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Title: Impact of an Interprofessional Surgical Skills Workshop on Undergraduate Medical and Nursing Student Interest in a Career in Surgery: A Thematic Analysis.
Austin Authors: Yang, Amy L ;Fernando, Shavi;Tighe, Josie;O-Halloran, Monica;Morphet, Julia;Kumar, Arunaz
Affiliation: Austin Health
Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia
Issue Date: May-2021
Date: 2020-10-05
Publication information: Journal of Surgical Education 2021; 78(3): 905-913
Abstract: Medical student interest in surgery is decreasing both internationally and in Australia. There is also a current shortage of perioperative nursing staff, and demand for both surgeons and perioperative nurses is only expected to rise. The aim of this qualitative thematic analysis is to explore: (1) medical and nursing student's influences on their perspectives on surgery, and (2) the impact of a novel, interprofessional, simulation-based workshop on medical and nursing student interest in surgery as a career. A paired, anonymous pre- and postworkshop written survey was completed by medical and nursing student participants before and immediately after the surgical skills workshop. Thematic analysis of the responses was performed by 2 researchers independently to identify themes and subthemes regarding the study aims. The study was conducted at Monash Medical Centre, a tertiary care center in Melbourne, Australia. One hundred and seventy-six undergraduate medical and nursing students attended the workshop, consisting of 144 fourth-year medical students (enrolled in a 5-year course) and 32 second-year nursing student volunteers (enrolled in a 3-year course). Analysis of how students' prior surgical experiences impacted their perspective on surgery revealed 5 themes: inclusive mentors and role models, learning through active participation, feeling unwelcome or intimidated, demands of the surgical lifestyle, and personal factors that influenced interest in surgery as a career.Most students reported that the workshop had a beneficial effect on their perception of surgery as a career. Analysis of student responses found 3 themes that affected the impact of the workshop on their interest in surgery: simulated practice of technical skills, exposure to nontechnical aspects of surgery, and simulation fidelity. Interprofessional, simulated-based surgical skills workshops may improve medical and nursing students' perceptions of surgery as a career, and should be considered for inclusion in undergraduate medical and nursing curricula.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jsurg.2020.09.014
Journal: Journal of Surgical Education
PubMed URL: 33032955
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: interprofessional
medical student
nursing student
surgical career interest
surgical skills
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