| | Publication Year | Title | Author(s) |
| 1 | 1-Feb-2024 | Becoming a general practice supervisor: A longitudinal multi-case study exploring key supportive factors. | Garth, Belinda; Kirby, Catherine; Nestel, Debra ; Brown, James |
| 2 | Aug-2023 | A Bi-national needs assessment to identify and prioritise procedures in paediatric surgery for simulation-based training. | Ljuhar, Damir; Nayahangan, Leizl Joy; Nataraja, Ram; Nestel, Debra |
| 3 | 2-Jan-2023 | "The other side of the table…': Early career gynaecological oncologists' transition from trainee to trainer. | Rao, Archana; Smith, Julian A; Nestel, Debra |
| 4 | Dec-2022 | Endoscopy training in Australia during COVID-19: Efficacy and knowledge assessment of gastroenterology and general surgery trainees. | Zorron Cheng Tao Pu, Leonardo ; Cox, Daniel R A ; Be, Kim H; Ng, Jonathan; Yeaman, Fiona; Gilhotra, Rajit A; Efthymiou, Marios ; Vaughan, Rhys B ; Nestel, Debra ; Perini, Marcos V ; Muralidharan, Vijayaragavan ; Chandran, Sujievvan |
| 5 | 13-Nov-2022 | Navigating parenthood in the surgical profession: mixed-methods study. | Vasey, Carolyn E; Watson, Eleanor G R; Commons, Robert J; Liang, Rhea; Nestel, Debra |
| 6 | Jun-2022 | COVID-19 impact on junior doctor education and training: a scoping review. | Seifman, Marc Adam; Fuzzard, Sibon K; To, Henry; Nestel, Debra |
| 7 | 22-Feb-2022 | Evaluation of IMproving Palliative care Education and Training Using Simulation in Dementia (IMPETUS-D) a staff simulation training intervention to improve palliative care of people with advanced dementia living in nursing homes: a cluster randomised controlled trial. | Tropea, Joanne; Nestel, Debra ; Johnson, Christina; Hayes, Barbara J; Hutchinson, Anastasia F; Brand, Caroline; Le, Brian H; Blackberry, Irene; Caplan, Gideon A; Bicknell, Ross; Hepworth, Graham; Lim, Wen K |
| 8 | 2022 | 'It's going to change the way we train': Qualitative evaluation of a transformative faculty development workshop. | Ong, Caroline Choo Phaik; Foo, Yang Yann; Chiu, Fong Yee; Nestel, Debra |
| 9 | 20-Oct-2021 | Long-Term Impact of a Low-Cost Paediatric Intussusception Air Enema Reduction Simulation-Based Education Programme in a Low-Middle Income Country. | Nataraja, R M; Oo, Yin Mar; Ljuhar, D; Pacilli, M; Win, Nyo Nyo; Stevens, Sean ; Aye, Aye; Nestel, Debra |
| 10 | Oct-2021 | "The odds were stacked against me": A qualitative study of underrepresented minorities in surgical training. | Villanueva, Claudia; Cain, Justin; Greenhill, Jennene; Nestel, Debra |
| 11 | Jul-2021 | Remediation of Underperformance in Surgical Trainees - A Scoping Review. | To, Henry; Cargill, Ashleigh; Tobin, Stephen; Nestel, Debra |
| 12 | Jun-2021 | Remediation for surgical trainees: recommendations from a narrative review. | To, Henry; Cargill, Ashleigh; Tobin, Stephen; Nestel, Debra |
| 13 | Nov-2020 | Becoming a clinician: Trainee identity formation within the GP supervisory relationship. | Brown, James; Reid, Helen; Dornan, Tim; Nestel, Debra |
| 14 | Apr-2020 | Simulated participant methodology in paediatric surgical training: Exploring contemporary practices. | Nestel, Debra ; Ljuhar, D; Gamble, A |
| 15 | 2019 | The power of simulation: a large-scale narrative analysis of learners' experiences. | Bearman, Margaret; Greenhill, Jennene; Nestel, Debra |
| 16 | 25-May-2018 | Values and value in simulated participant methodology: A global perspective on contemporary practices. | Nestel, Debra ; McNaughton, N; Smith, C; Schlegel, C; Tierney, T |
| 17 | 5-Jan-2018 | Do experts practice what they profess? | Zhou, Yun; Wijewickrema, Sudanthi; Ioannou, Ioanna; Bailey, James; Kennedy, Gregor; Nestel, Debra ; O'Leary, Stephen |
| 18 | Aug-2017 | Surgical education and training in an outer metropolitan hospital: a qualitative study of surgical trainers and trainees | Nestel, Debra ; Harlim, Jennifer; Bryant, Melanie; Rampersad, Rajay; Hunter-Smith, David; Spychal, Bob |
| 19 | 7-Apr-2017 | Learning outcomes for communication skills across the health professions: a systematic literature review and qualitative synthesis. | Denniston, Charlotte; Molloy, Elizabeth; Nestel, Debra ; Woodward-Kron, Robyn; Keating, Jennifer L |