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Title: Comparison of segmental lean tissue mass in individuals with spinal cord injury measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and predicted by bioimpedance spectroscopy.
Austin Authors: Desneves, Katherine J ;Panisset, Maya G ;Galea, Mary P ;Kiss, Nicole;Daly, Robin M;Ward, Leigh C
Affiliation: Nutrition and Dietetics
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD, Australia
Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition (IPAN), Deakin University, Geelong, VIC, Australia
Department of Medicine, Royal Melbourne Hospital, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, Australia
Issue Date: 19-Oct-2020
Date: 2020-10-19
Publication information: Spinal Cord 2020; online first: 19 October
Abstract: Observational. To compare two methods for predicting segmental (arms, legs, trunk) lean tissue mass (LTM: non-bone fat-free mass) from bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) against LTM measured from dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in individuals with acute spinal cord injury (SCI). Austin Health Victorian Spinal Cord Service, Victoria, Australia. Fourteen participants (two female), within 8 weeks of traumatic SCI had BIS measured following an overnight fast and within 24 h of DXA scanning. Total body fat-free mass (FFM, body weight minus fat mass) and segmental LTM were predicted from BIS using manufacturer's proprietary software and a previously established SCI-specific prediction method. Appendicular LTM (ALM) was calculated from the sum of the LTM of the arms and legs. Agreement and strength of relationships with DXA for predicted LTM measures using both approaches were assessed using Lin's concordance coefficient and limits of agreement analysis (LOA). The BIS proprietary method performed better than the SCI-specific prediction method in predicting DXA LTM, demonstrating substantial concordance for total body FFM (rc = 0.80), ALM (rc = 0.78), arm (rc = 0.76) and leg LTM (rc = 0.65) and a smaller bias and LOA for ALM (+0.8 vs. -3.4 kg; LOA -4.9-6.4 vs. -11.9-5.1 kg), arm (+0.02 vs. -0.3 kg; LOA -1.1-1.1 kg vs. -2.2-1.6 kg) and leg (+0.4 vs. -1.4 kg; LOA -2.0-2.8 vs. -5.6-2.8) LTM. BIS can be used to accurately predict total body FFM, segmental LTM and ALM in individuals with acute SCI.
DOI: 10.1038/s41393-020-00568-3
ORCID: 0000-0001-9224-3728
Journal: Spinal Cord
PubMed URL: 33077901
Type: Journal Article
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