Zi Yi Low

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Zi Yi Low
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Low, Zi Yi
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Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
1Jan-2021Residential aged care facility COVID-19 outbreaks and magnitude of spread among residents: observations from a Victorian residential in-reach service.Viray, Paul; Low, Zi Yi ; Sinnappu, Rabindra; Harvey, Penelope A; Brown, Sandra
2Jan-2020In-hospital morbidity and mortality among patients from residential respite care.Low, Zi Yi ; Storer, Megan ; Tai, Rebecca ; Yates, Paul A 
34-Nov-2019Risk stratification in acute variceal bleeding: Comparison of the AIMS65 score to established upper gastrointestinal bleeding and liver disease severity risk stratification scoring systems in predicting mortality and rebleeding.Robertson, Marcus ; Ng, Jonathan; Abu Shawish, Walid; Swaine, Adrian; Skardoon, Gillian; Huynh, Andrew; Deshpande, Sheetal; Low, Zi Yi ; Sievert, William; Angus, Peter W 
41-May-2014Platypnoea-orthodeoxia syndrome post laparoscopic surgery in a patient with a patent foramen ovale.Low, Z ; Darvall, J N; Radford, Samuel T