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Title: Surgical management of female urethral strictures.
Austin Authors: Hoag, Nathan;Chee, Justin 
Affiliation: Department of Urology, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
MURAC Health, East Melbourne, Victoria 3112, Australia
Issue Date: Jul-2017
Publication information: Translational andrology and urology 2017; 6(Suppl 2): S76-S80
Abstract: Female urethral stricture (FUS) represents a rare condition, yet one that can cause significant, bothersome lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Historically, urethral dilation has been a preferred treatment choice for these patients. A variety of reconstructive surgical techniques have been described in recent years to provide more definitive management in this challenging group of patients. We present an overview of FUS and a summary of surgical management options.
DOI: 10.21037/tau.2017.01.20
ORCID: The University of Melbourne, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
Journal: Translational andrology and urology
PubMed URL: 28791225
ISSN: 2223-4691
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: Female urethral stricture (FUS)
operative technique
reconstructive urology
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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