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Heidelberg, Victoria

Results 221-240 of 308 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
22119-Aug-2018Anaesthetic management of cardiac phaeochromocytoma: A case series.Chen, Guangjun; Wang, Jingjie; Weinberg, Laurence ; Robinson, Callum; Ho, Timothy; Lin, Wangjia; Gong, Zhiyi; Liu, Wei; Zhu, Bo; Huang, Yuguang
222Aug-2018Defining Adverse Intraoperative Events in the Context of "Acute Risk Change" Following Cardiac Surgery.Coulson, Tim G 
22327-Jun-2018Use of indocyanine green dye clearance in a patient with liver cirrhosis undergoing hepatectomy: a clinical image.Weinberg, Laurence ; Robinson, Callum; Goh, Su Kah ; Muralidharan, Vijayragavan
224Jun-2018Intravenous iron therapy in patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery: a narrative reviewLim, Jolene; Miles, Lachlan F ; Litton, Edward
225Jun-2018The Presence of Diabetes and Higher HbA1cAre Independently Associated With Adverse Outcomes After Surgery.Yong, Priscilla H; Weinberg, Laurence ; Torkamani, Niloufar ; Churilov, Leonid ; Robbins, Raymond J ; Ma, Ronald ; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; Lam, Que T ; Burns, James D; Hart, Graeme K ; Lew, Jeremy F ; MÃ¥rtensson, Johan; Story, David A ; Motley, Andrew N ; Johnson, Douglas F; Zajac, Jeffrey D ; Ekinci, Elif I 
226Jun-2018Global Cardioplegia Practices: Results from the Global Cardiopulmonary Bypass Survey.Ali, Jason M; Miles, Lachlan F ; Abu-Omar, Yasir; Galhardo, Carlos; Falter, Florian
227Jun-2018Can Mathematical Modeling Explain the Measured Magnitude of the Second Gas Effect?Korman, Ben; Dash, Ranjan K; Peyton, Philip J 
22826-May-2018Personalised 3D-printed model of a chest-wall chondrosarcoma to enhance patient understanding of complex cardiothoracic surgery.Weinberg, Laurence ; Pyo, Moon Hae; Spanger, Manfred; Barnett, Stephen Arthur
229May-2018Age 80 years and over is not associated with increased morbidity and mortality following pancreaticoduodenectomy.Kim, Sandy Y; Fink, Michael A ; Perini, Marcos V ; Houli, Nezor; Weinberg, Laurence ; Muralidharan, Vijayaragavan ; Starkey, Graham M ; Jones, Robert M ; Christophi, Christopher ; Nikfarjam, Mehrdad 
230May-2018Reply to: The problem of using standardised base excess.Weinberg, Laurence ; Story, David; Bellomo, Rinaldo 
231May-2018Non-invasive estimation of cardiac index in healthy volunteers.Eyeington, C T; Ancona, P; Cioccari, Luca; Luethi, N; Glassford, Neil J; Eastwood, Glenn M ; Proimos, H K; Franceschi, F; Chan, M J; Jones, , Australia; Bellomo, Rinaldo 
232Apr-2018Perception Versus Evidence: Cannabinoids as a Postoperative Analgesic Panacea?Stevens, Alexander ; Higgins, Matthew
23320-Mar-2018Comparison of the WarmCloud and Bair Hugger Warming Devices for the Prevention of Intraoperative Hypothermia in Patients Undergoing Orthotopic Liver Transplantation: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Pearce, Brett ; Mattheyse, Linda; Ellard, Louise ; Desmond, Fiona ; Pillai, Param; Weinberg, Laurence 
23419-Mar-2018Recommendations for Substance Abuse and Pain Control in Patients with Chronic PainVadivelu, Nalini; Kai, Alice M; Kodumudi, Gopal; Haddad, Dan; Kodumudi, Vijay; Kuruvilla, Niketh A; Kaye, Alan David; Urman, Richard D
235Mar-2018The cost of perioperative complications following pancreaticoduodenectomy: A systematic review.Wang, Jason; Ma, Ronald ; Churilov, Leonid ; Eleftheriou, Paul; Nikfarjam, Mehrdad ; Christophi, Christopher ; Weinberg, Laurence 
2368-Feb-2018Predictors and Outcomes of Cardiac Surgery-Associated Delirium. A Single Centre Retrospective Cohort Study.Jones, Daryl A ; Matalanis, George ; MÃ¥rtensson, Johan; Robbins, Raymond J ; Shaw, Margaret; Seevanayagam, Siven ; Cowie, Dean A ; Bellomo, Rinaldo 
237Jan-2018Associations of fluid amount, type, and balance and acute kidney injury in patients undergoing major surgery.Weinberg, Laurence ; Li, Mhg; Churilov, Leonid ; Armellini, A; Gibney, M; Hewitt, T; Tan, C O; Robbins, R ; Tremewen, D ; Christophi, Christopher ; Bellomo, Rinaldo 
2382018Case report: Iatrogenic brachial artery dissection with complete anterograde occlusion during elective arterial line placement.Weinberg, Laurence ; Abu-Ssaydeh, Diana; Spanger, Manfred; Lu, Patrick; Li, Michael H-G 
2392018Implication of Major Adverse Postoperative Events and Myocardial Injury on Disability and Survival: A Planned Subanalysis of the ENIGMA-II Trial.Beattie, W Scott; Wijeysundera, Duminda N; Chan, Matthew T V; Peyton, Philip J ; Leslie, Kate; Paech, Michael J; Sessler, Daniel I; Wallace, Sophie; Myles, Paul S; Galagher, W; Farrington, C; Ditoro, A; Baulch, S; Sidiropoulos, Sofia ; Bulach, R; Bryant, D; O'Loughlin, E; Mitteregger, V; Bolsin, S; Osborne, C ; McRae, R; Backstrom, M; Cotter, R; March, S; Silbert, B; Said, S; Halliwell, R; Cope, J; Fahlbusch, D; Crump, D; Thompson, G; Jefferies, A; Reeves, M; Buckley, N; Tidy, T; Schricker, T; Lattermann, R; Iannuzzi, D; Carroll, J; Jacka, M; Bryden, C; Badner, N; Tsang, M W Y; Cheng, B C P; Fong, A C M; Chu, L C Y; Koo, E G Y; Mohd, N; Ming, L E; Campbell, D; McAllister, D; Walker, S ; Olliff, S; Kennedy, R; Eldawlatly, A; Alzahrani, T; Chua, N; Sneyd, R; McMillan, H; Parkinson, I; Brennan, A; Balaji, P; Nightingale, J; Kunst, G; Dickinson, M; Subramaniam, B; Banner-Godspeed, V; Liu, J; Kurz, A; Hesler, B; Fu, A Y; Egan, C; Fiffick, A N; Hutcherson, M T; Turan, A; Naylor, A; Obal, D; Cooke, E
240Dec-2017Perioperative cerebral oxygenation in patients undergoing aortic valve replacement.Cioccari, Luca; Luethi, Nora; Zhang, Ling; Karalapillai, Dharshi