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Title: Outcomes of laceration suture repair in the emergency department.
Austin Authors: Majer, James;Valentine, Safire;Warren, Jaimee;Grant, Nicole;Sri-Ganeshan, Muhuntha ;Jermakoff, Anton;Cooper, Blake;Knott, Jonathan C;Taylor, David McD 
Affiliation: Box Hill Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Emergency Department, The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Department of Medicine, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Barwon Health, Geelong, Victoria, Australia
Western Health, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Wangaratta Hospital, Wangaratta, Victoria, Australia
Northern Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Issue Date: Apr-2021
Date: 2020-08-25
Publication information: Emergency Medicine Australasia : EMA 2021; 33(2): 242-249
Abstract: To assess patient satisfaction with laceration management, post-ED care, cosmesis and complication rates. We undertook a prospective observational study of adult patients with lacerations sutured in two EDs over a 4-month period. ED data included participant demographics, laceration characteristics and management. A telephone survey was undertaken approximately 14 days post-ED discharge. Patient satisfaction with post-ED pain management, advice on wound care and follow up, overall management and wound cosmesis were evaluated using a six-item satisfaction scale (very dissatisfied to very satisfied). Details of wound infection, dehiscence and suture failure were recorded. Eighty-nine patients participated. The number (% [95% confidence interval]) of patients very satisfied with their laceration management were: post-ED pain management 55 (62.5% [51.5-72.4]), wound care advice 51 (57.3% [46.4-67.6]), follow-up advice 39 (43.8% [33.5-54.7]), overall management 61 (68.5% [57.7-77.7]) and cosmetic appearance 46 (51.7% [40.9-62.3]). Infection, dehiscence and suture failure occurred in 5 (5.6%), 8 (9.0%) and 8 (9.0%) cases, respectively. These complications were not associated with being very satisfied overall (P = 0.96). Patients very satisfied with post-ED pain management, wound care advice, follow-up advice or wound cosmesis were much more likely to be very satisfied overall (P < 0.001). Most patients are very satisfied with their laceration management. However, there is scope for improvement, especially for follow-up and wound care advice. Complications are infrequent and not associated with overall satisfaction.
DOI: 10.1111/1742-6723.13600
ORCID: 0000-0003-1503-0440
Journal: Emergency Medicine Australasia : EMA
PubMed URL: 32844572
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: complication
emergency department
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