| | Publication Year | Title | Author(s) |
| 1 | May-2023 | Centre-based comparison of double versus single prevention strategy on transfusion-transmitted cytomegalovirus in at-risk haemopoietic stem cell transplant patients and a state survey on cytomegalovirus-seronegative ordering practises. | Zantomio, Daniela ; Bayly, Emma; Wong, Kimberly; Spencer, Andrew; Ritchie, David; Morgan, Susan; Kelsey, Giles; Dennington, Peta M |
| 2 | 28-Mar-2022 | The impact of G-CSF alone vs G-CSF and cyclophosphamide mobilisation on autograft immune cell content in multiple myeloma. | Rees, Matthew J ; Panigrahi, Ashish; Harrison, Simon J; Spencer, Andrew; Khong, Tiffany; Gibbs, Simon; Hocking, Jay; Grigg, Andrew P ; Zantomio, Daniela |
| 3 | 23-Mar-2022 | A Centre-Based Comparison of Double vs Single Prevention Strategy on Transfusion Transmitted-Cytomegalovirus in At-Risk Haemopoietic stem cell transplant Patients and a State Survey on CMV-Seronegative Ordering Practices. | Zantomio, Daniela ; Bayly, Emma; Wong, Kimberly; Spencer, Andrew; Ritchie, David; Morgan, Susan; Kelsey, Giles; Dennington, Peta M |
| 4 | 2-Nov-2021 | Pan-Family Assays for Rapid Viral Screening: Reducing Delays in Public Health Responses During Pandemics. | Erlichster, Michael; Chana, Gursharan; Zantomio, Daniela ; Goudey, Benjamin; Skafidas, Efstratios |
| 5 | Sep-2021 | The association of mobilising regimen on immune reconstitution and survival in myeloma patients treated with bortezomib, cyclophosphamide and dexamethasone induction followed by a melphalan autograft. | Rees, Matthew J ; Mollee, Peter; Ng, Jun Yen; Murton, Alex; Gonsalves, Jose Filipe; Panigrahi, Ashish; Beer, Hayley; Loh, Joanna; Nguyen, Philip; Hunt, Sam; Jina, Hayden; Wayte, Rebecca; Sutrave, Gaurav; Tan, Jocelyn; Abeyakoon, Chathuri; Chee, Ashlyn; Augustson, Bradley; Kalro, Akash; Lee, Cindy; Agrawal, Shivam; Churilov, Leonid ; Chua, Chong Chyn ; Lim, Andrew Boon Ming ; Zantomio, Daniela ; Grigg, Andrew P |
| 6 | Aug-2021 | Neurological, neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental complications of COVID-19. | Pantelis, Christos; Jayaram, Mahesh; Hannan, Anthony J; Wesselingh, Robb; Nithianantharajah, Jess; Wannan, Cassandra Mj; Syeda, Warda Taqdees; Choy, Kh Christopher; Zantomio, Daniela ; Christopoulos, Arthur; Velakoulis, Dennis; O'Brien, Terence J |
| 7 | 8-Jul-2021 | The use of organ donor blood in liver transplantation. | Tang, Gia Toan; Shaylor, Ruth; Hui, Victor; Przybylowski, Greg; Jones, Robert M ; Starkey, Graham M ; Perini, Marcos V ; Wang, Bao-Zhong; Zantomio, Daniela ; Hogan, Christopher ; Fink, Michael A |
| 8 | 2019 | Azacitidine with or without lenalidomide in higher risk myelodysplastic syndrome & low blast acute myeloid leukemia. | Kenealy, Melita; Hertzberg, Mark; Benson, Warwick; Taylor, Kerry; Cunningham, Ilona; Stevenson, Will; Hiwase, Devendra; Eek, Richard; Zantomio, Daniela ; Jong, Steve; Wall, Meaghan; Blombery, Piers; Gerber, Tracey; Debrincat, Marlyse; Zannino, Diana; Seymour, John F |
| 189 | Oct-2018 | Correlation of mutation status and morphological changes in essential thrombocythaemia and myelofibrosis. | Chua, Chong Chyn ; Omerod, Amanda; Wight, Joel C ; Juneja, Surender; Zantomio, Daniela |
| 190 | 8-Dec-2017 | No preliminary evidence of differences in astrocyte density within the white matter of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in autism. | Lee, Ting Ting; Skafidas, Efstratios; Dottori, Mirella; Zantomio, Daniela ; Pantelis, Christos; Everall, Ian; Chana, Gursharan |
| 191 | Jul-2017 | Apparent 'JAK2-negative' polycythaemia vera due to compound mutations in exon 14. | Tiong, Ing Soo; Casolari, Debora A; Moore, Sarah; Nguyen, Tran; Van Velzen, Merel J M; Zantomio, Daniela ; Scott, Hamish S; D'Andrea, Richard J; Hahn, Christopher N; Ross, David M |
| 192 | Oct-2016 | Severe intravenous immunoglobulin-induced hemolysis with pigment nephropathy managed with red cell exchange. | Lasica, Masa; Zantomio, Daniela |
| 193 | 21-Mar-2016 | Lab on a chip sensor for rapid detection and antibiotic resistance determination of Staphylococcus aureus | Abeyrathne, Chathurika D; Huynh, Duc H; Mcintire, Thomas W; Nguyen, Thanh C; Nasr, Babak; Zantomio, Daniela ; Chana, Gursharan; Abbott, Iain; Choong, Peter; Catton, Mike; Skafidasabe, Efstratios |
| 194 | Oct-2015 | Decreased expression of mGluR5 within the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in autism and increased microglial number in mGluR5 knockout mice: Pathophysiological and neurobehavioral implications. | Chana, Gursharan; Laskaris, Liliana; Pantelis, Christos; Gillett, Piers; Testa, Renee; Zantomio, Daniela ; Burrows, Emma L; Hannan, Anthony J; Everall, Ian P; Skafidas, Efstratios |
| 15 | 10-Mar-2015 | Response to Robinson et al. | Skafidas, E; Testa, R; Zantomio, D ; Chana, Gursharan; Everall, I P; Pantelis, C |
| 16 | 19-Feb-2015 | Convergent evidence for mGluR5 in synaptic and neuroinflammatory pathways implicated in ASD. | Zantomio, Daniela ; Chana, Gursharan; Laskaris, Liliana; Testa, Renee; Everall, Ian; Pantelis, Christos; Skafidas, Efstratios |
| 17 | 13-Mar-2014 | Auer rod-like inclusions in plasma cells in multiple myeloma. | Ho, Wai Khoon ; Zantomio, Daniela |
| 18 | 14-Jan-2014 | Response to Belgard et al. | Skafidas, E; Testa, R; Zantomio, D ; Chana, Gursharan; Everall, I P; Pantelis, C |
| 19 | 11-Sep-2012 | Predicting the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder using gene pathway analysis. | Skafidas, E; Testa, R; Zantomio, D ; Chana, Gursharan; Everall, I P; Pantelis, C |