Division of Surgery, Anaesthesia and Procedural Medicine

Organization name
Division of Surgery, Anaesthesia and Procedural Medicine
Parent OrgUnit
Heidelberg, Victoria

Results 1-14 of 14 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
14-Jan-2024A Practical Approach to Interpreting Circulating Tumor DNA in the Management of Gastrointestinal Cancers.Allan, Zexi; Liu, David Shi Hao ; Lee, Margaret M; Tie, Jeanne; Clemons, Nicholas J
2Nov-2023The prognostic impact of peritoneal tumour DNA in gastrointestinal and gynaecological malignancies: a systematic review.Allan, Zexi; Witts, Sasha; Tie, Jeanne; Tebbutt, Niall C ; Clemons, Nicholas J; Liu, David Shi Hao 
3Aug-2023ASO Visual Abstract: Understanding Potentially Preventable Mortality After Esophago-Gastric Cancer Surgery: Analysis of a National Audit of Surgical Mortality.Liu, David Shi Hao ; Fayed, Aly; Evans, Penelope; Bright, Tim; Aly, Ahmad ; Duong, Cuong; Spillane, John; Weinberg, Laurence ; Watson, David I
4Aug-2023ASO Author Reflections: Preventable Mortality Following Esophago-Gastric Cancer Resection.Liu, David Shi Hao ; Bright, Tim; Watson, David I
5Aug-2023Understanding Potentially Preventable Mortality Following Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Surgery: Analysis of a National Audit of Surgical Mortality.Liu, David Shi Hao ; Fayed, Aly; Evans, Penelope; Bright, Tim; Aly, Ahmad ; Duong, Cuong; Spillane, John; Weinberg, Laurence ; Watson, David I
625-Jun-2023Pre-existing hiatal mesh increases morbidity during and after revisional antireflux surgery: A retrospective multicenter study.Liu, David S ; Allan, Zexi; Wong, Darren J; Goh, Su Kah ; Stevens, Sean ; Aly, Ahmad ; Bright, Tim; Watson, David I
71-Jun-2023Optimal Timing of Perioperative Chemical Thromboprophylaxis in Elective Major Abdominal Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.Klonis, Christopher; Ashraf, Hamza; Cabalag, Carlos S; Wong, Darren J; Stevens, Sean G; Liu, David S 
83-Mar-2023Towards standardized perioperative chemoprophylaxis in major elective abdominal surgery.Downie, Emma; May, James; Stevens, Sean ; Liu, David Shi Hao 
91-Jan-2023Optimal Timing of Perioperative Chemoprophylaxis in Patients With High Thromboembolic Risk Undergoing Major Abdominal Surgery: A Multicenter Cohort Study.Liu, David Shi Hao ; Stevens, Sean G; Watson, David I; Goh, Su Kah ; Muralidharan, Vijayaragavan ; Wong, Enoch; Fong, Jonathan; Wong, Darren J
102023Successful Expulsion of a Golf Ball from the Sigmoid Colon Using Volume LaxativesGrantham, James P; Hii, Amanda; Bright, Tim; Liu, David 
111-Jul-2022Chemical thromboprophylaxis before skin closure increases bleeding risk after major ventral hernia repair: A multicenter cohort study.Liu, David Shi Hao ; Wong, Darren J.; Crowe, Amy; Liew, Chon Hann; Watson, David I.; Wong, Enoch; Fong, Jonathan; Mori, Krinal ; Wee, Melissa Y.; Stevens, Sean ; Gill, Anna S.; Fleming, Nicola ; Bennet, Simon; Jamel, Wael; Choy, Kay T ; Beh, Pith Soh ; Lee, Sharon; Lew, Chen; Lie, Elisa; Sorensen, James C.; Cheung, King Tung; Yao, Michelle; Lin, Olivia Miki; Pathirana, Poojani; Ward, Salena; Shashishekara, Surabhi; Bedford, Thomas; Fitt, Emily; Paynter, Jessica; Guiney, Natalie; Brown, Patrick; Hii, Amanda; Grantham, James P.; Ng, Stephanie G.; Tran, Steven; Bright, Tim; Tan, Zhi; Hughes, Jed ; Bae, Lily; Nadaraja, Roshini; PROTECTinG investigators are co-authors of this study and are listed in the Supplementary Appendix S1
1230-Jun-2022Prophylactic negative pressure wound dressings reduces wound complications following emergency laparotomies: A systematic review and meta-analysis.Lakhani, Amar; Jamel, Wael; Riddiough, Georgina E ; Cabalag, Carlos S; Stevens, Sean ; Liu, David Shi Hao 
13May-2022Impact of a policy to improve the management of oral medications when patients are fasting before a procedure: an interrupted time series analysis.To, The-Phung ; Braat, Sabine; Lim, Andrew Boon Ming ; Brien, Jo-Anne; Heland, Melodie J ; Hardidge, Andrew J ; Story, David A 
1422-Mar-2022Early Versus Postoperative Chemical Thromboprophylaxis Is Associated with Increased Bleeding Risk Following Abdominal Visceral Resections: a Multicenter Cohort Study.Liu, David Shi Hao ; Newbold, Ryan; Stevens, Sean ; Wong, Enoch; Fong, Jonathan; Mori, Krinal ; Wong, Darren J; Gill, Anna Sonia; Lee, Sharon; Jamel, Wael; Crowe, Amy; Howard, Tess; Jain, Anshini; Beh, Pith Soh ; Slevin, Maeve; Fleming, Nicola ; Bennet, Simon; Chung, Chi