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Title: Haemodynamic effect of a 20% albumin fluid bolus in post-cardiac surgery patients.
Austin Authors: Cutuli, Salvatore L ;Bitker, Laurent;Osawa, Eduardo A;O'Brien, Zachary ;Canet, Emmanuel;Yanase, Fumitaka ;Ancona, Paolo;Wilson, Anthony;Lucchetta, Luca;Kubicki, Mark ;Cronhjort, Maria;Cioccari, Luca;Peck, Lea;Young, Helen ;Eastwood, Glenn M ;Mårtensson, Johan;Glassford, Neil J;Bellomo, Rinaldo 
Affiliation: Department of Intensive Care, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
Issue Date: Mar-2020
Publication information: Critical Care and Resuscitation 2020; 22(1): 15-25
Abstract: To study the cardiovascular effect over 30 minutes following the end of fluid bolus therapy (FBT) with 20% albumin in patients after cardiac surgery. Prospective observational study. Intensive care unit of a tertiary university-affiliated hospital. Twenty post-cardiac surgery mechanically ventilated patients with a clinical decision to administer FBT. FBT with a 100 mL bolus of 20% albumin. Cardiac index (CI) response was defined by a ≥ 15% increase, while mean arterial pressure (MAP) response was defined by a ≥ 10% increase. The most common indication for FBT was hypotension (40%). Median duration of infusion was 7 minutes (interquartile range [IQR], 3-9 min). At the end of FBT, five patients (25%) showed a CI response, which increased to almost half in the following 30 minutes and dissipated in one patient. MAP response occurred in 11 patients (55%) and dissipated in five patients (45%) by a median of 6 minutes (IQR, 6-10 min). CI and MAP responses coexisted in four patients (20%). An intrabolus MAP response occurred in 17 patients (85%) but dissipated in 11 patients (65%) within a median of 7 minutes (IQR, 2-11 min). On regression analysis, faster fluid bolus administration predicted MAP increase at the end of the bolus. In post-cardiac surgery patients, CI response to 20% albumin FBT was not congruous with MAP response over 30 minutes. Although hypotension was the main indication for FBT and a MAP response occurred in most of patients, such response was maximal during the bolus, dissipated in a few minutes, and was dissociated from the CI response.
ORCID: 0000-0003-4993-427X
Journal: Critical Care and Resuscitation
PubMed URL: 32102639
ISSN: 1441-2772
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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