Michelle Goh

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Michelle Goh
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Goh, Michelle
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Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.017 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
1Jan-2024Durability of immune responses after drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms.Awad, Andrew; Mouhtouris, Effie ; Clatch, Allison; James, Fiona L ; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Holmes, Natasha E ; Gibney, Grace; Rose, Morgan T ; Copaescu, Ana ; Goh, Michelle ; Mackay, Laura K; Christo, Susan N; Gordon, Claire L ; Philips, Elizabeth J; Trubiano, Jason 
27-Mar-2023Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms: A systematic review.Awad, Andrew; Goh, Michelle ; Trubiano, Jason 
318-Feb-2023A Shorter Time to Drug Reaction With Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS): Redefining Beta-Lactam-Associated DRESS.Waldron, Jamie L; James, Fiona L ; Vogrin, Sara; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Holmes, Natasha E ; DeLuca, Joseph; Goh, Michelle S ; Douglas, Abby P; Trubiano, Jason 
413-Jan-2021The role of in vivo and ex vivo diagnostic tools in severe delayed immune-mediated adverse antibiotic drug reactions.Copaescu, Ana ; Mouhtouris, Effie ; Vogrin, Sara; James, Fiona L ; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Holmes, Natasha E ; Douglas, Abby; Slavin, Monica A; Cleland, Heather; Zubrinich, Celia; Aung, Ar Kar; Goh, Michelle ; Phillips, Elizabeth J; Trubiano, Jason 
5Jul-2020Analysis of Skin-Resident Memory T Cells Following Drug Hypersensitivity Reactions.Trubiano, Jason ; Gordon, Claire L ; Castellucci, Clara; Christo, Susan N; Park, Simone L; Mouhtouris, Effie ; Konvinse, Katherine; Rose, Morgan T ; Goh, Michelle ; Boyd, Alan S; Phillips, Elizabeth J; Mackay, Laura K
6Mar-2020Safety of cephalosporins in penicillin class severe delayed hypersensitivity reactions.Trubiano, Jason ; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Holmes, Natasha E ; Douglas, Abby P; Mouhtouris, Effie ; Goh, Michelle ; Phillips, Elizabeth J
726-Dec-2019Analysis of skin-resident memory T cells following drug hypersensitivity reactions.Trubiano, Jason ; Gordon, Claire L ; Castellucci, C; Christo, S N; Park, S L; Mouhtouris, Effie ; Konvinse, K; Rose, M ; Goh, Michelle ; Boyd, A S; Phillips, Elizabeth J; Mackay, L K
830-Oct-2019Safety of cephalosporins in penicillin class severe delayed hypersensitivity reactions.Trubiano, Jason ; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Holmes, Natasha E ; Douglas, Abby; Mouthoris, Effie; Goh, Michelle ; Phillips, Elizabeth J
9Apr-2019The safety of antibiotic skin testing in severe T-cell-mediated hypersensitivity of immunocompetent and immunocompromised hosts.Trubiano, Jason ; Douglas, Abby P; Goh, Michelle ; Slavin, Monica A; Phillips, Elizabeth J