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Title: Women doctors in female urology: current status and implications for future workforce.
Austin Authors: Pirpiris, Athina;Chan, Garson ;O'Connell, Helen E;Gani, Johan 
Affiliation: Urology department, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Urology department, Concord Hospital, NSW
Urology department, Western Health, University of Melbourne
Issue Date: 2021
Date: 2021-07-14
Publication information: BJU international 2021; 128 Suppl 1: 33-39
Abstract: Throughout the medical workforce, including in Urology, there has been increasing female doctor representation. This increase has been attributed to the perceived increased interest in urologists pursuing female urology as a sub-specialisation. This study aims to objectively determine the percentage of female trainees and consultants who are interested in their career being focussed on female urology in order to facilitate the improved planning for the future of this subspecialty. This was an international cross-sectional study spanning one year, from December 2018 to December 2019. An anonymous, voluntary survey was generated using the online survey generator Survey monkey® . The survey was sent to urology consultants and trainees who are female from Australia, New Zealand and Canada. The total response rate to the survey was 61%. Up to 50% of female consultants and trainees selected a career in female urology due to their gender, but up to 75% of respondents were also interested in female urology of their own accord. Common concerns held by a majority of respondents included both the medical community's and the public's lack of awareness of female urology as a component of urological expertise. Despite these concerns, the majority of trainees were not concerned regarding their future work opportunities in female urology and many had intentions to pursue a fellowship in female urology. Female urology is an increasingly popular subspecialisation of urology, given the steady increase in the intake of female trainees. Similar trends were identified internationally. Urology training in this area will need to continue to increase the community's and the primary health care referrer's awareness in order to ensure the continued success and growth of the subspecialty.
DOI: 10.1111/bju.15546
ORCID: 0000-0002-4137-6229
Journal: BJU International
PubMed URL: 34258849
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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