| | Publication Year | Title | Author(s) |
| 601 | Apr-2022 | The use of procalcitonin as an antimicrobial stewardship tool and a predictor of disease severity in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). | Drewett, George P ; Smibert, Olivia C ; Holmes, Natasha E ; Trubiano, Jason |
| 602 | 25-Jan-2021 | The Use of Procalcitonin as an Antimicrobial Stewardship Tool and a Predictor of Disease Severity in COVID-19. | Drewett, George P ; Smibert, Olivia C ; Holmes, Natasha E ; Trubiano, Jason |
| 603 | 28-Feb-2023 | The use of whole genome sequencing for tuberculosis public health activities in Australia: a joint statement of the National Tuberculosis Advisory Committee and Communicable Diseases Genomics Network. | Donnan, Ellen J; Marais, Ben J; Coulter, Chris; Waring, Justin; Bastian, Ivan; Williamson, Deborah A; Sherry, Norelle L ; Bond, Katherine; Sintchenko, Vitali; Meumann, Ella M; Horan, Kristy; Cooley, Louise; Denholm, Justin T |
| 604 | Apr-2020 | Using AUC/MIC to guide vancomycin dosing: ready for prime time? | Holmes, Natasha E |
| 605 | 8-Jan-2020 | Using genomics to understand meticillin- and vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections. | Giulieri, Stefano G ; Tong, Steven Y C; Williamson, Deborah A |
| 606 | Dec-2019 | Using language descriptors to recognise delirium: a survey of clinicians and medical coders to identify delirium-suggestive words. | Holmes, Natasha E ; Amjad, Sobia; Young, Marcus ; Berlowitz, David J ; Bellomo, Rinaldo |
| 607 | Feb-2020 | Utility of calcium, magnesium and phosphate testing in the emergency department. | Date, Patrick A ; Smith, Jesse L; Spencer, William S; de Tonnerre, Erik J; Yeoh, Michael J ; Taylor, David McD |
| 608 | 2-Aug-2024 | Validation of a digital self-assessment to identify low-risk penicillin and sulfa antibiotic allergies in adults (SELF-FAST). | Rose, Morgan T ; Ramesh, Saranya; Vogrin, Sara; Holmes, Natasha E ; Lambros, Belinda; Slavin, Monica A; Trubiano, Jason |
| 609 | Sep-2020 | Validation of a single-step, single-tube reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA. | Lee, Jean Y H; Best, Nickala; McAuley, Julie; Porter, Jessica L; Seemann, Torsten; Schultz, Mark B; Sait, Michelle; Orlando, Nicole; Mercoulia, Karolina; Ballard, Susan A; Druce, Julian; Tran, Thomas; Catton, Mike G; Pryor, Melinda J; Cui, Huanhuan L; Luttick, Angela; McDonald, Sean; Greenhalgh, Arran; Kwong, Jason C ; Sherry, Norelle L ; Graham, Maryza; Hoang, Tuyet; Herisse, Marion; Pidot, Sacha J; Williamson, Deborah A; Howden, Benjamin P ; Monk, Ian R; Stinear, Timothy P |
| 610 | 1-Sep-2022 | Validation of the PEN-FAST Score in a Pediatric Population. | Copaescu, Ana Maria; Vogrin, Sara; Shand, Greg; Ben-Shoshan, Moshe; Trubiano, Jason |
| 611 | Jul-2023 | Validation Study of a Clinical Predictive Model for Fluconazole Resistance in Patients With Candida Bloodstream Infection. | Collis, Brennan; Vogrin, Sara; Trubiano, Jason ; Reynolds, Gemma |
| 612 | 18-Jan-2013 | Vancomycin AUC/MIC ratio and 30-day mortality in patients with Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia. | Holmes, Natasha E ; Turnidge, John D; Munckhof, Wendy J; Robinson, J Owen; Korman, Tony M; O'Sullivan, Matthew V N; Anderson, Tara L; Roberts, Sally A; Warren, Sanchia J C; Gao, Wei; Howden, Benjamin P ; Johnson, Paul D R |
| 613 | 26-Feb-2013 | Vancomycin minimum inhibitory concentration, host comorbidities and mortality in Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia. | Holmes, Natasha E ; Turnidge, J D; Munckhof, Wendy J; Robinson, J O; Korman, Tony M; O'Sullivan, Matthew V N; Anderson, Tara L; Roberts, S A; Warren, S J C; Gao, W; Johnson, Paul D R ; Howden, Benjamin P |
| 14 | Oct-2017 | Vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus isolates are attenuated for virulence when compared with susceptible progenitors. | Cameron, D R; Lin, Y-H; Trouillet-Assant, S; Tafani, V; Kostoulias, X; Mouhtouris, E ; Skinner, N; Visvanathan, K; Baines, S L; Howden, Benjamin P ; Monk, I R; Laurent, F; Stinear, T P; Peleg, A Y |
| 15 | 2018 | Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium sequence type 796 - rapid international dissemination of a new epidemic clone. | Mahony, Andrew A ; Buultjens, Andrew H; Ballard, Susan A; Grabsch, Elizabeth A ; Xie, Shirley; Seemann, Torsten; Stuart, Rhonda L; Kotsanas, Despina; Cheng, Allen C; Heffernan, Helen; Roberts, Sally A; Coombs, Geoffrey W; Bak, Narin; Ferguson, John K; Carter, Glen C; Howden, Benjamin P ; Stinear, Timothy P; Johnson, Paul D R |
| 16 | Dec-2020 | Ventilation perfusion lung SPECT/CT in pregnancy during COVID-19 | Jewell, Kerry E; Lee, Sze Ting ; Trubiano, Jason ; Lau, Eddie ; Scott, Andrew M |
| 17 | 25-Aug-2023 | Vulnerability to environmental and climatic health provocations among women and men hospitalised with chronic heart disease: Insights from the RESILIENCE TRIAL cohort. | Stewart, Simon; Patel, Sheila K ; Lancefield, Terase F; Sampaio Rodrigues, Thalys ; Doumtsis, Nicholas; Jess, Ashleigh; Vaughan-Fowler, Emily-Rose; Chan, Yih-Kai; Ramchand, Jay ; Yates, Paul A ; Kwong, Jason C ; McDonald, Christine F ; Burrell, Louise M |
| 18 | Jul-2022 | What have we learned about the allergenicity and adverse reactions associated with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 vaccines: One year later. | Copaescu, Ana ; Rosa Duque, Jaime S; Phillips, Elizabeth Jane |
| 19 | 1-Dec-2014 | What's new in the treatment of serious MRSA infection? | Holmes, Natasha E ; Howden, Benjamin P |
| 20 | 5-Jul-2023 | The Who, What, When and Where of Inpatient Direct Oral Penicillin Challenge - Implications for health services implementation. | Trubiano, Jason ; Vogrin, S; Mitri, Elise A ; Hall, R; Copaescu, Ana ; Waldron, J; De Luca, J; Rose, Morgan T ; Mackay, G; Lambros, B; Douglas, A P; Holmes, Natasha E ; Chua, Kyra Y L |