Christopher C Rowe

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Christopher C Rowe
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Rowe, Christopher C
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Results 241-260 of 323 (Search time: 0.021 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
24129-Aug-2014Imago Mundi, Imago AD, Imago ADNI.Villemagne, Victor L ; Kim, Seong Yoon; Rowe, Christopher C ; Iwatsubo, Takeshi
24227-Aug-2014Comparison of MR-less PiB SUVR quantification methods.Bourgeat, Pierrick; Villemagne, Victor L ; Dore, Vincent; Brown, Belinda; Macaulay, S Lance; Martins, Ralph N; Masters, Colin L ; Ames, David; Ellis, Kathryn A; Rowe, Christopher C ; Salvado, Olivier; Fripp, Jurgen
24329-Jul-2014Dietary patterns and cognitive decline in an Australian study of ageing.Gardener, S L; Rainey-Smith, Stephanie R; Barnes, M B; Sohrabi, H R; Weinborn, M; Lim, Yen Ying; Harrington, Karra; Taddei, K; Gu, Y; Rembach, Alan; Szoeke, Cassandra; Ellis, Kathryn A; Masters, Colin L ; Macaulay, S Lance; Rowe, Christopher C ; Ames, David; Keogh, J B; Scarmeas, N; Martins, Ralph N
24427-Jun-2014Autobiographical narratives relate to Alzheimer's disease biomarkers in older adults.Buckley, Rachel F; Saling, Michael M ; Irish, Muireann; Ames, David; Rowe, Christopher C ; Villemagne, Victor L ; Lautenschlager, Nicola T; Maruff, Paul; Macaulay, S Lance; Martins, Ralph N; Szoeke, Cassandra; Masters, Colin L ; Rainey-Smith, Stephanie R; Rembach, Alan; Savage, Greg; Ellis, Kathryn A
24526-Jun-2014Aβ imaging with 18F-florbetaben in prodromal Alzheimer's disease: a prospective outcome study.Ong, Kevin T; Villemagne, Victor L ; Bahar-Fuchs, Alex; Lamb, Fiona ; Langdon, Narelle; Catafau, Ana M; Stephens, Andrew W; Seibyl, John; Dinkelborg, Ludger M; Reininger, Cornelia B; Putz, Barbara; Rohde, Beate; Masters, Colin L ; Rowe, Christopher C 
2461-Jun-2014Advancing research diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer's disease: the IWG-2 criteria.Dubois, Bruno; Feldman, Howard H; Jacova, Claudia; Hampel, Harald; Molinuevo, José Luis; Blennow, Kaj; DeKosky, Steven T; Gauthier, Serge; Selkoe, Dennis; Bateman, Randall; Cappa, Stefano; Crutch, Sebastian; Engelborghs, Sebastiaan; Frisoni, Giovanni B; Fox, Nick C; Galasko, Douglas; Habert, Marie-Odile; Jicha, Gregory A; Nordberg, Agneta; Pasquier, Florence; Rabinovici, Gil; Robert, Philippe; Rowe, Christopher C ; Salloway, Stephen; Sarazin, Marie; Epelbaum, Stéphane; de Souza, Leonardo C; Vellas, Bruno; Visser, Pieter J; Schneider, Lon; Stern, Yaakov; Scheltens, Philip; Cummings, Jeffrey L
24720-May-2014An increased neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio in Alzheimer's disease is a function of age and is weakly correlated with neocortical amyloid accumulation.Rembach, Alan; Watt, Andrew D; Wilson, William J; Rainey-Smith, Stephanie R; Ellis, Kathryn A; Rowe, Christopher C ; Villemagne, Victor L ; Macaulay, S Lance; Bush, Ashley I; Martins, Ralph N; Ames, David; Masters, Colin L ; Doecke, James D
24827-Mar-2014Non-invasive assessment of Alzheimer's disease neurofibrillary pathology using 18F-THK5105 PET.Okamura, Nobuyuki; Furumoto, Shozo; Fodero-Tavoletti, Michelle T; Mulligan, Rachel S ; Harada, Ryuichi; Yates, Paul; Pejoska, Svetlana; Kudo, Yukitsuka; Masters, Colin L ; Yanai, Kazuhiko; Rowe, Christopher C ; Villemagne, Victor L 
24912-Mar-2014Incidence of cerebral microbleeds in preclinical Alzheimer disease.Yates, Paul A ; Desmond, Patricia M; Phal, Pramit M; Steward, Christopher; Szoeke, Cassandra; Salvado, Olivier; Ellis, Kathryn A; Martins, Ralph N; Masters, Colin L ; Ames, David; Villemagne, Victor L ; Rowe, Christopher C 
25028-Feb-2014Aβ and cognitive change: examining the preclinical and prodromal stages of Alzheimer's disease.Lim, Yen Ying; Maruff, Paul; Pietrzak, Robert H; Ellis, Kathryn A; Darby, David G; Ames, David; Harrington, Karra; Martins, Ralph N; Masters, Colin L ; Szoeke, Cassandra; Savage, Greg; Villemagne, Victor L ; Rowe, Christopher C 
25126-Feb-2014Assessing THK523 selectivity for tau deposits in Alzheimer's disease and non-Alzheimer's disease tauopathies.Fodero-Tavoletti, Michelle T; Furumoto, Shozo; Taylor, Leanne; McLean, Catriona A; Mulligan, Rachel S ; Birchall, Ian; Harada, Ryuichi; Masters, Colin L ; Yanai, Kazuhiko; Kudo, Yukitsuka; Rowe, Christopher C ; Okamura, Nobuyuki; Villemagne, Victor L 
25211-Feb-2014In vivo evaluation of a novel tau imaging tracer for Alzheimer's disease.Villemagne, Victor L ; Furumoto, Shozo; Fodero-Tavoletti, Michelle T; Mulligan, Rachel S ; Hodges, John; Harada, Ryuichi; Yates, Paul; Piguet, Olivier; Pejoska, Svetlana; Doré, Vincent ; Yanai, Kazuhiko; Masters, Colin L ; Kudo, Yukitsuka; Rowe, Christopher C ; Okamura, Nobuyuki
25327-Jan-2014Effect of BDNF Val66Met on memory decline and hippocampal atrophy in prodromal Alzheimer's disease: a preliminary study.Lim, Yen Ying; Villemagne, Victor L ; Laws, Simon M; Ames, David; Pietrzak, Robert H; Ellis, Kathryn A; Harrington, Karra; Bourgeat, Pierrick; Bush, Ashley I; Martins, Ralph N; Masters, Colin L ; Rowe, Christopher C ; Maruff, Paul
25410-Jan-2014MR-less surface-based amyloid assessment based on 11C PiB PET.Zhou, Luping; Salvado, Olivier; Dore, Vincent; Bourgeat, Pierrick; Raniga, Parnesh; Macaulay, S Lance; Ames, David; Masters, Colin L ; Ellis, Kathryn A; Villemagne, Victor L ; Rowe, Christopher C ; Fripp, Jurgen
2556-Jan-2014Cerebral microbleeds: a review of clinical, genetic, and neuroimaging associations.Yates, Paul A ; Villemagne, Victor L ; Ellis, Kathryn A; Desmond, Patricia M; Masters, Colin L ; Rowe, Christopher C 
2562014Management impact of FDG-PET in dementia: results from a tertiary center memory clinic.Elias, Alby; Woodward, Michael M ; Rowe, Christopher C 
2572014Plasma amyloid-β levels are significantly associated with a transition toward Alzheimer's disease as measured by cognitive decline and change in neocortical amyloid burden.Rembach, Alan; Watt, Andrew D; Wilson, William J; Villemagne, Victor L ; Burnham, Samantha C; Ellis, Kathryn A; Maruff, Paul; Ames, David; Rowe, Christopher C ; Macaulay, S Lance; Bush, Ashley I; Martins, Ralph N; Masters, Colin L ; Doecke, James D
2582014Among vitamin B12 deficient older people, high folate levels are associated with worse cognitive function: combined data from three cohorts.Moore, Eileen M; Ames, David; Mander, Alastair G; Carne, Ross P; Brodaty, Henry; Woodward, Michael M ; Boundy, Karyn; Ellis, Kathryn A; Bush, Ashley I; Faux, Noel G; Martins, Ralph N; Masters, Colin L ; Rowe, Christopher C ; Szoeke, Cassandra; Watters, David A
2592014Personal memory function in mild cognitive impairment and subjective memory complaints: results from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers, and Lifestyle (AIBL) Study of Ageing.Buckley, Rachel F; Saling, Michael M ; Irish, Muireann; Ames, David; Rowe, Christopher C ; Lautenschlager, Nicola T; Maruff, Paul; Macaulay, S Lance; Martins, Ralph N; Masters, Colin L ; Rainey-Smith, Stephanie R; Rembach, Alan; Savage, Greg; Szoeke, Cassandra; Ellis, Kathryn A
2601-Dec-2013Predicting Alzheimer disease with β-amyloid imaging: results from the Australian imaging, biomarkers, and lifestyle study of ageing.Rowe, Christopher C ; Bourgeat, Pierrick; Ellis, Kathryn A; Brown, Belinda; Lim, Yen Ying; Mulligan, Rachel S ; Jones, Gareth; Maruff, Paul; Woodward, Michael M ; Price, Roger; Robins, Peter; Tochon-Danguy, Henri; O'Keefe, Graeme J; Pike, Kerryn E; Yates, Paul; Szoeke, Cassandra; Salvado, Olivier; Macaulay, S Lance; O'Meara, Timothy; Head, Richard; Cobiac, Lynne; Savage, Greg; Martins, Ralph N; Masters, Colin L ; Ames, David; Villemagne, Victor L