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Title: Effect of vaso-active intestinal polypeptide on systemic and splanchnic haemodynamics: role in vasodilation following mesenteric ischaemia.
Austin Authors: Somjen, G;Fletcher, D R;Shulkes, Arthur;Hardy, Kenneth John
Affiliation: Department of Surgery, University of Melbourne, Austin Hospital, Victoria, Australia
Issue Date: 16-May-1988
Publication information: Digestion; 40(3): 133-43
Abstract: Vaso-active intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and the related peptide, peptide histidine isoleucine, were infused intravenously in anaesthetized sheep. The VIP doses were designed to reproduce plasma concentrations seen after mesenteric ischaemia. The vasodilator action of VIP varied between different segments of the circulation and these differences in sensitivity were observed for both the degree and duration of the vaso-active action. A sustained vasodilation was detected in the coeliac artery and portal vein vascular beds during a 30-min VIP infusion. VIP is likely to be a contributory factor involved in the development of circulatory collapse during reperfusion after experimental mesenteric ischaemia.
Gov't Doc #: 3234619
Journal: Digestion
Type: Journal Article
Subjects: Animals
Blood Circulation.drug effects
Celiac Artery.drug effects
Hemodynamics.drug effects
Infusions, Intravenous
Mesenteric Arteries.drug effects
Mesenteric Vascular Occlusion.chemically induced
Splanchnic Circulation.drug effects
Vascular Resistance.drug effects
Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide.pharmacology
Vasodilation.drug effects
Appears in Collections:Journal articles

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