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Title: Associations of surgical and nonsurgical weight loss with knee musculature: a cohort study of obese adults.
Austin Authors: Teichtahl, Andrew J;Wluka, Anita E;Wang, Yuanyuan;Wijethilake, Pushpika N;Strauss, Boyd;Proietto, Joseph ;Dixon, John B;Jones, Graeme;Forbes, Andrew;Cicuttini, Flavia M
Affiliation: Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Melbourne, Australia
Department of Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Department of Medicine, Austin Health, The University of Melbourne, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
Menzies Research Institute, Hobart, Australia
Issue Date: Jan-2016
Date: 2015-08-20
Publication information: Surgery for obesity and related diseases 2016; 12(1): 158-64
Abstract: Marked weight loss reduces lean body mass and quadriceps thickness. It is unclear whether muscle loss varies according to the method of weight loss. This study compared the association of surgical versus nonsurgical weight loss with change in vastus medialis (VM) properties in obese adults. Twenty obese patients (body mass index ≥ 30 kg/m(2)) who lost weight via laparoscopic gastric banding were matched for weight loss with obese patients who lost weight nonsurgically. The thickness and fat infiltration of VM were assessed at baseline and a mean of 2.4 years later. After adjusting for confounders, the annual change in VM thickness was -2.9% in the surgical group and -.5% for the nonsurgical group (P = .02). There was also a tendency toward an increased risk for VM fat infiltration to be reduced when weight loss occurred nonsurgically (OR 5.1, 95% CI .8-32.8; P = .09). Compared with nonsurgical weight loss, laparoscopic gastric banding was associated with greater VM muscle thickness loss. Relative to laparoscopic gastric banding, there was also a tendency toward an increased risk for VM fat infiltration to be reduced with nonsurgical weight loss. Close attention to preserving muscle properties at the knee when significant amounts of weight loss have occurred is required. Physical therapy may be important in the management of patients after laparoscopic gastric banding in an attempt to preserve skeletal muscle mass.
DOI: 10.1016/j.soard.2015.04.021
Journal: Surgery for obesity and related diseases : official journal of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery
PubMed URL: 26621226
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: Bariatric
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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