| | Publication Year | Title | Author(s) |
| 1 | 23-Jan-2024 | Indocyanine green in minimally and maximally invasive genitourinary cancer surgery. | Chen, David C; Sandhu, Devan S; O'Brien, Jonathan S; Eapen, Renu S ; Moon, Daniel; Goad, Jeremy; Perera, Marlon L; Murphy, Declan G; Lawrentschuk, Nathan; Kelly, Brian D |
| 2 | 19-Jan-2024 | Case of the Month from the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Australia: an operative approach to large renal angiomyolipoma associated with lymphangioleiomyomatosis. | Chen, David C; O'Brien, Jonathan; Chen, Ken; Jenjitranant, Pocharapong; Snow, Hayden; Gyorki, David; Murphy, Declan G; Lawrentschuk, Nathan; Perera, Marlon L; Kelly, Brian D |
| 3 | 18-Jan-2024 | Near-infrared spectroscopy as a novel method of ex vivo bladder cancer tissue characterisation. | Yim, Arthur; Alberto, Matthew; Sharma, Varun; Green, Alexander; Mclean, Aaron; du Plessis, Justin; Wong, Lih-Ming ; Wood, Bayden; Ischia, Joseph J ; Raman, Jaishankar; Bolton, Damien M |
| 4 | 2-Jan-2024 | A Systematic Review on Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen Positron Emission Tomography (PSMA PET) Evaluating Localized Low- to Intermediate-Risk Prostate Cancer: A Tool to Improve Risk Stratification for Active Surveillance? | Liu, Jianliang; Santucci, Jordan; Woon, Dixon T S; Catterwell, Rick; Perera, Marlon ; Murphy, Declan G; Lawrentschuk, Nathan |
| 5 | Jan-2024 | Perspectives on technology: To use or to reuse, that is the endoscopic question - a systematic review of single-use endoscopes. | Anderson, S ; Patterson, K; Skolarikos, A; Somani, B; Bolton, D M; Davis, N F |
| 6 | 18-Dec-2023 | 'Case of the Month' from Epworth Healthcare, Epworth, Australia: Fournier's gangrene following routine surgery. | Huang, Siyu; Chen, David C; Mirabelli, Adam G; Donato, Robert; Pham, Toan; Duong, Cuong; Lawrentschuk, Nathan |
| 7 | 15-Dec-2023 | A novel two-stage approach to the treatment of renal cell carcinoma with intra-cardiac tumour extension and Budd-Chiari syndrome. | Perini, Marcos V ; Ischia, Joseph J ; Woon, Dixon; Bhaskar, Jayapadman; Starkey, Graham M ; Qi, Sara; Wetherell, David ; Ellard, Louise ; McCall, Peter R ; Miles, Lachlan F ; Seevanayagam, Siven |
| 8 | 1-Dec-2023 | Treatment of primary cancer in metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer. | Lim, Kylie Y-Y; Alberto, Matthew; Ranasinghe, Weranja |
| 9 | Nov-2023 | PCNL in neurogenic bladder: A challenging population for both clinical management and analysis. | Heijkoop, Bridget ; Chislett, Bodie ; Perera, Marlon ; Esler, Stephen J ; Bolton, Damien M ; Webb, David Rowan |
| 10 | 1-Sep-2023 | In Vivo Ureteroscopic Intra-Renal Pressures and Clinical Outcomes: A Multi-Institutional Analysis of 120 Consecutive Patients. | Croghan, Stefanie M; Cunnane, Eoghan M; O'Meara, Sorcha; Muheilan, Muheilan; Cunnane, Connor V; Patterson, Kenneth; Skolarikos, Andreas; Somani, Bhaskar; Jack, Gregory S ; Forde, James C; O'Brien, Fergal J; Walsh, Michael T; Manecksha, Rustom P; McGuire, Barry B; Davis, Niall F |
| 11 | 7-Jul-2023 | Intrarenal pressures during flexible ureteroscopy: an insight into safer endourology. | Hong, Anne; Browne, Cliodhna; Jack, Greg; Bolton, Damien M |
| 12 | 12-Jun-2023 | Mechanism of urosepsis: relationship between intrarenal pressures and pyelovenous backflow. | Hong, Anne; du Plessis, Justin; Browne, Cliodhna; Jack, Gregory S ; Bolton, Damien M |
| 13 | Jun-2023 | Social determinants of health: does socioeconomic status affect access to staging imaging for men with prostate cancer. | Kelly, Brian D ; Perera, Marlon ; Bolton, Damien M ; Papa, Nathan |
| 14 | May-2023 | Benign ultrasound in a young adult with pT2 seminoma - beware the malignant potential of undescended testes. | Chen, David C; Qin, Kirby R ; Perera, Marlon ; du Plessis, Justin; Gibson, Luke; Woon, Dixon; Bolton, Damien M ; Ischia, Joseph J |
| 15 | 26-Apr-2023 | Decade-long trends in prostate cancer biopsy grade groups and treatment within a population-based registry. | Wei, Gavin ; Ranasinghe, Weranja; Evans, Melanie; Bolton, Damien M ; Dodds, Lachlan; Frydenberg, Mark; Kearns, Paul; Lawrentschuk, Nathan; Murphy, Declan G; Millar, Jeremy; Papa, Nathan |
| 16 | Apr-2023 | A systematic review of the surgical management of apical pelvic organ prolapse. | Chan, Cherie Yik Wah; Fernandes, Royston Antony; Yao, Henry Han-I; O'Connell, Helen E; Tse, Vincent; Gani, Johan |
| 17 | Apr-2023 | Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis: a systematic review of treatment and mortality in more than 1000 cases. | Harley, Frances; Wei, Gavin ; O'Callaghan, Michael; Wong, Lih-Ming ; Hennessey, Derek; Kinnear, Ned |
| 18 | 31-Mar-2023 | 5-alpha reductase inhibitors use in prostatic disease and beyond. | Chislett, Bodie ; Chen, David; Perera, Marlon ; Chung, Eric; Bolton, Damien M ; Qu, Liang G |
| 19 | Mar-2023 | Comprehensive review of the use of hydrogel spacers prior to radiation therapy for prostate cancer. | Harvey, Michael; Ong, Wee Loon ; Chao, Michael ; Udovicich, Cristian; McBride, Sean; Bolton, Damien M ; Eastham, James; Perera, Marlon |
| 20 | Mar-2023 | Current trends in penile cancer survivorship amongst remote patients and Aboriginal people in Western Australia. | Ngweso, Simeon; Nzenza, Tatenda C ; McMillan, Kevin; Sofield, David; Lozinskiy, Mikhail; Hayne, Dickon |