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Title: Endovascular treatment of visceral artery and renal aneurysms (VRAA) using a constant mesh density flow diverting stent.
Austin Authors: Maingard, Julian T;Lamanna, Anthony ;Kok, Hong Kuan;Ranatunga, Dinesh;Ravi, Rajeev;Chandra, Ronil V;Lee, Michael J;Brooks, Duncan Mark ;Asadi, Hamed 
Affiliation: Interventional Radiology Service, Department of Radiology, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
Stroke Division, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Faculty of Health, School of Medicine, Deakin University, Waurn Ponds, Australia
Interventional Neuroradiology Service, Department of Radiology, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
Interventional Radiology Service, Department of Radiology, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland
Interventional Radiology Service, Department of Radiology, Northern Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
Interventional Neuroradiology Unit, Monash Imaging, Melbourne, Australia
Issue Date: 3-May-2019
Date: 2019-05-03
Publication information: CVIR endovascular 2019; 2(1): 15
Abstract: Flow diverting stents have been used safely and effectively for the treatment of intracranial aneurysms, particularly for large and wide necked aneurysms that are not amenable to conventional endovascular treatment with coiling. The Surpass Streamline device (Stryker Neurovascular, MI, USA) is a relatively new and unique flow diverting stent which maintains constant device mesh density over varying vessel diameters. This may potentially provide advantages compared to other flow diverting stents in achieving aneurysmal occlusion. Two patients with VRAA were treated using the Surpass Streamline device. The first patient was a 65-year-old male with an incidental 2.4 cm aneurysm originating from the hepatic artery near the gastroduodenal artery (GDA). The second patient was a 56-year-old male with an incidental 1.9 cm renal aneurysm arising from an anterior inferior segmental branch of the left renal artery. A Surpass flow diverting stent was used to successfully exclude the aneurysm neck in both cases. Reduced flow was achieved in one patient (equivalent to O'Kelly-Marotta [OKM] Grade B1). Preserved flow and stagnation (equivalent to OKM Grade A3) was achieved in the other. There was preserved distal flow in the parent arteries. No immediate complications were encountered in either case. Complete occlusion of both aneurysms was seen on follow up CT angiographic imaging within 8-weeks. The Surpass flow diverting stent can be used safely and effectively to treat VRAA. It should be considered in unruptured large and giant wide necked VRAAs aneurysms. Additional large prospective studies are required for further validation.
DOI: 10.1186/s42155-019-0057-1
ORCID: 0000-0001-8958-2411
Journal: CVIR endovascular
PubMed URL: 32026177
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: Aneurysm
Flow diverting stent
Hepatic artery
Renal artery
Visceral artery
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