Laurence Weinberg

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Laurence Weinberg
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Weinberg, Laurence
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Results 81-100 of 197 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
81Sep-2020Life-Threatening Laryngeal Emphysema After Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery.Louis, Maleck ; Graham, Jonathan M ; Spanger, Manfred; Ho, Alexander; Lee, Dong Kyu; Barnett, Stephen A ; Weinberg, Laurence 
8219-Aug-2020Intrathecal morphine is associated with reduction in postoperative opioid requirements and improvement in postoperative analgesia in patients undergoing open liver resection.Tang, Jefferson Z J ; Churilov, Leonid ; Tan, Chong O ; Hu, Raymond T C ; Pearce, Brett ; Cosic, Luka ; Christophi, Christopher ; Weinberg, Laurence 
83Jul-2020Health costs of post-operative complications following rectal resection: a systematic review.Johnston, Samuel; Louis, Maleck ; Churilov, Leonid ; Ma, Ronald ; Christophi, Christopher ; Weinberg, Laurence 
84Jul-2020Potassium levels after liver reperfusion in adult patients undergoing cadaveric liver transplantation: A retrospective cohort study.Weinberg, Laurence ; Lee, Dong-Kyu; Koshy, Anoop N ; Leong, Kai Wen; Tosif, Shervin ; Shaylor, Ruth; Pillai, Parameswan ; Miles, Lachlan F ; Drucker, Alexandra; Pearce, Brett 
85Jun-2020The hospital costs of complications following colonic resection surgery: A retrospective cohort study.Louis, Maleck ; Johnston, Samuel A; Churilov, Leonid ; Ma, Ronald ; Marhoon, Nada ; Burgess, Adele; Christophi, Christopher ; Weinberg, Laurence 
8625-May-2020Study Protocol for Better Evidence for Selecting Transplant Fluids (BEST-Fluids): a pragmatic, registry-based, multi-center, double-blind, randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of intravenous fluid therapy with Plasma-Lyte 148 versus 0.9% saline on delayed graft function in deceased donor kidney transplantation.Collins, Michael G; Fahim, Magid A; Pascoe, Elaine M; Dansie, Kathryn B; Hawley, Carmel M; Clayton, Philip A; Howard, Kirsten; Johnson, David W; McArthur, Colin J; McConnochie, Rachael C; Mount, Peter F ; Reidlinger, Donna; Robison, Laura; Varghese, Julie; Vergara, Liza A; Weinberg, Laurence ; Chadban, Steven J
87May-2020The financial burden of complications following rectal resection: A cohort study.Johnston, Samuel A; Louis, Maleck ; Churilov, Leonid ; Ma, Ronald ; Marhoon, Nada ; Bui, Andrew ; Christophi, Christopher ; Weinberg, Laurence 
88May-2020Frequency of hyperoxaemia during and after major surgery.Karalapillai, Dharshi ; Weinberg, Laurence ; Peyton, Philip J ; Ellard, Louise ; Hu, Raymond T C ; Pearce, Brett ; Tan, Chong O ; Story, David A ; O'Donnell, Mark; Hamilton, Patrick; Oughton, Chad; Galtieri, Jonathan; Wilson, Anthony J; Eastwood, Glenn M ; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; Jones, Daryl A 
8927-Apr-2020Assessing TEG6S reliability between devices and across multiple time points: A prospective thromboelastography validation study.Lloyd-Donald, Patryck ; Churilov, Leonid ; Cheong, Brandon; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; McCall, Peter R ; Mårtensson, Johan; Glassford, Neil J; Weinberg, Laurence 
9017-Mar-2020Attitudes of anesthetists towards an anesthesia-led nurse practitioner model for low-risk colonoscopy procedures: a cross-sectional survey.Weinberg, Laurence ; Grover, H; Cowie, Dean A ; Langley, E; Heland, Melodie J ; Story, D A
9116-Feb-2020Randomised controlled trial to investigate the relationship between mild hypercapnia and cerebral oxygen saturation in patients undergoing major surgery.Wong, Clarence; Churilov, Leonid ; Cowie, Dean A ; Tan, Chong O ; Hu, Raymond; Tremewen, David ; Pearce, Brett ; Pillai, Param; Karalapillai, Dharshi ; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; Weinberg, Laurence 
92Feb-2020Image intensification - A solution for difficult guidewire insertion for central venous access: A case report.Weinberg, Laurence ; Yii, Matthew; Li, Michael; Louis, Maleck ; Lee, Dong Kyu; Doolan, Laurie
93Jan-2020Intraoperative oxygen challenge for toleration of single lung ventilation in a patient with severe obstructive airway disease: A case report.Weinberg, Laurence ; Cosic, Luka ; Louis, Maleck ; Garry, Tom ; Lloyd-Donald, Patryck ; Barnett, Stephen A ; Miles, Lachlan F 
94Jan-2020Characteristics and outcomes of Rapid Response Team activations for hypotension in orthopaedic patients.Ramos, João Gabriel Rosa; Zhang, Richard; Maher, Brendan; Hardidge, Andrew; Weinberg, Laurence ; Robbins, Raymond J ; Peyton, Phillip J; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; Jones, Daryl A 
95Jan-2020Past its used-by datum: Future-proofing data.Lloyd-Donald, Patryck ; Weinberg, Laurence ; Melzack, Gene; Story, David A 
962020Postoperative complications and hospital costs following small bowel resection surgery.Lee, Dong-Kyu; Frye, Ashlee; Louis, Maleck ; Koshy, Anoop Ninan; Tosif, Shervin ; Yii, Matthew; Ma, Ronald ; Nikfarjam, Mehrdad ; Perini, Marcos Vinicius; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; Weinberg, Laurence 
9710-Dec-2019Haemodynamic and respiratory changes following surgical resection of a giant ovarian cystadenoma.Weinberg, Laurence ; Fink, Michael A ; Tan, Chong O ; Miles, Lachlan F 
98Dec-2019A Literature Review of Intrathecal Morphine Analgesia in Patients Undergoing Major Open Hepato-Pancreatic-Biliary (HPB) Surgery.Tang, Jefferson Z J ; Weinberg, Laurence 
99Dec-2019Low tidal volume ventilation during anaesthesia for major surgery: protocol and statistical analysis plan.Karalapillai, Dharshi ; Weinberg, Laurence ; Peyton, Philip J ; Ellard, Louise ; Hu, Raymond; Pearce, Brett ; Tan, Chong; Story, David A ; ODonnell, Mark; Hamilton, Patrick; Oughton, Chad; Galtieri, Jonathan; Wilson, Anthony; Neto, Ary Serpa; Eastwood, Glenn M ; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; Jones, Daryl A 
100Dec-2019Health economic implications of postoperative complications following liver resection surgery: a systematic review.Cosic, Luka ; Ma, Ronald ; Churilov, Leonid ; Nikfarjam, Mehrdad ; Christophi, Christopher ; Weinberg, Laurence