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Title: Splenic artery embolization improves outcomes and decreases the length of stay in hemodynamically stable blunt splenic injuries - A level 1 Australian Trauma centre experience.
Austin Authors: Han, Jennie;Dudi-Venkata, Nagendra N ;Jolly, Samantha;Ting, Ying Yang;Lu, Ha;Thomas, Meredith;Dobbins, Christopher
Affiliation: Surgery
Department of Surgery, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Discipline of Surgery, The University of Adelaide, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Adelaide, South Australia
Department of Radiology, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, South Australia
Issue Date: May-2022
Date: 2021-12-26
Publication information: Injury 2022; 53(5): 1620-1626
Abstract: Splenic injuries are the most common visceral injury following blunt abdominal trauma. Increasingly, non-operative management (NOM) and the use of adjunctive splenic angioembolization (ASE) is favoured over operative management (OM) for the hemodynamically stable patient. However, clinical predictors for successful NOM, particularly the role of ASE as an adjunct, remain poorly defined. This study aims to evaluate the outcomes of patients undergoing ASE vs NOM. A retrospective clinical audit was performed of all patients admitted with blunt splenic injury (BSI) from January 2005 to January 2018 at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. The primary outcome was ASE or NOM failure rate. Secondary outcomes were grade of splenic injury, Injury Severity Score (ISS), length of hospital stay (LOS), and delayed OM or re-angioembolization rates. Of 208 patients with BSI, 60 (29%) underwent OM, 54 (26%) ASE, and 94 (45%) NOM only. Patients were predominantly male 165 (79%), with a median age of 33 (IQR 24-51) years. The median ISS was 29 (20-38). There was no difference in the overall success rates for each modality of primary management (48 (89%) ASE vs 77 (82%) NOM, p = 0.374), though patients managed with ASE were older (38 vs 30 years, p = 0.029), had higher grade of splenic injury (grade ≥ IV 42 (78%) vs 8 (8.5%), p<0.001), with increased rates of haemo-peritoneum (46 (85%) vs 51 (54%), p<0.001) and contrast blush (42 (78%) vs 2 (2%), p<0.001). However, for grade III splenic injury, patients managed with ASE had a trend towards better outcome with no failures when compared to the NOM group (0 (0%) vs 8 (35%), p = 0.070) with a significant reduction in LOS (7.2 vs 10.8 days, p = 0.042). Furthermore, the ASE group overall had a significantly shorter LOS compared to the NOM group (10.0 vs 16.0 days, p<0.001). ASE as an adjunct to NOM significantly reduces the length of stay in BSI patients and is most successful in managing AAST grade III injuries.
DOI: 10.1016/j.injury.2021.12.043
ORCID: 0000-0002-5655-5406
Journal: Injury
PubMed URL: 34991862
PubMed URL:
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: Blunt abdominal trauma
Non-operative management
Splenic angioembolization
Splenic injury
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