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Full Name
Nichols-Boyd, Mina
Mina is a Clinical Librarian supporting the education and research needs of students, researchers, and clinicians at Austin Health and Mercy Hospital for Women. She provides guidance on evidence-based practice and constructing reproducible searches for systematic, scoping and similar type reviews.
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Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
12024Cardiac Output Changes during Renal Replacement Therapy: A Scoping ReviewSpano, Sofia; Maeda, Akinori; Lam, Joey; Chaba, Anis; See, Emily J ; Mount, Peter F ; Nichols-Boyd, Mina ; Bellomo, Rinaldo 
216-Jun-2023Current issues and status of mis-​ disinformation in the health library context: ​ A scoping review​Dehghani, Mozhdeh ; Harris, Elizabeth ; Nichols-Boyd, Mina