Elliott, Rohan A ; Boutros, Yvonne; Tran, Tim ; Taylor, Simone E |