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Title: What are clinically relevant performance metrics in robotic surgery? A systematic review of the literature.
Austin Authors: Younes, Melissa M;Larkins, Kirsten;To, Gloria;Burke, Grace;Heriot, Alexander;Warrier, Satish;Mohan, Helen
Affiliation: Austin Health
International Medical Robotics Academy, North Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Monash University, Clayton, VIC, Australia
The University of Melbourne, 305 Grattan Street, Parkville, VIC, Australia
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Issue Date: Apr-2023
Date: 2022
Publication information: Journal of Robotic Surgery 2023; 17(2)
Abstract: A crucial element of any surgical training program is the ability to provide procedure-specific, objective, and reliable measures of performance. During robotic surgery, objective clinically relevant performance metrics (CRPMs) can provide tailored contextual feedback and correlate with clinical outcomes. This review aims to define CRPMs, assess their validity in robotic surgical training and compare CRPMs to existing measures of robotic performance. A systematic search of Medline and Embase databases was conducted in May 2022 following the PRISMA guidelines. The search terms included Clinically Relevant Performance Metrics (CRPMs) OR Clinically Relevant Outcome Measures (CROMs) AND robotic surgery. The study settings, speciality, operative context, study design, metric details, and validation status were extracted and analysed. The initial search yielded 116 citations, of which 6 were included. Citation searching identified 3 additional studies, resulting in 9 studies included in this review. Metrics were defined as CRPMs, CROMs, proficiency-based performance metrics and reference-procedure metrics which were developed using a modified Delphi methodology. All metrics underwent both contents and construct validation. Two studies found a strong correlation with GEARS but none correlated their metrics with patient outcome data. CRPMs are a validated and objective approach for assessing trainee proficiency. Evaluating CRPMs with other robotic-assessment tools will facilitate a multimodal metric evaluation approach to robotic surgery training. Further studies should assess the correlation with clinical outcomes. This review highlights there is significant scope for the development and validation of CRPMs to establish proficiency-based progression curricula that can be translated from a simulation setting into clinical practice.
DOI: 10.1007/s11701-022-01457-y
Journal: Journal of Robotic Surgery
PubMed URL: 36190655
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: Clinically relevant outcome measures
Clinically relevant performance metrics
Proficiency-based training
Robotic surgical education
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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