David McD Taylor

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David McD Taylor
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Taylor, David McD
Taylor, David McDonald
Taylor, David M
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Results 21-40 of 114 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
212021Relation of substance use disorders to mortality, accident and emergency department attendances, and hospital admissions: A 13-year population-based cohort study in Hong Kong.Wei, Yue; Zhao, Jiaxi; Wong, Ian Ck; Wan, Eric Yf; Taylor, David McD ; Blais, Joseph E; Castle, David J; Knott, Jonathan C; Tse, Man Li; Chow, Anthony Ty; Chan, Esther W
222021Author and journal self-citation in Emergency Medicine original research articles.Sri-Ganeshan, Muhuntha ; Walker, Kimberly P; Lines, Travis J; Neal-Williams, Tom J L; Taylor, David McD 
2322-Nov-2020Discordance between patient-reported and actual emergency department pain management.Taylor, David McD ; Valentine, Safire; Majer, James; Grant, Nicole
2430-Sep-2020Scuba diving fatalities in Australia 2001 to 2013: Chain of events.Lippmann, John; Taylor, David McD 
2513-Aug-2020Principles of research ethics: A research primer for low- and middle-income countries.Bitter, Cindy C; Ngabirano, Annet Alenyo; Simon, Erin; Taylor, David McD 
26Aug-2020The Australasian Resuscitation In Sepsis Evaluation: Fluids or vasopressors in emergency department sepsis (ARISE FLUIDS), a multi-centre observational study describing current practice in Australia and New Zealand.Keijzers, Gerben; Macdonald, Stephen Pj; Udy, Andrew A; Arendts, Glenn; Bailey, Michael; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; Blecher, Gabriel E; Burcham, Jonathon; Coggins, Andrew R; Delaney, Anthony; Fatovich, Daniel M; Fraser, John F; Harley, Amanda; Jones, Peter; Kinnear, Frances B; May, Katya; Peake, Sandra; Taylor, David McD ; Williams, Patricia
27Aug-2020Patient perceptions of participation in emergency medicine research projects.de Tonnerre, Erik J; Smith, Jesse L; Spencer, William S; Date, Patrick A ; Taylor, David McD 
830-Jun-2020Medical conditions in scuba diving fatality victims in Australia, 2001 to 2013.Lippmann, John; Taylor, David McD 
930-Jun-2020Scuba diving fatalities in Australia, 2001 to 2013: Diver demographics and characteristics.Lippmann, John; Stevenson, Christopher; Taylor, David McD 
10Jun-2020Evolution of methodology and reporting of emergency medicine quantitative research over a 20-year period.Smith, Jesse L; Date, Patrick A ; Spencer, William; de Tonnerre, Erik J; Taylor, David McD 
11Jun-2020Comprehensive identification of medication-related problems occurring prior to, during and after emergency department presentation: An Australian multicentre, prospective, observational study.Taylor, Simone E ; Mitri, Elise A ; Harding, Andrew M ; Taylor, David McD ; Weeks, Adrian; Abbott, Leonie; Lambros, Pani; Lawrence, Dona; Strumpman, Dana; Senturk-Raif, Reyhan; Louey, Stephen; Crisp, Hamish; Tomlinson, Emily; Manias, Elizabeth
1211-May-2020Conference presentations: A research primer for low- and middle-income countries.Knott, Jonathan C; Taylor, David McD ; Simon, Erin L
13Apr-2020Risk variables associated with abnormal calcium, magnesium and phosphate levels among emergency department patients.Taylor, David McD ; Date, Patrick A ; Ugoni, Antony; Smith, Jesse L; Spencer, William S; de Tonnerre, Erik J; Yeoh, Michael J 
14Feb-2020Utility of calcium, magnesium and phosphate testing in the emergency department.Date, Patrick A ; Smith, Jesse L; Spencer, William S; de Tonnerre, Erik J; Yeoh, Michael J ; Taylor, David McD 
152020Basic statistics: A research primer for low- and middle-income countries.Kaplan, Justin; Jalili, Mohammad; Taylor, David McD 
162020Research skills and the data spreadsheet: A research primer for low- and middle-income countries.Taylor, David McD ; Hodkinson, Peter W; Khan, Abdus Salam; Simon, Erin L
17Dec-2019Determination of the best early warning scores to predict clinical outcomes of patients in emergency department.Spencer, William S; Smith, Jesse L; Date, Patrick A ; de Tonnerre, Erik J; Taylor, David McD 
18Jun-2019Misappropriation of medications and equipment in the emergency department.Hendarto, Andreas; Harding, Andrew M ; Kant, Joyce A; Hunter, Michelle T; Taylor, David McD 
19Apr-2019Our observations with cold calling: Patient anger and undesirable experiences.Taylor, David McD ; Kant, Joyce A; Dombagolla, Mahesha Hk; Lai, Fiona Wy; Hendarto, Andreas
20Mar-2019Development of Acute Decompensated Heart Failure Among Hospital Inpatients: Incidence, Causes and Outcomes.Plant, Luke D ; Taylor, David McD ; Worland, Thomas ; Puri, Arvind ; Ugoni, Antony; Patel, Sheila K ; Johnson, Douglas F; Burrell, Louise M