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Title: Exploring discordant low amyloid beta and high neocortical tau positron emission tomography cases.
Austin Authors: Krishnadas, Natasha ;Doré, Vincent ;Laws, Simon M;Porter, Tenielle;Lamb, Fiona ;Bozinovski, Svetlana ;Villemagne, Victor L ;Rowe, Christopher C 
Affiliation: Collaborative Genomics and Translation Group School of Medical and Health Sciences Edith Cowan University Perth WA Australia
The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
Health and Biosecurity Flagship The Australian eHealth Research Centre Melbourne Victoria Australia
Department of Molecular Imaging & Therapy Austin Health Heidelberg Victoria Australia
Centre for Precision Health Edith Cowan University Perth WA Australia
Department of Psychiatry University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pennsylvania USA..
Issue Date: 2022
Date: 2022
Publication information: Alzheimer's & Dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2022; 14(1): e12326
Abstract: Neocortical 3R4R (3-repeat/4-repeat) tau aggregates are rarely observed in the absence of amyloid beta (Aβ). 18F-MK6240 binds specifically to the 3R4R form of tau that is characteristic of Alzheimer's disease (AD). We report four cases with negative Aβ, but positive tau positron emission tomography (PET) findings. All Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle study of aging (AIBL) study participants with Aβ (18F-NAV4694) and tau (18F-MK6240) PET scans were included. Centiloid <25 defined negative Aβ PET (Aβ-). The presence of neocortical tau was defined quantitatively and visually. Aβ- PET was observed in 276 participants. Four of these participants (one cognitively unimpaired [CU], two mild cognitive impairment [MCI], one AD) had tau tracer retention in a pattern consistent with Braak tau stages V to VI. Fluid biomarkers supported a diagnosis of AD. In silico analysis of APP, PSEN1, PSEN2, and MAPT genes did not identify relevant functional mutations. Discordant cases were infrequent (1.4% of all Aβ- participants). In these cases, the Aβ PET ligand may not be detecting the Aβ that is present.
DOI: 10.1002/dad2.12326
Journal: Alzheimer's & Dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
PubMed URL: 36051174
ISSN: 2352-8729
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: Alzheimer's disease
amyloid beta (Aβ)
positron emission tomography
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