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Chao, Caroline
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Results 1-12 of 12 (Search time: 0.012 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
121-Oct-2024NIV@Home: a pilot randomized controlled trial of in-home noninvasive ventilation initiation compared to a single-day admission model.Sheers, Nicole L; Hannan, Liam M ; Rautela, Linda ; Graco, Marnie ; Jones, Jennifer R A ; Retica, Sarah; Saravanan, Krisha ; Burgess, Nicola ; McGaw, Rebekah; Donovan, Ashleigh; Clohessy, Talia ; Chao, Caroline ; Charles, Cameron; Howard, Mark E ; Berlowitz, David J 
21-Jul-2024Breath of Fresh Data: Enhancing non-invasive ventilation (NIV) Patient Care across a State-wide ServiceBerlowitz, David J ; Churchward, Thomas J ; Michael, Chris; Ruehland, Warren R ; Longo, Carly; Rautela, Linda ; Sheers, Nicole ; Chao, Caroline ; Howard, Mark E ; Conti, Simon
320-Apr-2023A Multidisciplinary Approach to Verbal Communication Interventions for Mechanically Ventilated Adults With a TracheostomyZaga, Charissa J ; Chao, Caroline ; Cameron, Tanis S ; Ross, Jacqueline M ; Rautela, Linda ; Rollinson, Thomas C ; Marchingo, Emma; Gregson, Prudence A; Warrillow, Stephen J ; Atkins, Naomi E ; Howard, Mark E 
4Oct-2022Silver nitrate therapy for persistent tracheocutaneous fistula following prolonged tracheostomy and invasive ventilation: A case report.Sweeney, Duncan J ; Chao, Caroline ; Ridgers, Anna; Knee Chong, Christine; Goldblatt, Joshua; Seevanayagam, Siven ; Howard, Mark E 
5Sep-2021Measuring Adherence to Long-Term Noninvasive Ventilation.Chao, Caroline ; Berlowitz, David J ; Howard, Mark E ; Rautela, Linda ; McDonald, Luke A ; Hannan, Liam M 
6May-2021Emergency tracheostomy management cognitive aid.Graham, Jonathan M ; Fisher, Caleb M; Cameron, Tanis S ; Streader, Trevor G; Warrillow, Stephen J ; Chao, Caroline ; Chong, Christine Knee; Ellard, Louise ; Hamoline, Jerome L; McMurray, Kristy A; Phillips, Damien J; Ross, Jacqueline M ; Vu, Quevy
74-Aug-2020Speech-Language Pathology Guidance for Tracheostomy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An International Multidisciplinary Perspective.Zaga, Charissa J ; Pandian, Vinciya; Brodsky, Martin B; Wallace, Sarah; Cameron, Tanis S ; Chao, Caroline ; Orloff, Lisa Ann; Atkins, Naomi E ; McGrath, Brendan A; Lazarus, Cathy L; Vogel, Adam P; Brenner, Michael J
8Aug-2019Pneumothorax in neuromuscular disease associated with lung volume recruitment and mechanical insufflation-exsufflation.McDonald, Luke A ; Berlowitz, David J ; Howard, Mark E ; Rautela, Linda ; Chao, Caroline ; Sheers, Nicole 
9May-2019Randomised controlled trial of polysomnographic titration of non-invasive ventilation.Hannan, Liam M ; Rautela, Linda ; Berlowitz, David J ; McDonald, Christine F ; Cori, Jennifer M ; Sheers, Nicole ; Chao, Caroline ; O'Donoghue, Fergal J ; Howard, Mark E 
101-Jul-2014Successful pregnancy in ventilatory failure due to campomelic dysplasia with severe kyphoscoliosis.Khor, Y H; Walker, S ; Rautela, L ; Chao, C ; Robinson, A; Howard, Mark E 
1116-Jul-2012Safety and feasibility of an exercise intervention for patients following lung resection: a pilot randomized controlled trial.Granger, Catherine L ; Chao, Caroline ; McDonald, Christine F ; Berney, Susan C ; Denehy, Linda
1212-Feb-2011Exercise intervention to improve exercise capacity and health related quality of life for patients with Non-small cell lung cancer: a systematic review.Granger, Catherine L ; McDonald, Christine F ; Berney, Susan C ; Chao, C ; Denehy, Linda