Data Analytics Research and Evaluation (DARE) Centre

OrgUnit's Researchers

Results 1-5 of 9 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

FullnameTranslated NameEmail
Berlowitz, David
Gaca, Michele JaneGaca,
Holmes, Natasha
Jones, Jennifer R

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1-20 of 1257 (Search time: 0.04 seconds).

Publication YearTitleAuthor(s)
1Nov-201920% Human Albumin Solution Fluid Bolus Administration Therapy in Patients After Cardiac Surgery (the HAS FLAIR Study).Wigmore, Geoffrey J; Anstey, James R; St John, Ashley; Greaney, Joel; Morales-Codina, Marc; Presneill, Jeffrey J; Deane, Adam M; MacIsaac, Christopher M; Bailey, Michael; Tatoulis, James; Bellomo, Rinaldo 
22018228th ENMC International Workshop:: Airway clearance techniques in neuromuscular disorders Naarden, The Netherlands, 3-5 March, 2017.Toussaint, Michel; Chatwin, Michelle; Gonzales, Jesus; Berlowitz, David J 
3Aug-202030-Day Outcomes Post Veno-Arterial Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (VA-ECMO) After Cardiac Surgery and Predictors of Survival.Hu, Raymond T C ; Broad, Jeremy D; Osawa, Eduardo A; Ancona, Paolo; Iguchi, Yoko; Miles, Lachlan F ; Bellomo, Rinaldo 
4Sep-2020The 6 Ps of post-ICU recovery: application of a shared conceptual model.Jones, Jennifer R A ; Griffith, David M
5Sep-2018A cluster randomised, crossover, registry-embedded clinical trial of proton pump inhibitors versus histamine-2 receptor blockers for ulcer prophylaxis therapy in the intensive care unit (PEPTIC study): study protocol.Young, Paul J; Bagshaw, Sean M; Forbes, Andrew; Nichol, Alistair; Wright, Stephen E; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; Bailey, Michael J; Beasley, Richard W; Eastwood, Glenn M ; Festa, Marino; Gattas, David; van Haren, Frank; Litton, Edward; Mouncey, Paul R; Navarra, Leanlove; Pilcher, David; Mackle, Diane M; McArthur, Colin J; McGuinness, Shay P; Saxena, Manoj K; Webb, Steve; Rowan, Kathryn M
631-Jan-2019A comparison of characteristics and outcomes of patients admitted to the ICU with asthma in Australia and New Zealand and United states.Abdelkarim, Hussam; Durie, Matthew; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; Bergmeir, Christoph; Badawi, Omar; El-Khawas, Khaled; Pilcher, David
7Sep-2016A comparison of therapeutic hypothermia and strict therapeutic normothermia after cardiac arrest.Casamento, Andrew ; Minson, Adrian; Radford, Samuel T ; Mårtensson, Johan; Ridgeon, Elliott; Young, Paul; Bellomo, Rinaldo 
8Oct-2018A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial of High Cutoff Versus Standard Hemofiltration in Critically Ill Patients With Acute Kidney Injury.Atan, Rafidah; Peck, Leah ; Prowle, John; Licari, Elisa; Eastwood, Glenn M ; Storr, Markus; Goehl, Hermann; Bellomo, Rinaldo 
919-Aug-2019A laboratory-derived early warning score for the prediction of in-hospital mortality, ICU admission, Medical Emergency Team activation and Cardiac Arrest in general medical wards.Ratnayake, Hasanka; Johnson, Douglas; Martensson, Johan; Lam, Que; Bellomo, Rinaldo 
101-Dec-2015A Multicenter Randomized Trial of Continuous versus Intermittent β-Lactam Infusion in Severe Sepsis.Dulhunty, Joel M; Roberts, Jason A; Davis, Joshua S; Webb, Steven A R; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; Gomersall, Charles; Shirwadkar, Charudatt; Eastwood, Glenn M ; Myburgh, John; Paterson, David L; Starr, Therese; Paul, Sanjoy K; Lipman, Jeffrey
11Jan-2016A Pilot Assessment of Carotid and Brachial Artery Blood Flow Estimation Using Ultrasound Doppler in Cardiac Surgery Patients.Weber, Ulrike; Glassford, Neil J; Eastwood, Glenn M ; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; Hilton, Andrew K 
12Dec-2019A pilot randomised controlled trial evaluating the pharmacodynamic effects of furosemide versus acetazolamide in critically ill patients.Brown, Alastair JW; Cutuli, Salvatore L ; Eastwood, Glenn M ; Bitker, Laurent; Marsh, Philip; Bellomo, Rinaldo 
13Jan-2016A Prospective Study of the Timing and Accuracy of Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin Levels in Predicting Acute Kidney Injury in High-Risk Cardiac Surgery Patients.Fanning, Niall; Galvin, Sinead; Parke, Rachael; Gilroy, James; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; McGuinness, Shay
14Jul-2019A randomized, controlled pilot clinical trial of cryopreserved platelets for perioperative surgical bleeding: the CLIP-I trial (Editorial, p. 2759).Reade, Michael C; Marks, Denese C; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; Deans, Renae; Faulke, Daniel J; Fraser, John F; Gattas, David J; Holley, Anthony D; Irving, David O; Johnson, Lacey; Pearse, Bronwyn L; Royse, Alistair G; Wong, Janet
15Mar-2016A rational approach to fluid therapy in sepsis.Marik, P; Bellomo, Rinaldo 
1618-Feb-2023A Shorter Time to Drug Reaction With Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS): Redefining Beta-Lactam-Associated DRESS.Waldron, Jamie L; James, Fiona L ; Vogrin, Sara; Chua, Kyra Y L ; Holmes, Natasha E ; DeLuca, Joseph; Goh, Michelle S ; Douglas, Abby P; Trubiano, Jason 
17May-2018A two centre observational study of simultaneous pulse oximetry and arterial oxygen saturation recordings in intensive care unit patients.Ebmeier, S J; Barker, M; Bacon, M; Beasley, R C; Bellomo, Rinaldo ; Knee Chong, C; Eastwood, Glenn M ; Gilchrist, J; Kagaya, H; Pilcher, J; Reddy, S K; Ridgeon, E; Sarma, N; Spragas, S; Tanaka, Aiko; Tweedie, M; Weatherall, M; Young, P J
18Nov-2017Abstracts and Workshops 7th National Spinal Cord Injury Conference November 9 - 11, 2017 Fallsview Casino Resort Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.Shojaei, Mir Hatef; Alavinia, Mohammad; Cheng, Christiana L; Plashkes, Tova; Shen, Tian; Fallah, Nader; Humphreys, Suzanne; Linassi, Angelo Gary; Ho, Chester; Charbonneau, Rebecca; Paquet, Jerome; Popovic, Milos; Bassett-Gunter, Rebecca; Unic, Nikola; Pakosh, Maureen; Brisbois, Louise M; Catharine Craven, B; Jones, Maryleen K; O'Shea, Roberta; Valika, Sakina; Namaka, Micheal; Patsakos, Eleni; Holtz, Kaila; Szefer, Elena; Verrier, Mary C; Noonan, Vanessa; Furlan, Julio C; Kwon, Brian; Morin, Cynthia; Harris, Anne; Cheng, Christiana; Aspinall, Arlene; Fallah, Nader Nader; Zariffa, Jose; Noonan, Vanessa K; Chan, Katherine; Alappat, Chris; Musselman, Kristin; Flett, Heather M; Musselman, Kristin E; Leo, Jennifer; Milligan, James; Hillier, Loretta M; Loh, Eldon; Bauman, Craig; Paquet, Jérôme; Donaldson, Lindsay; Lee, Joseph; Slonim, Karen; Sleeth, Lindsay; Lemay, Jean-François; Jeske, Samantha; McRae, Samantha; Mokry, Jennifer; Guy, Stacey; Sharma, Ritu; Zee, Joanne; Krassiokov-Enns, Dimitri; Bayley, Mark; Lemay, Jean-Francois; Roy, Audrey; Gagnon, H Dany; Theiss, Renee; McCullum, Shane; Johnston, Gillian; Kramer, John; Kokotow, Melanie; Mills, Sandra; Bain, Patricia; Marquez-Chin, Cesar; Latimer-Cheung, Amy; Lala, Deena; Brooke, Jillian; Houghton, Pamela; Stork, Matthew J; Giangregorio, Lora; Jeji, Tara; Guy, Kristina; Kapadia, Naaz; Popovic, Milos R; Zivanovic, Vera; Likitlersuang, Jirapat; Valiante, Taufik; Olds, Timothy; Martin Ginis, Kathleen; Burns, Patricia; Taran, Samantha; Xia, Nancy; Rocchi, Meredith; Walden, Kristen; Sweet, Shane N; Marquis, Aaron; Desai, Naaz; Hebert, Debbie; Craven, B Catharine; McLeod, Jonathan; Hicks, Audrey; Gauthier, Cindy; Mehta, Swati; Noreau, Luc; Rivers, Carly S; Arel, Jasmine; Brosseau, Rachel; Hicks, Audrey L; Zariffa, José; Nejatbakhsh, Nasrin; Hitzig, Sander L; Cappe, Shauna; McGillivray, Colleen; Martin Ginis, Kathleen A; Singh, Hardeep; Lenz, Katie; Sam, Jaya; Kaiser, Anita; Flett, Heather; Verrier, Mary; Garai, Purbasha; Wolfe, Dalton; Unger, Janelle; Oates, Alison R; Curran, Dorothyann; Arora, Tarun; Bailey, K Alysse; Moshe, Bondi; Anthony, Burns; Smith, Matt; Gulasingam, Sivakumar; Michalovic, Emilie; Gainforth, Heather L; Graham, Ian D; Chan, Brian; Fehlings, Michael G; Cornell, Stephanie; Wodchis, Walter; Allison, David; Cadarette, Suzanne; Krahn, Murray; Mittmann, Nicole; Athanasopoulos, Peter; Chemtob, Keryn; Arbour-Nicitopoulos, Kelly; Kairy, Dahlia; McBride, Christopher B; Sabetian, Parisa; Koh, Ryan G L; Yoo, Paul; Ditor, David; Gagliardi, Julie; Iwasa, Stephanie N; Babona-Pilipos, Robart; Schneider, Patrick; Howcroft, Jennifer; Velayudhan, Prashanth; Shaw, Robert B; Ahmed, Umalkhair; Morshead, Cindi M; Yoo, Jaeeun; Shinya, Masahiro; Baron, Justine; Milosevic, Matija; Gabison, Sharon; Marrocco, Stephanie; Mathur, Sunita; Howcroft, Jeremy; Brisbois, Louise; Townson, Andrea; Willms, Rhonda; Scovil, Carol; Mazzella, Filomena; Morris, Helen; Tomasone, Jennifer; Ventre, Anellina; West, Christopher; Whitehurst, David; O'Connell, Colleen; Charlifue, Susan; Gagnon, Dany H; Escalona Castillo, Manuel Jose; Vermette, Martin; Caron, Jeffrey G; Mills, Patricia; Carvalho, Lívia Pinheiro; Karelis, Antony; Aubertin-Leheudre, Mylène; Mortenson, Ben; Duclos, Cyril; Houghton, Pamela E; Schwartz, Carolyn; Orr, Lyndsay; Holyoke, Paul; Rocchi, Meredith A; Kras-Dupuis, Anna; Nussbaum, Ethne; Munro, Barry; Sweeny, Michelle; Hitzig, Sander; Farahani, Farnoosh; MacGillivray, Megan; Alavinia, S Mohammad; Omidvar, Maryam; Gassaway, Julie; Zelaya, Walter; Finkelstein, Joel; Shaw, Rob; Miller, Toba; Hong, Minna; Everhart-Skeels, Sarah; Houlihan, Bethlyn; Burns, Anthony; Bilsky, Gerald; Mahsa, Sadeghi; Lanig, Indira; Bergquist, Austin J; Graco, Marnie ; Cross, Susan; Thiyagarajan, Chinnaya; Grimshaw, Jeremy; Ethans, Karen; Shafazand, Shirin; Ayas, Najib; Schembri, Rachel; Booker, Lauren; Nicholls, Carmel ; Del Castillo-Valenzuela, Mikael F; Adams, Jared; Nash, Mark; Green, Sally; Berlowitz, David J ; Moineau, Bastien; Kalsi-Ryan, Sukhvinder; Truchon, Catherine; Linassi, A Gary; Short, Christine; Tsai, Eve; Masani, Kei; Drew, Brian; Ahn, Henry; Sawatzky, Bonita; Dvorak, Marcel F; Alizadeh-Meghrazi, Milad; Stefan, Gabriel; Sumitro, Elizabeth; Garcia-Garcia, Martha G; Khan, Alia; Pujol, Clara; Casey, Alan; Laylor, Mark
19Mar-2021Accuracy of non-invasive body temperature measurement methods in adult patients admitted to the intensive care unit: a systematic review and meta-analysis.Cutuli, Salvatore L ; See, Emily J ; Osawa, Eduardo A; Ancona, Paolo; Marshall, David; Eastwood, Glenn M ; Glassford, Neil J; Bellomo, Rinaldo 
206-Sep-2021Accuracy of non-invasive body temperature measurement methods in critically ill patients: a prospective, bicentric, observational study.Cutuli, Salvatore L ; Osawa, Eduardo A; Eyeington, Christopher T; Proimos, Helena; Canet, Emmanuel; Young, Helen ; Peck, Leah ; Eastwood, Glenn M ; Glassford, Neil J; Bailey, Michael; Bellomo, Rinaldo