Ellen O'Connor

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Ellen O'Connor
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O'Connor, Ellen
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Results 1-11 of 11 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
1Jul-2021Assessment and management of haematuria in the general practice setting.O'Connor, Ellen ; McVey, Aoife ; Demkiw, Stephanie; Lawrentschuk, Nathan; Murphy, Declan G
22021Clinical trials in urological oncology: COVID-19 and the potential need for a new perspective.Teh, Jiasian ; O'Connor, Ellen ; Coles-Black, Jasamine ; Lawrentschuk, Nathan
39-Dec-2020Are we failing to consent to an increasingly common complication? Incisional hernias at robotic prostatectomy.Timm, Brennan ; O'Connor, Ellen ; Bolton, Damien M ; Liodakis, Peter 
4Dec-2020Open partial nephrectomy: current review.O'Connor, Ellen ; Timm, Brennan ; Lawrentschuk, Nathan; Ischia, Joseph J 
5Dec-2020Doctor in training delivered telehealth consultations, a safe and supported environment for clinical education.Timm, Brennan ; Jayarajan, Jyotsna ; Liodakis, Peter ; O'Connor, Ellen ; Bolton, Damien M 
6Nov-2020Pitfalls of FDG-PET in the prostate for the surgical oncologist.O'Connor, Ellen ; Teh, Jiasian ; Bolton, Damien M 
7Oct-2020Future directions in advanced penile cancer - mechanisms of carcinogenesis and a search for targeted therapy.Teh, Jiasian ; O'Connor, Ellen ; O'Brien, Jonathon; Lim, Wei Mou; Taylor, Michael; Heriot, Alexander; Ramsay, Robert; Lawrentschuk, Nathan
817-Jul-2020Peritoneal and port-site metastasis following robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy.O'Connor, Ellen ; Timm, Brennan ; Chislett, Bodie ; Teh, Jiasian ; Lawrentschuk, Nathan; Murphy, Declan G; Bolton, Damien M 
9Jul-2020Bacillus Calmette GuĂ©rin (BCG) vaccination use in the fight against COVID-19 - what's old is new again?O'Connor, Ellen ; Teh, Jiasian ; Kamat, Ashish M; Lawrentschuk, Nathan
10Jul-2020Robot-assisted ipsilateral ureteroureterostomy in a duplex system utilizing intraoperative flexible ureteroscopy.O'Connor, Ellen ; Teh, Jiasian ; Lawrentschuk, Nathan
11May-2020We still need the clinic; patient perceptions on doctor-in-training delivered telehealth versus in-person consultation.Timm, Brennan ; O'Connor, Ellen ; Liodakis, Peter ; Jayarajan, Jyotsna ; Bolton, Damien M