Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute

Organization name
Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute
Parent OrgUnit
Heidelberg, Victoria

Results 341-360 of 755 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
341Aug-2020NTRK and ALK rearrangements in malignant pleural mesothelioma, pulmonary neuroendocrine tumours and non-small cell lung cancer.Leal, Jose Luis; Peters, Geoffrey; Szaumkessel, Marcin; Leong, Trishe Y-M; Asadi, Khashayar ; Rivalland, Gareth; Do, Hongdo; Senko, Clare ; Mitchell, Paul L R ; Quing, Chai Zi; Dobrovic, Alexander ; Thapa, Bibhusal ; John, Thomas 
34220-Jul-2020Human DECR1 is an androgen-repressed survival factor that regulates PUFA oxidation to protect prostate tumor cells from ferroptosis.Nassar, Zeyad D; Mah, Chui Yan; Dehairs, Jonas; Burvenich, Ingrid J G; Irani, Swati; Centenera, Margaret M; Helm, Madison; Shrestha, Raj K; Moldovan, Max; Don, Anthony S; Holst, Jeff; Scott, Andrew M ; Horvath, Lisa G; Lynn, David J; Selth, Luke A; Hoy, Andrew J; Swinnen, Johannes V; Butler, Lisa M
34316-Jul-2020High Speed Centrifugation Before Frozen Storage of Plasma Is Critical for Quantitative Analysis of Mitochondrial-Derived Cell-Free DNA.Cox, Daniel R A ; Wong, Boris Ka Leong; Yang, Luija; Yoshino, Osamu ; Testro, Adam G ; Muralidharan, Vijayaragavan ; Dobrovic, Alexander 
3449-Jul-2020Global Issues of Radiopharmaceutical Access and Availability: a Nuclear Medicine Global Initiative Project.Cutler, Cathy S; Bailey, Elizabeth A; Kumar, Vijay; Schwarz, Sally W; Bom, Henry Hee-Seung; Hatazawa, Jun; Paez, Diana; Orellana, Pilar; Louw, Lizette; Mut, Fernando; Kato, Hiroki; Chiti, Arturo; Frangos, Savvas; Fahey, Frederic H; Dillehay, Gary; Oh, Seoung Jun; Lee, Dong Soo; Lee, Sze Ting ; Nunez-Miller, Rodolfo; Bandopadhyaya, Guru Pad; Pradhan, Prasanta; Scott, Andrew M 
3453-Jul-2020IL33 and Mast Cells-The Key Regulators of Immune Responses in Gastrointestinal Cancers?Eissmann, Moritz F ; Buchert, Michael; Ernst, Matthias 
3461-Jul-2020Unusual location of recurrent mantle cell lymphoma on fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography despite complete metabolic resolution of previous sites of disease.Froitzheim, Benjamin M W; Boktor, Raef R; Lau, Eddie ; Lee, Sze Ting 
347Jul-2020Tumour infiltrating lymphocyte status is superior to histological grade, DNA mismatch repair and BRAF mutation for prognosis of colorectal adenocarcinomas with mucinous differentiation.Williams, David S ; Mouradov, Dmitri; Newman, Marsali R ; Amini, Elham; Nickless, David K; Fang, Catherine G; Palmieri, Michelle; Sakthianandeswaren, Anuratha; Li, Shan; Ward, Robyn L; Hawkins, Nicholas J; Skinner, Iain; Jones, Ian; Gibbs, Peter; Sieber, Oliver M
348Jul-2020FGF13 promotes metastasis of triple-negative breast cancer.Johnstone, Cameron N ; Pattison, Andrew D; Harrison, Paul F; Powell, David R; Lock, Peter; Ernst, Matthias ; Anderson, Robin L ; Beilharz, Traude H
349Jul-2020Evaluating the benefits of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors as cancer treatments.Perini, Marcos V ; Dmello, Rhynelle S; Nero, Tracy L; Chand, Ashwini L 
10Jul-2020Mesenteric metastases from mature teratoma of the testis: A case report.Loh, Zoe ; Manning, Todd G ; O'Brien, Jonathan S; Perera, Marlon ; Lawrentschuk, Nathan
11Jul-2020Human CLEC9A antibodies deliver NY-ESO-1 antigen to CD141+ dendritic cells to activate naïve and memory NY-ESO-1-specific CD8+ T cells.Masterman, Kelly-Anne; Haigh, Oscar L; Tullett, Kirsteen M; Leal-Rojas, Ingrid M; Walpole, Carina; Pearson, Frances E; Cebon, Jonathan S ; Schmidt, Christopher; O'Brien, Liam; Rosendahl, Nikita; Daraj, Ghazal; Caminschi, Irina; Gschweng, Eric H; Hollis, Roger P; Kohn, Donald B; Lahoud, Mireille H; Radford, Kristen J
1224-Jun-2020Distinctive subpopulations of stromal cells are present in human lymph nodes infiltrated with melanoma.Eom, Jennifer; Park, Saem Mul; Feisst, Vaughan; Chen, Chun-Jen J; Mathy, Joanna E; McIntosh, Julie D; Angel, Catherine E; Bartlett, Adam; Martin, Richard; Mathy, Jon A; Cebon, Jonathan S ; Black, Michael A; Brooks, Anna E S; Dunbar, P Rod
1319-Jun-2020Loss of NFKB1 Results in Expression of Tumor Necrosis Factor and Activation of STAT1 to Promote Gastric Tumorigenesis in Mice.Low, Jun T; Christie, Michael; Ernst, Matthias ; Dumoutier, Laure; Preaudet, Adele; Ni, Yanhong; Griffin, Michael D W; Mielke, Lisa A; Strasser, Andreas; Putoczki, Tracy L; O'Reilly, Lorraine A
1412-Jun-2020Methylation dependent gold adsorption behaviour identifies cancer derived extracellular vesicular DNA.Sina, Abu Ali Ibn; Lin, Ting-Yun; Vaidyanathan, Ramanathan; Wang, Zhaoran; Dey, Shuvashis; Wang, Jing; Behren, Andreas; Wuethrich, Alain; Carrascosa, Laura G; Trau, Matt
15Jun-2020Auranofin improves overall survival when combined with standard of care in a pilot study involving dogs with osteosarcoma.Endo-Munoz, Liliana; Bennett, Tristram C; Topkas, Eleni; Wu, Sherry Y; Thamm, Douglas H; Brockley, Laura; Cooper, Maureen; Sommerville, Scott; Thomson, Maurine; O'Connell, Kathleen; Lane, Amy; Bird, Guy; Peaston, Anne; Matigian, Nicholas; Straw, Rodney C; Saunders, Nicholas A
16Jun-2020Spatial and quantitative mapping of glycolysis and hypoxia in glioblastoma as a predictor of radiotherapy response and sites of relapse.Leimgruber, Antoine; Hickson, Kevin; Lee, Sze Ting ; Gan, Hui K ; Cher, Lawrence M ; Sachinidis, John I; O'Keefe, Graeme J; Scott, Andrew M 
17Jun-2020Preliminary study highlights the potential of immune checkpoint inhibitors in sarcomatoid mesothelioma.Brockwell, Natasha K; Alamgeer, Muhammad; Kumar, Beena; Rivalland, Gareth; John, Thomas ; Parker, Belinda S
18Jun-2020Clinical and dosimetric risk stratification for patients at high-risk of feeding tube use during definitive IMRT for head and neck cancer.Jackson, James E; Anderson, Nigel J; Wada, Morikatsu ; Schneider, Michal; Poulsen, Michael; Rolfo, Maureen; Fahandej, Maziar; Gan, Hui; Joon, Daryl Lim; Khoo, Vincent
198-May-2020Antibody Targeting of Eph Receptors in Cancer.Janes, Peter W ; Vail, Mary E; Gan, Hui K ; Scott, Andrew M 
20May-2020The CD151-midkine pathway regulates the immune microenvironment in inflammatory breast cancer.Hayward, Steven; Gachehiladze, Mariam; Badr, Nahla; Andrijes, Regina; Molostvov, Guerman; Paniushkina, Liliia; Sopikova, Barbora; Slobodová, Zuzana; Mgebrishvili, Giorgi; Sharma, Nisha; Horimoto, Yoshiya; Burg, Dominic; Robertson, Graham; Hanby, Andrew; Hoar, Fiona; Rea, Daniel; Eckhardt, Bedrich L; Ueno, Naoto T; Nazarenko, Irina; Long, Heather M; van Laere, Steven; Shaaban, Abeer M; Berditchevski, Fedor