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Title: Perioperative Intravenous Lidocaine Infusion for Post-operative Analgesia in Patients undergoing Surgery of the Spine Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Austin Authors: Licina, Ana ;Silvers, Andrew
Affiliation: Austin Health
Monash Health
Issue Date: 2022
Date: 2021-07-01
Publication information: Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.) 2022; 23(1): 45-56
Abstract: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to examine the impact of perioperative intravenous lidocaine infusion on pain management scores, opioid consumption, adverse events and hospital length of stay in patients undergoing spinal surgery. We included randomized controlled trials (RCT's) evaluating the use of perioperative intravenous lidocaine in adult and paediatric patients undergoing spinal surgery. Primary outcomes were post-operative pain scores at rest, at two, four- six, twenty-four and forty-eight hours and adverse events attributable to lidocaine administration. We searched electronic databases from inception to present. We used Cochrane's standard methods. We used a random-effects model to synthetize data. We conducted three subgroup analysis: major versus minor surgery, patients with chronic pain conditions versus patients without, and adult versus paediatric. A total of eight studies were included comparing patients having intravenous lidocaine (n = 349) to controls (n = 343). Intravenous lidocaine administration was associated with significantly reduced visual analogue pain scores at two MD= -1.13, four-six MD =-0.79 and twenty-four hours MD= -0.50 post-operatively. In the adults, efficacy of treatment was extended to forty-eight hours MD= -0.72. Perioperative intravenous lidocaine administration was associated with reduced peri-operative opioid consumption at twenty-four and forty-eight as well as decreased hospital length of stay. Perioperative intravenous lidocaine infusion consistently improves analgesic measures in adult and paediatric population in the first twenty-four hours, with an effective decrease in opioid consumption noted to forty-eight hours. These results are most generalizable in the adult population in the first four-six to twenty four post-operative hours.
DOI: 10.1093/pm/pnab210
Journal: Pain medicine
PubMed URL: 34196720
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: Inflammation
Multimodal Analgesia
Perioperative Lidocaine Infusion
Perioperative Outcomes
Spinal Surgery
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