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Title: Lessons Learned Recruiting and Retaining Pregnant and Postpartum Individuals in Digital Trials.
Austin Authors: Parks, Amanda M;Duffecy, Jennifer;McCabe, Jennifer E;Blankstein Breman, Rachel;Milgrom, Jeannette ;Hirshler, Yafit;Gemmill, Alan W ;Felder, Jennifer;Uscher-Pines, Lori
Affiliation: Parent-Infant Research Institute
Psychology Department, Western Washington University, Bellingham, US
School of Nursing, University of Maryland, Baltimore, US
UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, US
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, AU
Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, US
College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago,US
Parent-Infant Research Institute, Austin Health, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, AU
RAND Corporation, Arlington, US
Issue Date: 20-Apr-2022
Date: 2022
Publication information: JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting 2022; 5(2): e35320.
Abstract: In an increasingly connected world and in the midst of a global pandemic, digital trials offer numerous advantages over traditional trials that rely on physical study sites. Digital trials have the potential to improve access to research and clinical treatments for the most vulnerable and minoritized, including pregnant and postpartum individuals. However, digital trials are underutilized in maternal and child health research, and there is limited evidence to inform the design and conduct of digital trials. Our research collaborative, consisting of five research teams in the U.S. and Australia, aimed to address this gap. We collaborated to share lessons learned from our experiences recruiting and retaining pregnant and postpartum individuals in digital trials of social and behavioral interventions. We first discuss the promise of digital trials in improving participation in research during the perinatal period as well as the unique challenges they pose. Second, we present lessons learned from 12 completed and ongoing digital trials that have used platforms such as Ovia, Facebook, and Instagram to recruitment. Our trials have evaluated interventions for breastfeeding, prenatal and postpartum depression, insomnia, decision-making, and chronic pain. We focus on challenges and lessons learned in three key areas 1) rapid recruitment of large samples with a diversity of minoritized identities; 2) retention of study participants in longitudinal studies; and 3) preventing fraudulent enrollment. We offer concrete strategies that we have pilot tested to address these challenges. Strategies presented in this commentary can be incorporated into as well as formally evaluated in future studies.
DOI: 10.2196/35320
ORCID: 0000-0002-4082-4595
Journal: JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting
PubMed URL: 35107422
PubMed URL:
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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