Garson Chan

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Garson Chan
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Chan, Garson
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Results 1-11 of 11 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
1Jul-2022Surgical mesh information on YouTubeTM: Evaluating the usage and reliability of videos for patient education.Chan, Garson ; Yanko, Emma; Qu, Liang G ; Zilberlicht, Ariel; Karmakar, Deb; Pirpiris, Athina; Gani, Johan 
211-Apr-2022Urodynamic findings in patients with nocturia and their associations with patient characteristics.Chan, Garson ; Qu, Liang G ; Gani, Johan 
311-Mar-2022An update on urethral diverticula: Results from a large case series.Pirpiris, Athina; Chan, Garson ; Chaulk, Richard C; Tran, Henley; Liu, Madalena
42022Alpha-Blocker Prescribing Trends for Ureteral Stones: A Single-Centre Study.Qu, Liang G ; Chan, Garson ; Gani, Johan 
5Oct-2021What a mesh! An Australian experience using national female continence surgery trends over 20 yearsMcVey, Aoife ; Qu, Liang G ; Chan, Garson ; Perera, Marlon ; Brennan, Janelle; Chung, Eric; Gani, Johan 
6Jun-2021Evaluation of pre-operative bladder contractility as a predictor of improved response rate to a staged trial of sacral neuromodulation in patients with detrusor underactivity.Chan, Garson ; Qu, Liang G ; Gani, Johan 
7Apr-2021Clinician training level impacts prescribing practices for the conservative management of acute renal colic: a contemporary update.Qu, Liang G ; Chan, Garson ; Gani, Johan 
8Jan-2021Botox rechallenge-An additional tool in the management of an incompletely emptying bladder and inadequate overactive symptom control following sacral neuromodulation.Timm, Brennan ; Jayarajan, Jyotsna ; Chan, Garson ; Bolton, Damien M 
92021Women doctors in female urology: current status and implications for future workforce.Pirpiris, Athina; Chan, Garson ; O'Connell, Helen E; Gani, Johan 
1025-Nov-2019Glomus tumour of the male urethra: an unusual diagnostic.Ramsay, Sophie; Chan, Garson ; Zimmerman, W Britt; Chee, Justin 
11Jun-2019Optimising the tension of an autologous fascia pubovaginal sling to minimize retentive complications.Preece, Patrick D; Chan, Garson ; O'Connell, Helen E; Gani, Johan