| | Publication Year | Title | Author(s) |
| 1 | 1-Dec-2024 | Angiotensin-II and Thromboembolic Events: A Systematic Review. | Caragata, Rebecca; Johnston, Samuel A; Chan, Jian Wen; Starkey, Graham M ; Bellomo, Rinaldo |
| 2 | Dec-2024 | The Effects of Angiotensin II versus Norepinephrine on Pulmonary Vascular Resistance in Cardiac Surgery: Post Hoc Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial. | Lim, Jolene; Zhang, Kathy; Miles, Lachlan F ; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; Coulson, Tim G |
| 3 | 23-Oct-2024 | Assessing the efficacy of difficult airway alerts in electronic medical records: a quality improvement study. | Lee, Wen-Shen; Fletcher, Luke R ; Tosif, Shervin ; Makar, Timothy; Graham, Jon M |
| 4 | 30-Sep-2024 | The influence of clinical practice video on learning conversations in postgraduate medical education: A scoping review | Huang, Andrew Yanqi ; Ryan, Anna; Bearman, Margaret; Molloy, Elizabeth |
| 5 | 11-Mar-2024 | Development and validation of 'Patient Optimizer' (POP) algorithms for predicting surgical risk with machine learning. | Kowadlo, Gideon; Mittelberg, Yoel; Ghomlaghi, Milad; Stiglitz, Daniel K; Kishore, Kartik ; Guha, Ranjan; Nazareth, Justin; Weinberg, Laurence |
| 6 | Mar-2024 | Frequency of and associations with alterations of medical emergency team calling criteria in a teaching hospital emergency department. | Baylis, Simon R; Fletcher, Luke R ; Brown, Alastair J W; Hensman, Tamishta; Serpa Neto, Ary ; Jones, Daryl A |
| 7 | Mar-2024 | Mean Perfusion Pressure and Venous Congestion: Important but Often Forgotten Aspects of Heart Failure. | Raman, Jai S ; Hu, Raymond T C ; Bellomo, Rinaldo |
| 8 | 1-Feb-2024 | Atherosclerosis on CT coronary angiography and risk of long-term cardiovascular events post liver transplantation. | Sampaio Rodrigues, Thalys ; Koshy, Anoop N ; Gow, Paul J ; Weinberg, Laurence ; Cailes, Benjamin ; Testro, Adam G ; Smith, Gerard; Lim, Han S ; Teh, Andrew W ; Lim, Ruth P ; Farouque, Omar |
| 9 | 30-Jan-2024 | Environmental and financial impacts of perioperative paracetamol use: a multicentre international life-cycle analysis. | Davies, Jessica F; McAlister, Scott; Eckelman, Matthew J; McGain, Forbes; Seglenieks, Richard; Gutman, Elena N; Groome, Jonathan; Palipane, Natasha; Latoff, Katherine; Nielsen, Dominic; Sherman, Jodi D |
| 10 | 24-Jan-2024 | Intraoperative dexamethasone and chronic postsurgical pain: a propensity score-matched analysis of a large trial. | Myles, Paul S; Corcoran, Tomas B; Chan, Matthew T; Asghari-Jafarabadi, Mohammad; Wu, William K K; Peyton, Philip J ; Leslie, Kate; Forbes, Andrew |
| 11 | 19-Jan-2024 | Associations Between Nonanemic Iron Deficiency and Postoperative Outcomes in Cardiac Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. | Peri, Varun ; Devlin, Paula; Perry, Luke; Richards, Toby; Miles, Lachlan F |
| 12 | 2024 | Platelet versus fresh frozen plasma transfusion for coagulopathy in cardiac surgery patients. | Hinton, Jake V; Fletcher, Calvin M; Perry, Luke A; Greifer, Noah; Hinton, Jessica N; Williams-Spence, Jenni; Segal, Reny; Smith, Julian A; Reid, Christopher M; Weinberg, Laurence ; Bellomo, Rinaldo |
| 13 | 28-Dec-2023 | Financial burden of postoperative complications following oesophagectomy: a scoping review protocol. | Buchholz, Vered; Berman, Jordan; Liu, David Shi Hao ; Le, Peter; Weinberg, Laurence |
| 14 | 15-Dec-2023 | A novel two-stage approach to the treatment of renal cell carcinoma with intra-cardiac tumour extension and Budd-Chiari syndrome. | Perini, Marcos V ; Ischia, Joseph J ; Woon, Dixon; Bhaskar, Jayapadman; Starkey, Graham M ; Qi, Sara; Wetherell, David ; Ellard, Louise ; McCall, Peter R ; Miles, Lachlan F ; Seevanayagam, Siven |
| 15 | 8-Dec-2023 | Textbook outcomes after oesophagectomy: a single-centre observational study. | Buchholz, Vered; Hazard, Riley; Lee, Dong-Kyu; Liu, David Shi Hao ; Zhang, Wendell; Chen, Sharon; Aly, Ahmed; Barnett, Stephen A ; Le, Peter; Weinberg, Laurence |
| 16 | Dec-2023 | Anaesthetist prediction of postoperative opioid use: a multicentre prospective cohort study. | Taylor, Kieran; De Bruyne, Mihika; Li, Christine; Yip, Marcus; Grant, Dominique; Tang, Xinci; Laing, Sarah; Preston, Braden; Chand, Kavinay; De Silva, Anurika; Leslie, Kate; Darvall, Jai N |
| 17 | Dec-2023 | Knowledge and practice regarding frailty and cognitive impairment in older patients - a survey of surgical unit staff. | Haywood, Cilla J ; Weinberg, Laurence ; Muralidharan, Vijayaragavan ; Gray, Kathleen |
| 18 | 25-Nov-2023 | Does gender still matter in the pursuit of a career in anaesthesia? | Stewart, Claire H; Carter, Jane; Purcell, Natalie; Balkin, Maryanne; Birch, Julia; Pearce, Greta C; Makar, Timothy |
| 19 | 23-Nov-2023 | Giant inferobasal left ventricular pseudoaneurysm postinfarction. | Hinton, Jake V; Weinberg, Laurence ; Fernando, Dharsh; Yii, Michael |
| 20 | 6-Nov-2023 | The impact of intraoperative and postoperative fluid balance on complications for transthoracic esophagectomy: a retrospective analysis. | Buchholz, Vered; Hazard, Riley; Yin, Zoe; Tran, Nghiep; Yip, Sui Wah Sean; Le, Peter; Kioussis, Benjamin; Hinton, Jake; Liu, David Shi Hao ; Lee, Dong-Kyu; Weinberg, Laurence |