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Title: Participant perceptions of a rapid response team training course.
Austin Authors: Chalwin, Richard;Radford, Samuel T ;Psirides, Alex;Laver, Russell;Bierer, Petra;Rai, Sumeet;Knott, Cameron I ;Dyett, John;Jones, Daryl A 
Affiliation: Intensive Care Unit, Canberra Hospital, Canberra, ACT, Australia
Intensive Care Unit, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
Intensive Care Unit, Bendigo Hospital, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia
Intensive Care Unit, Lyell McEwin Hospital, Adelaide, SA, Australia
Intensive Care Unit, Wellington Regional Hospital, Wellington, New Zealand
Intensive and Critical Care Unit, Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, SA, Australia
MET/Outreach, Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, SA, Australia
Issue Date: Dec-2016
Publication information: Critical Care and Resuscitation 2016; 18(4): 283-288
Abstract: Rapid response team (RRT) responders would benefit from training, to ensure competent and efficient management of the deteriorating patient. We obtained delegate feedback on a pilot training course for RRTs, commissioned by the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS), at the second ANZICS: The Deteriorating Patient Conference. We surveyed participants on their perceptions of the course overall, and their perceptions of sessions containing presentations and videotaped and live demonstrations of simulated scenarios of patients whose conditions were deteriorating. The survey response rate was 64% (96 of 150 potential attendees). Responses were positive, with 79.8% of responses (912/1143) agreeing that the participants had learnt something new, that the course would increase their confidence and competence during RRT calls, and that it had assisted them as an educator. The course was well received overall, with the interactive and live demonstration components of the course garnering positive feedback in the comments section of surveys. There was unanimous agreement by participants for further development of a formalised RRT training course for responding to the deteriorating patient. Participants who were RRT educators also supported the development of an RRT train-the-trainer course.
Journal: Critical Care and Resuscitation
PubMed URL: 27903211
ISSN: 1441-2772
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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