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Title: Surgical management of chronic genital lymphoedema.
Austin Authors: Hennessey, Derek B;Kinnear, Ned J;Chee, Justin 
Affiliation: Department of Urology, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
Department of Urology, The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
Issue Date: 5-Jul-2018
Date: 2018-07-05
Publication information: BMJ Case Reports 2018; 2018: bcr-2018-225183
Abstract: A 44-year-old man with a spinal cord injury was referred to a specialist urology service with a 7-year history of significant genital swelling. His condition had eluded diagnosis and was refractory to all previous treatments. The considerable swelling both impacted his quality of life and prevented the patient from adequately managing his neurogenic bladder. He was diagnosed with chronic idiopathic genital lymphoedema and underwent total scrotectomy, wide penile skin excision and split skin graft to the penile shaft. The patient made an excellent recovery. We present this unusual case with preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative images.
DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2018-225183
ORCID: 0000-0002-7833-2537
Journal: BMJ Case Reports
PubMed URL: 29980515
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: Urinary tract infections
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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